何を隠そう実はROBOT55もこのカルト番組の制作に関わっているんですが、かなり面白い番組がお届けできると思います〜♬ Continue Reading…
何を隠そう実はROBOT55もこのカルト番組の制作に関わっているんですが、かなり面白い番組がお届けできると思います〜♬ Continue Reading…
In my weekly chores, I produce and direct and make the playlist for a very popular weekly radio show on InterFM entitled, “What the Funday” (Every Sunday morning from 8 am ~ 11 am on InterFM) so I am constantly checking out about 30 to 40 new artists every week. So, I see lots of great stuff. Why not share them with you, dear reader? Yes! Why not?
This Week’s Top 3 New Artist Videos by Robot55 (pronounced: “Robot Go-Go” 「ロボット・ゴー・ゴー」) will showcase what I think are the best of those artists and their videos. So, without any further ado, let’s get into it, shall we?
#3) HAPPY FANGS – Raw Nights (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cRZM0DDGgYo&t=10)
I read a review of Happy Fangs that said, “A raucous force of noisy guitar and anthemic vocals that thrill me like the late-1970s sounds of X-Ray Spex, Siouxsie, & Suburban Lawns.” Boing Boing online zine wrote: “Happy Fangs is a war-painted and wiry rock trio. Rebecca brings her high-energy vocals. Mr. Cobra brings his grit-pop guitar. Jess brings her hard-hitting melodic beats.”
Wow! I like that! I just had to check them out. Glad I did! They are at this week’s #3 on the video countdown!
#2) Jordan Allen – Set in Stone (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CRkqHK9hErg#t=79)
Some people like to say Jordan Allen is somewhat like Jake Bugg or Alex Turner. I think Jordan Allen has more of that raw sound that I like. The amazing thing about Jordan Allen is that he isn’t signed to an record label! So, since Robot55 is always cheering for the little guy, here he is at #2!
#1) Findlay – Greasy Love (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_JwqRHE1Q2E)
Findlay is from London. Findlay is now getting a buzz about her and this great video. She was the opening act for Jake Bugg and performed to a sold out crowd at Dot to Dot 2013. This is Pop Music with an edge…. Because I’m such a wimp (and this is a family web site) I didn’t link to her other video, “Electric Bones.” See that one here: Findlay – Electric Bones (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LEWt2-3AO_M)
And finally, this week’s giveaway is Shonen Knife. This was shot in Tokyo and Osaka and the total budget was well under $1000! The girls were thrilled with the video and so were their fans!
Extra! Shonen Knife – Ghost Train (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Iyt6A1oefq0)
At Robot55 we make video productions for businesses and services and products, but we also pride ourselves on making videos for art and music. This video was made by the team at Robot55. Our starting price is ¥80,000 and we are sure we can work out something that fits your budget.
Contact us! contact@robot55.jp
ビデオ制作、格安ビデオ制作、ROBOT55, ロボット・ゴー・ゴー,
ところで皆様!最近(って程最近でもないですが….)facebookで勝手に再生が始まる動画が増えたと思いませんか? Continue Reading…
A still photo of Mr. and Mrs. Matsumoto who ran my favorite local fish store
(写真:格安ビデオ制作、ROBOT55, ロボット・ゴー・ゴー)
Good day, humans! It is I, Robot55 greeting you with 3 more helpful and free video tips on how to make your videos and home photos much better and professional looking.
Of course, many people will say, a great video comes from fantastic camera angles, beautiful people, and great music. But we might have a slight problem there. Most of us do not look like Johnny Depp or Angelina Jolie; we don’t play an instrument and we might have trouble getting great camera angles.
The last time I looked, I didn’t look like Johnny Depp (but thought I’d make quite a charming can of Campbell’s Soup – Andy Warhol would have loved me!) And I also can digitally compose music and my GPS system helps me to take perfect camera angles every time.
But enough about my robot perfection!
Well, at least for your camera angles and lighting, Robot55 can help you out there with our Free Series: Video Tips! Make Your Own Video For Your Business For Free! Part 2 (www.robot55.jp/blog/video-tips-make-your-own-video-for-your-business-for-free-part-2/)
At that article you can find links that help you to take better photos and videos in just a snap if you remember the simple tips. For music? Well, if it is your own business video being made yourself, you can make your own music or, just don’t have any music at all. That’s fine too because any video – even without background music – is better than no video at all! Please refer to: 90% OF ALL PEOPLE SAY A VIDEO HELPS TO DECIDE A PURCHASE! (www.robot55.jp/blog/90-of-all-people-say-a-video-helps-to-decide-a-purchase/)
… Oh, and speaking of Andy Warhol, did you know he was quoted as saying, “My idea of a great photo is one with famous people in it that is in focus”?
