All posts in “Rock & Roll”

TOP 3 VIDEOS for MAY 17, 2015! And Taffy!!!!!

Once again, it’s time for the Top 3 Indies Artist’s videos for the week of May 18, 2015…

But, before I get started, I’d like to say a sincere “Thanks” from Ken Nishikawa, Ayumi and me to you and all of those who came to our Robot55 Facebook page and gave us a “Like.” We really do appreciate it.

Two weeks ago, we had a little bit over 400 “Likes” and in the last two weeks, we’ve jumped (thanks to you music fans, musicians and your friends) to 570 “Likes.” So, once again, thanks so much.  The more people who “Like” our FB page, Twitter page or subscribe to Youtube, the bigger and better this countdown will become and it will be seen by more and more people.

On that note, did you know recent survey data in Japan of over 20,000 young people showed that: “…people 13 to under 29 …. only 11% had a TV in their bedroom; less than 6% had a radio (those must all be people over 25). But over 97% had a smart device or PC.”

What that means is that young people are not getting their new music from the radio or TV, they’re getting it from the Internet…. Duh! For more on that refer to: Data on Young People in Japan Show Extremely Difficult Times Coming for Old Media (…

But, enough of my yapping! Let’s get to the music!


OK. BORIS. BORIS as in “all capital letters BORIS.” Watch this and I’m sure you’ll say the same thing I did when I first saw this video, “Holy shit!” This stuff can peel paint! Here’s what Wikipedia says:

“Though relatively unknown in their home country, a recent series of reissues on US label Southern Lord Records has seen their popularity in North America increase dramatically, even gaining them widespread recognition in the mainstream music press…. Boris opened for Nine Inch Nails on part of the fall 2008 segment of the Lights in the Sky tour.”

A Japanese band opened for Nine Inch Nails?! WTF? Screw your head on tight, cause here they go:

#3) Boris – Statement

Next up is a band from Australia, that used to be called Brigitte Handley and the Dark Shadows (a band I fetaured on the Top 5 a few years ago. See that video here: but now is just called “The Dark Shadows.” German’s Static Magazine wrote: “Now it is time for something DIFFERENT. Take gentle and dark melodies, combine them with loud and fast punk rock, add some sound of guitars and believe me the result will throw you for a loop. You will find yourself in a delirium you can’t (or just don’t want to?) escape. That is The Dark Shadows.”

#2) The Dark Shadows – The Boy From Berlin

This week I was in a quandry as to what to do about our #1 song. But then my friend Gav, sent me this:

This week's Top Uk albums chart. What?! Eureka Machines at #3? Wow!

This week’s Top Uk albums chart. What?! Eureka Machines at #3? Wow!

Eureka Machines at #3? Incredible! OK, that’s good enough for me! You know, success can’t be argued with. These guys have hit on something so who am I to argue with them? Heck, if I knew what 17-year-olds liked, then I wouldn’t be writing these “Top 3 Videos” countdowns! If I knew what young people wanted to buy, I’d be a rich bastard living on a yacht in the Caribbean! But, alas, I am not. So back to the countdown!

At #1 is the new band, the Eureka Machines. They are a British pop-rock band from Leeds, West Yorkshire, who formed in 2007. The band is fronted by Chris Catalyst (of The Sisters of Mercy fame.)

#1) Eureka Machines – BRAINWAVES

Finally, this week’s オマケ!The EXTRA SPECIAL! And this is their 2nd time on the Top 3 and probably at least five times on the countdown over these past 2 years. Taffy is a band fronted by an amazingly talented singer named Iris. Currently they are touring the UK and will be in the USA so if you can see them live, do it. This band is going to be huge! Don’t beleiev me? Well watch the video and check their Facebook page, they have over 78,000 “Likes”!…. WTF??????

Taffy are the best band I have found in the last few years. A band like this only comes around once every 10 or 20 years. Check it!

EXTRA SPECIAL! Taffy – So Long


Well, that’s it for this week! See you next time.


Also these Top 3 Video posts are sometimes getting tens of thousands of hits per week. Need proof? Do a Google Search for “Top 3 Videos” or “Top New Artists Videos” and you’ll see Robot55 on page one blowing away MTV, Billboard Magazine, Billboard, Niconico Douga and all the rest.

If you like this countdown every week, please come “Like” our Robot55 Facebook page (or friend us on Twitter or subscribe to our Youtube page). Thanks!

