Welcome back! This is Video Tips! Make Your Own Video For Your Business For Free! Part 3 – You Need a Map: How to Write a Script!” where we give you free simple tips on how to make better homemade videos for your business, service, restaurant, or organization (and even home and family videos!) We are going to help you each week correcting the most basic and common mistakes of homemade videos. So, in just a snap, you can make your business (or family videos) MUCH better by just keeping in mind every week’s simple 3 point lessons. These easy tips will greatly improve your video for business and all your home photos and videos of the kids and family too! So, let’s get started with part 3: You need a map: How to write a script.

In a post last week, entitled: 90% of All People Say a Video Helps To Decide a Purchase! (www.robot55.jp/blog/90-of-all-people-say-a-video-helps-to-decide-a-purchase/) we gave you important data and numbers on effective videos. One of the most important numbers was “10 seconds.” Here’s what the article says:

2) “10 seconds.”
That’s how long you have to grab the attention of viewers in a video marketing clip. According to research by Visible Measures, 20% of your viewers will click away from a video in 10 seconds or fewer. And it doesn’t get a lot better than that. You’ll lose about 1/3 of your viewers by 30 seconds, 45% of them by 1 minute and almost 60% by 2 minutes. And those numbers remain the same no matter how long the video is.


So, it is critical that the first ten seconds say what you do and gives a message that your potential target audience wants to hear. If your video isn’t sending it’s core message out in the first 5 ~ 10 seconds, then your viewer will click it off and stop watching. You don’t want that. But how do we make a good message in such a short time? How do we know what the message should be?

First off, remember the “6 W’s”

1) Who (Who are you?)

2) What (What are you selling, promoting?)

3) When (When are you open or selling? When is the event?)

4) Where (Where is your business, event?)

5) Why (Why is your business, event, service good or different?)

6) How (How can I do business with you?)

Then, with these questions in mind, think about your potential customer and what they want; if you are selling used cars, then a woman looking for a new dress probably won’t come looking at your site or video. People who might find you or your video are looking for used cars. So, knowing that fact, and that a video must be short, let’s write a script!

But how? Like this:

1) Hi! I’m Mike Rogers. President of Flaky Used Cars.

2) We sell the best in used cars for the lowest prices.

3) We’re open all the time.

4) We’re that big pile of wrecked cars you see when you drive by Farmer Wilson’s Pig Ranch.

5) We have tons of old wrecked and used cars that have been dumped here over the years.

6) We accept cash and credit cards. Come on over.

So, there is the basics for our short video.

But wait! Should I use this, in this order? Maybe not! Think again about your customers; what are they looking for? In this case, I reckon my potential customer would be someone looking for an old car chassis for a classic car or the bumper for his Ford truck that he wrecked last weekend.

So, we need to start with what the customer might be looking for. So, instead of #1 first. We should start with #2:

“We sell the best in used cars for the lowest prices.”

But, let’s go one step further and make it more appealing for our potential customers. Asking questions is always good. Let’s make that sentence a question for the viewer!

#2 “Are you looking for the best in used cars for the lowest prices?”

Ah! Now that is more like it! As a viewer, I know exactly what this is about in a few seconds. Perfect!

So, let’s continue by taking the sentences above and rearrange in this order (2-1-5-4-6-3):

2) Are you looking for the best in used cars for the lowest prices?

1) Hi! I’m Mike Rogers. President of Flaky Used Cars.

5) We have tons of old wrecked and used cars that have been dumped here over the years.

4) We’re that big pile of wrecked cars you see when you drive by Farmer Wilson’s Pig Ranch.

6) We accept cash and credit cards. Come on over.

3) We’re open all the time.

Get it! This is darned near perfect. It gets my message out about what we do in less than 4 seconds. If you can get this crucial duty done correctly on your homemade video for your business, then you are ten steps ahead of the game even if your competition spend ¥500,000 on their video: Because, no matter the cost, if you don’t grab your viewers within ten seconds, you’ve lost them.

So, please use this basic “map” above anytime you are thinking about making your own video. If you need help, please don’t hesitate to write to me directly. I’ll help you. No problem!

There’s a few old sayings I’d like to repeat:

“Failing to plan is planning to fail.”


“80% of success comes in the planning.”

Trust me this little bit of planning will save you much time and effort and is extremely important if you want to get the message out and grab people within the first 10 seconds.

Of course, if after making your video, you decide that you do want a little more of a professional video production in Japanese or English (or any other language) then please think about us at Robot55. We are specialists in 30 Second and 60 Second videos for all areas of business videos, restaurant videos, service videos, product videos and more. Contact us if you just want to talk about it (free consultations) and let us give you a free estimate.

Or if you have any questions at all about making your own video, feel free to write directly to me and ask away!
 I’m here to help you! Let’s have fun making videos and making more money for your business!

Email: contact@robot55.jp

For more free tips:

Video Tips! Make Your Own Video For Your Business For Free! Pt. 1 (www.robot55.jp/blog/video-tips-make-your-own-video-for-your-business-for-free-pt-1/)
Video Tips! Make Your Own Video For Your Business For Free! Part 2 (www.robot55.jp/blog/video-tips-make-your-own-video-for-your-business-for-free-part-2/)
Make Your Own Video For Your Business For Free! Part 3 – You Need a Map: How to Write a Script! (http://robot55.jp/blog/make-your-own-video-for-your-business-for-free-part-3-you-need-a-map-how-to-write-a-script/)
Video Tips! Make Your Own Video For Your Business For Free! Pt. 4((www.robot55.jp/blog/video-tips-make-your-own-video-for-your-business-for-free-pt-4/)