Indeed. Perhaps making great photos and videos isn’t that difficult if you keep in mind our weekly tips!
Today, here are three extremely simple and important points to help you make a video for your business, service, product or organization that is sure to increase your sales or profitability.
1) Keep your video short!
Research data shows that short videos are better for getting your message out than a long video. Why? Because people will not watch long videos – especially if they are watching on a smart phone or table device. Remember the old Shakespeare line from Hamlet: “Brevity is the soul of wit.”
How many times have you been to a meeting or a wedding where someone had to give a speech and they were boring and kept on talking and talking until you… ZZZZZZzzzzzzz…. Oops? Where was I? Oh, yeah. Keep it short.
For online videos on Youtube, Facebook or your company or business page, three important key numbers are “10 seconds,” “30 seconds”, “60 seconds.”
A ten seconds video? No. But that’s how long you have to grab the attention of viewers in a video marketing clip. According to research by Visible Measures, 20% of your viewers will click away from a video in 10 seconds or fewer. After that, you’ll lose about 1/3 of your viewers by 30 seconds, 45% of them by 1 minute and anearly 60% by 2 minutes. So it is obvious that your video should be 30 seconds to 60 seconds in length at the most!
Of course, with your business, you probably have several hour’s worth of great information that you want to share with your viewers and potential audience. But, keeping in mind Shakespeare, that means you have to give your audience the most important information they need within a few seconds. Brevity truly is the soul of wit. It takes a great mind and skill to create a good message in a short amount of time.
Catch your audience or potential client’s attention within 30 ~ 60 seconds and they’ll come looking for more information. The data shows this to be a marketing fact. See: More Data Proving That You Need an Online Video For Your Business (www.robot55.jp/blog/more-data-proving-that-you-need-a-video-for-your-business/)
Need help writing a short, but effective script? See: Make Your Own Video For Your Business For Free! Part 3 – You Need a Map: How to Write a Script! (http://robot55.jp/blog/make-your-own-video-for-your-business-for-free-part-3-you-need-a-map-how-to-write-a-script/)
2) Get Steady Images! Use a Tripod!
A good, heavy tripod will do more to improve your images than just about anything else in your arsenal. And make sure you have a good and heavy tripod. A, light, cheap, flimsy tripod might actually models do more harm than good. You definitely need a tripod for your opening scenes of your business or store (or outside in nature). You may think you have a steady hand, but nothing makes a video look more amateurish than a shaky image. And there is no way you can be more firm and steady than a tripod!
Beside that, how does a tripod help you? Besides holding the camera steady, a tripod allows you to free your hands and give directions or even appear in your own video. Also, when you hand hold a camera, as director, if you speak, your voice will be especially loud as you are right behind the camera. You do need good sound (see #3 below) but, standing behind the camera talking isn’t the way to do that. So always use a tripod!
But what if you don’t have a tripod? If you don’t have a tripod, then brace your camera on a table or a stack of books or some furniture. If you are standing, then lean against a wall or fence to get better support.
Here’s one quick tip for cheapskates (like me) to get great shots without a tripod; sit down on your butt. Bend your knees up and brace your elbows on your knees as support. Wallah! Instant Human Tripod!
3) Get better sound!
Well, one of the worst things about amateur videos is the sound quality. Now, since this is a series about making better videos for free, I’m not going to tell you to go out and buy a microphone for your camera. So, how to get better sound from the microphone that exists on your current camera or smart phone or table device?
a) First off, try not to speak while you are video taping with your camera. The sound will be terrible. The solution? Get close to your subjects and fill the screen with their image; and only have those in the picture speak. Get close! The in-camera microphones are built with automatic limiters so they capture all sound. If the subjects speaking are far from the camera, the limiter will increase voclume and you’ll get more and more background noise (cars driving by, city noises, etc.) Get your subject to fill the screen and speak, that way your microphone will allow you to take the best sound possible. (For more on getting people in the screen correctly, see Video Tips! Make Your Own Video For Your Business For Free! Part 2 (www.robot55.jp/blog/video-tips-make-your-own-video-for-your-business-for-free-part-2/)
Well that’s it for today’s free 3-point lesson.