If you like this, please “Like” the Robot55 Facebook page:

On Twitter, we are: @robot55video

Robot55 Youtube?:



Top 3 Videos for Week of May 11, 2015 and the Watanabes from Tokyo!

Top 3 Videos. The Top New Artist Videos for the week of May 4, 2015. –凸ko-d凹koi-may-4-2015/

Top 3 Videos –  New Artist Videos for the week of April 27, 2015 –

This Week’s Top 3 Videos (04/21/15) 〜〜ミュージックビデオも制作/

Top 3 Videos (04/14/15)

This Week’s Top 3 Videos (04/07/15)

Top 3 Videos (03/31/15)〜ミュージックビデオも制作/

Top 3 New Artist Videos (03/25/15) 〜ミュージックビデオも制作

Top 3 Videos (03/17/15) 〜ミュージックビデオも制作〜ミュージックビデオも制作/

Top 3 for the week of March 12, 2015 here: This Week’s Top 3 Videos #2 & the Sex Pistols’ Glen Matlock! 〜ミュージックビデオも制作 (

Top 3 for the week of March 5, 2015 here: This Week’s Top 3 New Artist Videos & Shonen Knife!〜ミュージックビデオも制作 (


At Robot55 we make Top 3 videos and Top 3 New Artist videos and other video productions for businesses and services and products, but we also pride ourselves on making videos for art and music. Our starting price is ¥70,000 and we are sure we can work out something that fits your budget. Oh, and we love making band videos too! Contact us!

ROBOT55 はビジネス、商業、製品紹介動画の制作のみならず、アートや音楽の映像も創っております。ビジネス動画においてはウェブ動画時代の到来に合わせ、お求めや すい¥70,000という格安価格より承ります。ご予算に応じて皆様にご満足のいく高品質動画を制作致します。勿論インディー・バンド向けPV制作も行っ ております。よ!



Top 3 Videos, Top 3 New Artist Videos, 格安ビデオ制作, 格安, ロボット・ゴー・ゴー,  格安, Top 3 Videos, ビジネスビデオ制作, ロボット・ゴー・ゴー, 撮影, 格安, ビデオ制作, 動画, 紹介動画, Top 3 Videos, ビデオ, 東京, 撮影,ビデオ編集, 動画制作, ROBOT55, Indies artists, Top 3 Indies Artist videos

7/22(水)コンピレーションアルバム“ニンジャスレイヤー フロムコンピレイシヨン『忍』”発売決定!




格安, ビデオ制作, 動画, 紹介動画, ROBOT55, ロボット・ゴー・ゴー, ビデオ編集, 動画制作, 格安ビデオ制作、

格安, ビデオ制作, 動画, 紹介動画, ROBOT55, ロボット・ゴー・ゴー, ビデオ編集, 動画制作, 格安ビデオ制作、




Boris、Melt Bananaといった伝説のバンドから、今をときめくThe Pinballs、更にハウス界の大御所、大沢伸一と鬼才が集まった文字通り奇跡のラインナップ! Continue Reading…

Thinking About Crowdfunding Your Project? A Few Questions You Need to Ask!

(Top: Photo of the shoot for the trailer for the Japanese Rock ‘N’ Roll Ghost Movie we are making…)


I am getting ready to launch a crowdfunding project for a movie. It’s an exciting time. As the time gets closer, and because I have ran a few Start-up companies, several questions have popped into my mind.

I’d like to share these questions with you, in order to help you, too, to run a successful Crowd-Funding campaign (if you ever think about doing that)… Or, at least ask some of the questions you need to ask so you don’t wind up with a problem later.

Until now, I have been involved with three Crowd-Funding projects; two for the “Children With Incurable Diseases” charity and one where I merely introduced a musician friend to a Crowd-funding site to help finance their next album. All three were “successful.”

And there’s the “rub.”

Let me explain; in the case of the children’s charity, we gathered money to donate to the charity and gave the people who contributed a magnet and stickers from our radio show. We didn’t create anything for anyone so there was no obligation from us after the funding campaign ended excepting to send out the gifts to participants. It was Crowd-Funding just to get donations for the children with incurable diseases and their families. I think we gathered 3 or 4 thousand dollars and donated it to the charity. Since there was no further obligation from us, it was simple.

Even if we had only gathered $50, it would have been “successful.” We only donated magnets and stickers that we gave away for free anyway to promote our radio show.

Early days of Crowd-Funding in Japan: Radio Show Crowd-Funding for Children With Incurable Diseases Charity

Early days of Crowd-Funding in Japan: Radio Show Crowd-Funding for Children With Incurable Diseases Charity. I ran the funding alongside my radio show and one of the biggest newspapers in Japan ran a feature on us. (Photo, left to right: Furukawa Taro, Me, George Williams.)


I understand my musician friend did well and finished their album. I merely introduced them to the Crowd-Funding site, so I am not aware of problems with payments, returning gifts to participants and the rest. But the musician finished the recording and the album, so I guess they were happy.

For my up-coming project, things are quite different and questions need to be asked.

For those of us doing Crowd-Funding for projects, I think a problem might come in that folks think the Crowd-Funding is for funding the project, and the project itself is a separate issue. I believe this kind of thinking is a big mistake; the Crowd-Funding must be considered as the financial issue involved with the project so it is at least 1/2 as important as how the finished project comes out.

Let me explain further; I have calculated that my movie project will require at least $60,000 (USD) to finance. Anything over that will go to making a more “gorgeous” film. Anything under $60,000 and I can’t make the film. This is a critical point.

All the Crowd-Funding companies have slightly different terms and conditions. It’s hard to navigate the ins and outs that set one apart from another. Rules vary from company to company and from nation to nation! So Caveat emptor (let the buyer beware!)…

After shopping around, I have had several meetings with the staff of the Crowd-funding company I plan to use and, from these meetings, I have figured out a few things that you (and I) need to know and questions we need to ask before we start any Crowd-Funding campaigns.

At my second meeting with the Crowd-Funding company, I told them that I needed $60,000. But they said that we should “‘Lower the target’ to $10,000 so we can have a ‘successful campaign’ no matter what.” This sounded good at the time, but the more I thought about it, the more I realized why this is a huge mistake and, if your project definitely needs “X” amount, you have to stick to your guns and make your target the same.


The Crowd-Funding company gets paid on all “Successful Projects.” So, if the target is set at $10,000, and we get $10,000, then it’s successful for them and they get their 20% margin no matter what. This is smart from their company point-of-view because they can get $2000 for their efforts even if we fail miserably to get the money we need to make MY project.

This is a huge problem.

Like I said, I need $60,000 to finish my film. If I get only $10,000, then I can’t make my film. Not only that, but I am out $2000 to the Crowd-Funding site and I then I have to return the $10,000 to the participants; I’m out $2,000 (or $12,000 – depending on how you look at it). So I cannot agree to any “Success Amount” under about $80,000 (because the Crowd-Funding site takes a 20% margin!)

This is what I need: $80,000 – 20% ($16,000) = $64,000. Anything else is a failure. If I make my success amount $10,000 and get only, say, $50,000, then I’m really screwed because the Crowd-Funding company would take their 20% margin ($10,000) but I’d be in a position where I’d either have to pay everyone back (and be out the $10,000) or I have to cough up the money myself or take out a loan somewhere!

No thanks!

If I make the “Success Target” anything under what I need (about $80,000), then I am out 20% to the Crowd-Funding site, and I may not be able to finish my project, so I’ll have to return all the money; not make my film and have to pay the Crowd-Funding company anyway.

That’s a huge risk that I just cannot take.

A “Successful Crowd-funding Project” must meet the amount I need to finish my project, not an arbitrary amount so that, the Crowd-Funding site gets their 20%.

Like I said, I’ve ran Start-Up companies so I understand the rationale as to why the Crowd-Funding sites would want to lower the “Success Target” (they get their 20% no matter what)… But it puts me and my project into a dangerous risk position.

This is the biggest fundamental issue that I can see with Crowd-Funding that, if you are thinking about launching a project, then you need to think about deeply. Crowd-Funding is a relatively new idea to raise money, and I like it. But I can see lots of trouble down the road for folks who set up their Crowd-Funding projects in a financially disadvantageous manner.

Please think about this issue carefully.

Other big questions that I think you need to clear before deciding on any Crowd-Funding company:

1) In the margin from ‘sales’ that the Crowd-Funding company takes, are the credit card charges included? Or are you responsible for another 5% (or more) for the credit card charges too? And what about “returns”?

2) What are your responsibilities for any projects that fail to be completed? In my case, I have a bunch of rock stars in my movie. What if one of them, or the main actor, does a “James Dean” and gets himself killed in a car accident? (Yes, yes. I know that’s why we have car insurance, etc…. But how practical is that that an insurance company would allow me to insure a musician because he’s in my Indies movie? Probably not too likely.)