Of course, if after making your video, you decide that you might want a little more of a professional video production in Japanese or English (or any other language) then please think about us at Robot55. We are specialists in 30 Second and 60 Second videos for all areas of business videos, restaurant videos, service videos, product videos and more. Contact us if you just want to talk about it (free consultations) and let us give you a free estimate.
Or if you have any questions at all about making your own video, feel free to write directly to me and ask away! I’m here to help you! Let’s have fun making videos and making more money for your business!
Email: contact@robot55.jp
For more free tips:
Video Tips! Make Your Own Video For Your Business For Free! Pt. 1 (www.robot55.jp/blog/video-tips-make-your-own-video-for-your-business-for-free-pt-1/)
Video Tips! Make Your Own Video For Your Business For Free! Part 2 (www.robot55.jp/blog/video-tips-make-your-own-video-for-your-business-for-free-part-2/)
Make Your Own Video For Your Business For Free! Part 3 – You Need a Map: How to Write a Script! (http://robot55.jp/blog/make-your-own-video-for-your-business-for-free-part-3-you-need-a-map-how-to-write-a-script/)
ビデオ制作、格安ビデオ制作、ROBOT55, ロボット・ゴー・ゴー,
でもこういった撮影はそれなりに財布にも厳しいんだろうな〜って普通に思いますよね? Continue Reading…
For purely your enjoyment today, here’s two animations by a guy I really like named Adam Pesapane who is better known as simply, “Pes.” Pes isn’t that famous in Japan, but he is well known in the animation world in the west. I love animation and have been a Pes fan for a while as his work is a bit “twisted” and I like that.
The first one up is called, “Fresh Guacamole.” It is brilliant in concept yet it seems actually no more difficult to create than the old “Gumby” or “Davey and Goliath” animations from the sixties. (I think – but, actually, what do I know?)
First up is “Fresh Guacamole,” a film that was nominated for the Academy Award for Best Animated Short Film. It is the shortest film ever nominated for an Oscar.
PES (born Adam Pesapane; May 26, 1973) is an American director and stop-motion animator of numerous short films and commercials. In 2013, his short film Fresh Guacamole was nominated for the Academy Award for Best Animated Short Film. It is the shortest film ever nominated for an Oscar. Receiving a B.A. in English Literature at the University of Virginia, PES migrated to film as a storytelling medium. His use of everyday objects and stop-motion animation to create original material is instantly recognizable. His work has been recognized in the United States and internationally, especially the short films Roof Sex, KaBoom!, Game Over, Western Spaghetti, and Fresh Guacamole. He is currently in development on his first feature film, a movie based on the Garbage Pail Kids franchise. An early influence on PES’s animation style is the work of Czech surrealist Jan Švankmajer.
Here is the now classic, “Western Spaghetti.”
OK, so, now that we’re here, might as well show you some of what Czech surrealist Jan Švankmajer created. Be forewarned, this can be a bit bizarre (and sometimes disgusting!) Here’s “Food” by Jan Švankmajer.
When thinking about making your own video production in Japan, sometimes a special, magical touch is to do some sort of animation. An extremely simple, but effective, animation can be done quite cheaply. As usual, though, it’s always a good imagination and a brilliant idea that cuts costs.
We at Robot55 pride ourselves on being experienced creators with a proven track record of working on and creating hit TV and radio shows, as well as commercials.
If you are thinking about an animation, why don’t you give us a shout and then, let’s discuss and get the creative juices flowing. There’s always a great idea that’s an inexpensive idea if we all put our minds to it.
Please contact Ken or Mike at our email address: contact@robot55.jp
Notes: Not to brag, but, in fact, Mike won first place for a film and animation he made in the Sophomore Class at the well known and famous Moorpark College where he studied Cinematography and Animation for two years under award winning cinematographer and Oscar nominee, Gregory Nava.)
I’d like to present for your pleasure and interest a Japanese World War II propaganda cartoon. This is a cartoon originally from 1943. Japan was still “winning” the war; a year and a half beforehand, the Japanese Imperial Navy had attacked Pearl Harbor. But by the time the full length movie came out, in 1944, things were looking deeply grim for the Japanese Empire.
In this cartoon, the Pearl Harbor event is re-enacted. The cartoon is called Momotaro’s Divine Sea Warriors. This is the entire feature length cartoon.
The cartoon is not nearly as bloody and gutsy as American animation was at the time, but you can sense the subtleties of the Japanese mindset and just how “dark” a society Japan really was at the time (I still think, in many ways, Japan is a very “dark” country… But that’s a post for another time).
In Japanese, Momotaro’s Divine Sea Warriors, is: 桃太郎 海の神兵(ももたろう うみのしんぺい)”Momotaro Umi no shinpei.” Interestingly, there’s an entire Wikipedia entry in English about it no less (saves me a lot of work!)
Momotarō: Umi no Shinpei (桃太郎 海の神兵, lit. Momotaro’s Gods-Blessed Sea Warriors or Momotaro, Sacred Sailors) is the first Japanese feature-length animated film. It was directed by Mitsuyo Seo, who was ordered to make a propaganda film for the war by the Japanese Naval Ministry. Shochiku Moving Picture Laboratory shot the 74-minute film in 1944 and screened it on April 12, 1945. It is a sequel to Momotarō no Umiwashi, a 37-minute film released in 1943 by the same director. It is black and white.
Plot: After completing naval training, a bear cub, a monkey, a pheasant, and a puppy say goodbye to their families. Like the prior film, the movie features the “Peach Boy” character of Japanese folklore. The film is about the surprise maneuver on Sulawesi island, depicting parachute troops’ actions. The monkey, puppy and bear cub are the ones that become parachute jumpers while the pheasant becomes a pilot. The whole movie also depicts the Japanese “liberation of Asia“, as proclaimed by the Government at the time.
There are some musical scenes. Of note is The Song of AIUEO (アイウエオの歌AIUEO no Uta), a scene where Japanese soldiers teach local animals how to speak.
Background: The Naval Ministry previously showed Seo Fantasia, a 1940 Disney film. Inspired by this, Seo tried to give dreams to children, as well as to instill the hope for peace, just as he did in the prequel movie, Momotaro’s Sea Eagles.
The Song of AIUEO (アイウエオの歌 AIUEO no Uta) is famous for being given a homage in the series Kimba the White Lion (ジャングル大帝 Janguru Taitei) by Osamu Tezuka (Tezuka watched the film in April 1945. He later said that he was moved to tears by the movie’s hints of dreams and hopes, hidden under the appearance of war propaganda).
For a long time, the film was presumed to have been confiscated and burnt by the American occupation. However, a negative copy of the film was found in Shochiku’s Ofuna warehouse in 1983 and was re released in 1984. A reproduced movie was later screened and the VHS package is now available in Japan.
So, without further ado, here is the cartoon Momotaro’s Divine Sea Warriors in it’s entirety.
If you just want to get the gist of the film, I suggest watching the first part and the very last part… The lunacy of war. Why do we do this?
By the way, the foreign soldiers in the final scene are British and not Americans… But the very last scene where the Japanese kids are jumping out of a tree onto a map of the USA drawn on the ground is, quite, well, “interesting.”
If your business doesn’t have a Facebook page, then you need to make one today. Why? It’s free for one. And a Facebook page for your business is a great way to promote your business, service, product or organization.
Did I already mention that it is free?
Nothing can beat free in my book when it comes to promotion!
All you need to do is to take 2 ~ 5 minutes a day to update your Facebook page and to connect with your customers and potential customers. That’s not too much, is it? Especially if you are a small business; just spend a few minutes everyday to promote your business instead of spending hundreds or thousands of dollars on buying promotion?
It’s your business, service, product or organization; your call. As for me, I’ll take free anyday. By the way, I gathered nearly 6,250 “Likes” on my program Facebook page in a year. If you make the effort, you’ll be rewarded. (Please come “Like” that Facebook Page. It’s for my radio show! https://www.facebook.com/WhattheFunday76.1?ref=hl)
It’s that simple.
There’s more! Facebook now has a brand new function that allows your video to play automatically if someone visits your page. The visitor doesn’t need to click anything! The video just starts playing if you embed the video directly into your Facebook page instead of just adding a link to a Youtube video.
I think this function is confusing to people if you have a bunch of videos on your Facebook page. But, say, if you only have one, it’s perfect! I highly recommend it!
We made a video production for a young couple who run a yakitori named “Flat” near my house. It was great fun making their promotion video, and Flat is the best Yakitori restaurant around!
In the case of Flat, there is only one video on their page – the one we made – so it is extremely eye-catching and effective. Here’s a screen capture of their top page on FB… (Go see the actual page on FB here: https://www.facebook.com/yakitori.flat)
And, if you just scroll down a touch, you’ll see the video embedded in their FB page. It’s like a TV commercial at the top of their page! AND if you click the “Keep on Top” Tab, the video will stay at the top of the page forever! Just what you want!