3) How is the money disbursed from the Crowd-Funding company after the Crowd-Funding campaign is over?

3a) Do they pay you a lump sum before the project is finished? Or, do they offer a “loan” (with interest) to me until the project is completed? (If I were the Crowd-Funding company, I’d definitely do this loan business too!)… But, as the guy who ran the campaign, I doubt that I’d take out a loan on my money that was sent to me for my project and go into debt. I started the Crowd-Funding so I wouldn’t have to take on debt in the first place, right?

3b) If the Crowd-Funding company does 3a (above), then I would seriously consider making my own unique webpage and running my own Crowd-Funding project and keep the 20% (My friends, A.J. Vivani and Sean Springer did so here:!support-the-film/c1met)

4) Does the Crowd-Funding offer an easy to use list of everyone who donated money and their addresses, etc. (This is obvious, but you’d better ask. The first Crowd-Funding I did for the children’s charity did not offer an easy to use system so this drove me crazy!)

Well, these are all the main issues I have at this moment. I will write more as I dive deeper into this project.

Or, I might not. Today, in 2.5 hours, I have a meeting with the Crowd-Funding people and if we can’t work out details to make sure that I don’t lose sleep over night about this Crowd-Funding, then it isn’t going to happen this time… But, maybe next time it will.

Will write more about it again soon.

*If anyone else out there has had any experiences with Crowd-Funding, good or bad, please let us know in the comments section! Thanks!


At Robot55 we make video productions for businesses and services and products, but we also pride ourselves on making videos for art and music. Our starting price is ¥70,000 and we are sure we can work out something that fits your budget. Oh, and we love making band videos too! Contact us!

ROBOT55 はビジネス、商業、製品紹介動画の制作のみならず、アートや音楽の映像も創っております。ビジネス動画においてはウェブ動画時代の到来に合わせ、お求めや すい¥70,000という格安価格より承ります。ご予算に応じて皆様にご満足のいく高品質動画を制作致します。勿論インディー・バンド向けPV制作も行っ ております。よ!



ビデオ編集格安、ビデオ撮影格安、動画制作東京、格安ビデオ制作, 格安, ロボット・ゴー・ゴー,  格安, ビジネスビデオ制作, ロボット・ゴー・ゴー, 撮影, 格安, ビデオ制作, 動画, 紹介動画, ビデオ, 東京, 撮影,ビデオ編集, 動画制作, ROBOT55,



Top 3 Videos for Week of May 11, 2015 and the Watanabes from Tokyo!

Welcome back to Top 3 Videos. The Top New Artist Videos for the week of May 11, 2015. And do I ever have some hot videos for you guys and girls today!

First up today, or should I say, “First OFF! today”? Is a rock band from Los Angeles that’s been around since 2009. Wikipedia says,

“Off! was formed in Los Angeles, California in late 2009 by Circle Jerks/Black Flag singer Keith Morris, Burning Brides frontman Dimitri Coats, Redd Kross bassist Steven Shane McDonald, and Rocket From The Crypt/Hot Snakes drummer Mario Rubalcaba.”

The Circle Jerks were a seminal punk band from the late 1970s Los Angeles punk boom. So you know these guys aren’t youngsters. My band, the Rotters, played with them a few times. The first time was at Brendan Mullen’s “The Masque.” I think it was the Germs and the Circle Jerks headlining. We were one of the very first opening bands – you know, the cool bands start at 7 pm – we were on at 5 pm or something – and the only people there at that time were the cleaning ladies and the guys sweeping the parking lot.

This video is hilarious. It is the birthday celebration for lead singer Keith Morris’ 59th birthday. For that birthday, he wants the band to go sky diving. Jack Black stars as a hardcore deranged skydiving coach who takes the guys up in the plane. The trip takes a horrifying, gory and very bloody turn when the LSD kicks in.