To see the actual video, and not just a screen capture, go to the “Flat Yakitori” Facebook page here: https://www.facebook.com/yakitori.flat
This video at the top of their Facebook page makes the page, “Come Alive!” It brings in more customers as people can see inside the restaurant and know what kind of people the owners and workers are. It is nearly perfect!
On a side note, I was watching the video earlier today and then I thought, “Someday, maybe 10 or 15 or 20 years from now, they’ll look back on this video and have fond memories of a great business and how the video WE MADE helped them to do a good business and make money; as well as wonderful memories.
Make your own Facebook page and make your own video to promote your shop, restaurant, organization, service or product.
If you need help making the Facebook company page or if you need help or just advice on making a great video by yourself or you’d like to discuss the best quality and price in Tokyo, feel free to contact me, Mike (or in Japanese write to Ken) at Robot55. We are at your service!
Email: contact@robot55.jp
*Oh, and please come “Like” our Robot55 Facebook page here:
*And, please give “Flat Yakitori” a “Like” too!!!!!
(Image at top is the first – totally ripped off design – of the robot for Robot55.)
May I brag? I’ve had so many people tell me that they love the Robot character we use for Robot55. Thanks. I made him myself…Uh, no… That’s not true. Ayumi, our president made him. Besides being a sort-of genius engineer and designer, she’s a mad scientist!
Since I can remember, Japan has always had a lot of robots (be they real, giant or otherwise) as well as monsters and ghosts. When I was a kid growing up in Minnesota, we always thought it was strange. I remember asking my mom (who was Japanese) why the Japanese had so many weird monsters and robots everywhere. It’s bizarre when you stop to think about it; Japan had lots of robots, etc. since way back when. Now, in 2015, Japan has robot restaurants and all sorts of funky aluminum creatures… And, as for monsters, I guess Fukushima Dai-Ichi could fit that bill.
How little did we realize when we were little kids, that this 60’s Japanese Kitsch was extremely cool…. How little did we realize that those toy cars made out of aluminum beer cans that came from Japan in the sixties would be worth thousands of dollars to collectors today. How could we realize, as little kids, how dumb we were? The robots, monsters and toy cars from Japan were waaaaaay cool. Us dumb dorky kids were the ones who weren’t cool.
I looked up some cool videos of the seminal Japanese robot character: Giant Robot. That cartoon was known as “Johnny Sokko and His Giant Robot” in the USA. I turned on this Youtube video link and watched. “Ah!” I thought, “I remember this TV show! His finger is a rocket!”
A minute later, my wife peered out of the dining room, when she heard the theme song of Giant Robo and exclaimed, “I loved this TV show! When it ended, I cried and cried!” (She started to cry right there too! She’s so sweet)
Watching my wife relive a moment of her childhood brought tears to my eyes! She reminded me of my mother; and, her emotions remind me, once again, just how romanticist and delicate the Japanese can be.
I love Japan and the Japanese people!
Here’s a trailer for Giant Robot…
… Maybe this is just one more clue into why the Japanese have a fascination with robots and giant radioactive creatures from space and the bottom of the ocean….
NOTES: Giant Robo first appeared in Weekly Shonan Sunday in 1967. The Giant Robo manga (comics) first appeared in a weekly comic book called Weekly Shōnen Sunday on May 1967. Written by Mitsuteru Yokoyama, Giant Robo tells the story of Daisaku Kusama, the titular Robo and an evil secret society known only as “Big Fire.” In October of the same year, a live-action adaptation premiered on TV Asahi.
Welcome back! This is Video Tips! Make Your Own Video For Your Business For Free! Part 3 – You Need a Map: How to Write a Script!” where we give you free simple tips on how to make better homemade videos for your business, service, restaurant, or organization (and even home and family videos!) We are going to help you each week correcting the most basic and common mistakes of homemade videos. So, in just a snap, you can make your business (or family videos) MUCH better by just keeping in mind every week’s simple 3 point lessons. These easy tips will greatly improve your video for business and all your home photos and videos of the kids and family too! So, let’s get started with part 3: You need a map: How to write a script.
In a post last week, entitled: 90% of All People Say a Video Helps To Decide a Purchase! (www.robot55.jp/blog/90-of-all-people-say-a-video-helps-to-decide-a-purchase/) we gave you important data and numbers on effective videos. One of the most important numbers was “10 seconds.” Here’s what the article says:
2) “10 seconds.”
That’s how long you have to grab the attention of viewers in a video marketing clip. According to research by Visible Measures, 20% of your viewers will click away from a video in 10 seconds or fewer. And it doesn’t get a lot better than that. You’ll lose about 1/3 of your viewers by 30 seconds, 45% of them by 1 minute and almost 60% by 2 minutes. And those numbers remain the same no matter how long the video is.
So, it is critical that the first ten seconds say what you do and gives a message that your potential target audience wants to hear. If your video isn’t sending it’s core message out in the first 5 ~ 10 seconds, then your viewer will click it off and stop watching. You don’t want that. But how do we make a good message in such a short time? How do we know what the message should be?
First off, remember the “6 W’s”
1) Who (Who are you?)
2) What (What are you selling, promoting?)
3) When (When are you open or selling? When is the event?)
4) Where (Where is your business, event?)
5) Why (Why is your business, event, service good or different?)
6) How (How can I do business with you?)
Then, with these questions in mind, think about your potential customer and what they want; if you are selling used cars, then a woman looking for a new dress probably won’t come looking at your site or video. People who might find you or your video are looking for used cars. So, knowing that fact, and that a video must be short, let’s write a script!
But how? Like this:
1) Hi! I’m Mike Rogers. President of Flaky Used Cars.
2) We sell the best in used cars for the lowest prices.
3) We’re open all the time.
4) We’re that big pile of wrecked cars you see when you drive by Farmer Wilson’s Pig Ranch.
5) We have tons of old wrecked and used cars that have been dumped here over the years.
6) We accept cash and credit cards. Come on over.
So, there is the basics for our short video.
But wait! Should I use this, in this order? Maybe not! Think again about your customers; what are they looking for? In this case, I reckon my potential customer would be someone looking for an old car chassis for a classic car or the bumper for his Ford truck that he wrecked last weekend.
So, we need to start with what the customer might be looking for. So, instead of #1 first. We should start with #2:
“We sell the best in used cars for the lowest prices.”
But, let’s go one step further and make it more appealing for our potential customers. Asking questions is always good. Let’s make that sentence a question for the viewer!
#2 “Are you looking for the best in used cars for the lowest prices?”
Ah! Now that is more like it! As a viewer, I know exactly what this is about in a few seconds. Perfect!
So, let’s continue by taking the sentences above and rearrange in this order (2-1-5-4-6-3):
2) Are you looking for the best in used cars for the lowest prices?
1) Hi! I’m Mike Rogers. President of Flaky Used Cars.
5) We have tons of old wrecked and used cars that have been dumped here over the years.
4) We’re that big pile of wrecked cars you see when you drive by Farmer Wilson’s Pig Ranch.
6) We accept cash and credit cards. Come on over.
3) We’re open all the time.
Get it! This is darned near perfect. It gets my message out about what we do in less than 4 seconds. If you can get this crucial duty done correctly on your homemade video for your business, then you are ten steps ahead of the game even if your competition spend ¥500,000 on their video: Because, no matter the cost, if you don’t grab your viewers within ten seconds, you’ve lost them.
So, please use this basic “map” above anytime you are thinking about making your own video. If you need help, please don’t hesitate to write to me directly. I’ll help you. No problem!
There’s a few old sayings I’d like to repeat:
“Failing to plan is planning to fail.”
“80% of success comes in the planning.”
Trust me this little bit of planning will save you much time and effort and is extremely important if you want to get the message out and grab people within the first 10 seconds.
Of course, if after making your video, you decide that you do want a little more of a professional video production in Japanese or English (or any other language) then please think about us at Robot55. We are specialists in 30 Second and 60 Second videos for all areas of business videos, restaurant videos, service videos, product videos and more. Contact us if you just want to talk about it (free consultations) and let us give you a free estimate.
Or if you have any questions at all about making your own video, feel free to write directly to me and ask away! I’m here to help you! Let’s have fun making videos and making more money for your business!
Email: contact@robot55.jp
For more free tips:
Video Tips! Make Your Own Video For Your Business For Free! Pt. 1 (www.robot55.jp/blog/video-tips-make-your-own-video-for-your-business-for-free-pt-1/)
Video Tips! Make Your Own Video For Your Business For Free! Part 2 (www.robot55.jp/blog/video-tips-make-your-own-video-for-your-business-for-free-part-2/)
Make Your Own Video For Your Business For Free! Part 3 – You Need a Map: How to Write a Script! (http://robot55.jp/blog/make-your-own-video-for-your-business-for-free-part-3-you-need-a-map-how-to-write-a-script/)
Video Tips! Make Your Own Video For Your Business For Free! Pt. 4((www.robot55.jp/blog/video-tips-make-your-own-video-for-your-business-for-free-pt-4/)