#3) OFF! – Over Our Heads –

Next up is a new “Garage punk power pop Rockn’Roll” group named Titty Twister from Fukuoka in Kyushu, Japan. Titty Twister are: Howlin’ Kimiko on guitar and vocals, Dee Dee Kyoko on guitar, Maddaddy Shu on drums and Akichang on bass. Here’s their Facebook page:

#2) Titty Twister – Hibike

And, next up today is a “Punk/Rock/Stuff” band from Beaumont, Texas that we’ve featured before. Their name is Purple. They feaure;  Taylor Busby (guitar/vocals), Hanna Brewer (drums/vocals), Joe “Prankster” Cannariato (bass guitar). Here’s their Facebook page:

#1) Purple – Leche Loco –

Finally, today’s freebie. Here’s a delightful band from Tokyo, Japan named the Watanabes but with a twist! This is what Wikipedia says:

“The Watanabes are a Tokyo based indie pop rock band with members from the UK and Japan. Their jangly alt pop sound has drawn comparisons to melody driven indie acts such as Belle and Sebastian, Teenage Fan Club, Crowded House and 1980’s Liverpool band The Pale Fountains, while their lyrics often touch upon their experiences in Japan… their soft acoustic melodies make an easier comparison to other British bands such as The Beatles or The Kooks… The band are fronted by British brothers Duncan and Selwyn Walsh on vocals and guitar.”

オマケ!(Extra!) The Watanabes – Ice Age


Also these Top 3 Video posts are sometimes getting tens of thousands of hits per week. Need proof? Do a Google Search for “Top 3 Videos” or “Top New Artists Videos” and you’ll see Robot55 on page one blowing away MTV, Billboard Magazine, Billboard, Niconico Douga and all the rest.

Help us reach a bigger audience! Surely, this sort of Internet based countdown is the future of reaching a mass audience. Need more proof? Please refer to: Data on Young People in Japan Show Extremely Difficult Times Coming for Old Media (

If you like this countdown every week, please come “Like” our Robot55 Facebook page (or friend us on Twitter or subscribe to our Youtube page). Thanks!


If you like this, please “Like” the Robot55 Facebook page:

On Twitter, we are: @robot55video

Robot55 Youtube?:



Top 3 Videos. The Top New Artist Videos for the week of May 4, 2015. –凸ko-d凹koi-may-4-2015/

Top 3 Videos –  New Artist Videos for the week of April 27, 2015 –

This Week’s Top 3 Videos (04/21/15) 〜〜ミュージックビデオも制作/

Top 3 Videos (04/14/15)

This Week’s Top 3 Videos (04/07/15)

Top 3 Videos (03/31/15)〜ミュージックビデオも制作/

Top 3 New Artist Videos (03/25/15) 〜ミュージックビデオも制作

Top 3 Videos (03/17/15) 〜ミュージックビデオも制作〜ミュージックビデオも制作/

Top 3 for the week of March 12, 2015 here: This Week’s Top 3 Videos #2 & the Sex Pistols’ Glen Matlock! 〜ミュージックビデオも制作 (

Top 3 for the week of March 5, 2015 here: This Week’s Top 3 New Artist Videos & Shonen Knife!〜ミュージックビデオも制作 (


At Robot55 we make video productions for businesses and services and products, but we also pride ourselves on making videos for art and music. Our starting price is ¥70,000 and we are sure we can work out something that fits your budget. Oh, and we love making band videos too! Contact us!

ROBOT55 はビジネス、商業、製品紹介動画の制作のみならず、アートや音楽の映像も創っております。ビジネス動画においてはウェブ動画時代の到来に合わせ、お求めや すい¥70,000という格安価格より承ります。ご予算に応じて皆様にご満足のいく高品質動画を制作致します。勿論インディー・バンド向けPV制作も行っ ております。よ!



格安ビデオ制作, 格安, ロボット・ゴー・ゴー,  格安, Top 3 Videos, ビジネスビデオ制作, ロボット・ゴー・ゴー, 撮影, 格安, ビデオ制作, 動画, 紹介動画, Top 3 Videos, ビデオ, 東京, 撮影,ビデオ編集, 動画制作, ROBOT55, Top 3 Videos, Top 3 New Artist Videos

Data on Young People in Japan Show Extremely Difficult Times Coming for Old Media

The title of this post is misleading. It says, “Data on Young People in Japan Show Extremely Difficult Times Coming for Old Media.” That’s wrong; those hard times are already here. Have been for a while. It’s not going to get better, either.

I’ve written before about how the Digital Age would destroy TV. Today I met the president of one of the (if not the) largest internet companies in Japan, and he quite-as-a-matter-of-fact said, “TV and radio have no future.”

The data isn’t good for old media. When people under 25 don’t care about you, barring some sort of miracle, you don’t have a good future.

It’s that simple.

The data is shocking: young Japanese people today have a smart phone or iPad, PC or whatever in their bedrooms. But they don’t have a TV or radio in that same room.

I was shown data at another company that makes content for TV as well as other online platforms; they have seen the writing on the wall and are moving into digital rights management and programming for the internet. The survey I was shown was of people 13 to under 29 and it showed that only 11% had a TV in their bedroom; 6% had a radio (those must all be people over 25). But over 97% had a smart device or PC.

The Japanese youth market obsession with smart devices has even hurt automobile sales in Japan as the Wall Street Journal reports: “Reasons [for the drop in sales of automobiles] include higher gasoline prices and Japan’s graying population. But even more worrying to auto makers are signs that the downturn is part of a deeper generational shift among young Japanese consumers. Unlike their parents’ generation, which viewed cars as the passport to freedom and higher social status, the Internet-connected Japanese youths today look to cars with indifference, according to market research by the Japan Automobile Manufacturers Association and Nissan. Having grown up with the Internet, they no longer depend on a car for shopping, entertainment and socializing and prefer to spend their money in other ways.”

Give you one guess which devices occupies the vast majority of these people’s free time? Cars or smart devices? Oh, and by the way, one of the places that people most commonly listen to the FM radio is in cars… But young people are not buying those? Double Whammy!

Now you know why Japan’s Niconico Douga gets 5 million viewers for some shows and young people do not watch TV or listen to the radio anymore… The smart device is under their pillow or in their hands all the time.

Do you remember the Ramones song, “Rock N Roll Radio”? I remember it well. The lyrics went like this:

“Do you remember lying in bed, with the covers up over your head, the radio playing so no one can see?”

In 10 years, it’s going to say, “Do you remember lying in bed, with the covers up over your head, Smart Phone playing so no one can see?”

By they way, Niconico Douga is the #8 most popular internet page in Japan, above both Twitter and Facebook… Facebook is #9 and Twitter has dropped in these last few weeks to #11.

Tech site, The Bridge writes: “Niconico Douga quietly first emerged back in December of 2006… Since then, the site has offered many unique features to its users, successfully accumulating over 30 million users as of 2012. That averages out to a whopping 440,000 new users per month. The user demographic is mostly male (with 67% men and 33% women) and most of the active users are in the 20-29 age range (about 42%). There have been over 8.7 million videos uploaded to the site in total.

In general, the site is sort of perceived as a place for otaku who typically prefer anonymous communication. However since the launch of live streaming videos, people in the mainstream have also joined the site, including but not limited to politicians, idol groups, and music bands. Currently there are almost 100 official channels that live stream content on the site. What’s interesting is that Niconico Douga allows users to sign up using Facebook credentials, and that of course requires your real name. This may have been influenced by Ustream, which uses Twitter and Facebook for sign-in.”

Wikipedia states: “As of October 31, 2011, Niconico has over 23,690,000 registered users, 6,870,000 mobile users and 1,390,000 premium users.”

This isn’t really rocket science, folks. These facts and data do not bode well for TV or FM radio at all.

Did you also know that all smart phones have a FM radio chip built in on them but the makers do not turn it on because they have determined that there is not enough demand for FM radio? Did you know that all Japanese car manufacturers stopped putting FM radios in car as a standard item in 2010?

The writing is on the wall for FM radio. TV will take longer to collapse as Japan has an aging society and those folks watch TV.

So, TV will survive much longer, but it still has a demographic that is not good for future growth. In Japan, the elderly have surpassed the younger age group since 1997.”

Jeez! Rock and Roll Radio by the Ramones came out in 1980? That’s 35 years ago!!!??? Maybe Rock and Roll never ends, but Rock N Roll FM radio doesn’t look like it can make it.


Finally, this isn’t just a trend in Japan, it’s worldwide and occurring in so-called “wealthy nations.” Here’s information from the New York Times: “Over the last 10 years, the average share of Americans listening to radio at any given time has shrunk about 14 percent, or 2.3 percentage points. Teenagers account for a well-recognized chunk of that decline. But Larry Rosin, a radio consultant with Edison Media Research in Somerville, N.J., points out that college graduates are also far less likely to listen to radio than nongraduates, a gap that has widened with time.”

What conclusion can we come to with this information in hand?


At Robot55 we make video productions for businesses and services and products, but we also pride ourselves on making videos for art and music. Our starting price is ¥70,000 and we are sure we can work out something that fits your budget. Oh, and we love making band videos too! Contact us!




格安, ビデオ制作, 動画, 紹介動画, ROBOT55, ロボット・ゴー・ゴー, ビデオ編集, 動画制作, 格安ビデオ制作、撮影, 格安, ビジネスビデオ制作,  ロボット・ゴー・ゴー, ビデオ, 東京, 撮影, 格安,


ROBOT55がPV制作したSu凸ko D凹koiが東京ウォーカーで紹介されたど!



ROBOT55が3ピース・ガール・ロック・バンド、Su凸ko D凹koi(すっとこどっこい)の名曲「ブス」のPVを制作させて頂いた事にかんしてはもう既にこの場でご報告済みなのでご存知の方々も多いかと思います!


『ブス』 / Su凸ko D凹koi – 哭ける!名曲!


昨年もヒャダインX綾小路翔のテレビ番組『musicるTV第1回日本もし売れ大賞』の歌詞賞を見事受賞していましたが、今年に入ってからも多くのFM局で彼女たちの音楽がオンエアされたりして現在人気急上昇中のSu凸ko D凹koi。

今度は先日発売された東京ウォーカーのCDレビューで1stミニアルバム『一寸先は闇』が紹介されております!Rock ‘n’ Roll! Continue Reading…

This Week’s Top 3 Videos & Su凸ko D凹koi (May 4, 2015)

It’s time once again for this week’s Top 3 Videos. The Top New Artist Videos for the week of May 4, 2015. From a few weeks ago, I’ve been asking artists to send in submissions and I have been getting a lot. Thanks. Remember that if you hit this Top 3 Videos list, you also automatically get aired on my extremely popular morning show in Japan. WTF? (What the Funday). So send ’em in. (Please “Like” our radio show FB page:

I’ve been getting so many that I am thinking about making the Top 3 Videos twice a week; the weekday edition and then a new weekend edition, so keep sending in those Top 3 videos!

First up is Peter118. Peter118 is a guy from the UK named Peter Field. He used to be a bass player  in the punk rock band ‘senseless’ and has been in punk rock for 10 years.

#3) Peter118 – “Break ‘Em Out”

It’s now the Golden Week holidays in Japan so the entire country has come to a grinding halt. Well, so will you when you watch this next video. It’s Freak Show time folks! This next band are a bunch of guys from Hawaii including their lead vocalist, a crazy mo-fo named Robbie Quine, and the band name is the Barbarellatones. It is rumored that Robbie won the Miss Hawaii championship only to be disqualified because he was a half. Half what? I’m not sure. I think he might be half space alien and half meatloaf. But don’t let me influence you, watch the video and decide for yourself. (Warning: This video might not be safe for work, watching in front of your mother, or anywhere near “normal people.” If there is ANY RISK AT ALL OF RAISED EYEBROWS DO NOT CLICK ON THE VIDEO BELOW! YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED!)

#2) The Barbarellatones, Get Your Freak On

Keeping up the Freak Show theme, next up is a wild new group called, Du Blonde. Here’s what their Facebook says:

Beth Jeans Houghton was born in Transylvania to a pack of albino wolves who raised her on chewing tobacco and stuffed clams. Despite they’re hospitality, love conquers all and she soon eloped to scotch corner with her shiny new stallion peter Andre. Beth was his mysterious girl for as long as she could be, but sadly he yearned for bigger baps. taking the wrong end of his tanned stick she searched up and down the Parisian market stalls for the biggest loaf’s she could find, but alas, when she returned home, he was gone. He is currently residing somewhere in the vicinity Jordan’s breasts. Beth was gutted……Until one day, she was on a family holiday with her albino wolves in Buttermere in the Lake District. (Read more here:

This band is hot!

#1) Du Blonde – Black Flag

Finally, it’s time for today’s freebie. I’ve written about this three girl band before. Their name is Su凸ko-D凹koi (Su Ko D Koi). I saw them at rehearsal a few months back and liked them so much, we decided to make their promotion video. Here is that video!

This is the second time they are on the Top 3 Videos countdown. Today, they appear again because they were written up in a magazine called, Tokyo Walker.

Su Ko D Koi in Tokyo Walker - Su Ko D Koi in Tokyo Walker

Su Ko D Koi in Tokyo Walker – Su Ko D Koi in Tokyo Walker

Tokyo Walker is, by far, the biggest and most influential “Places to go and things to do” magazine in all of Tokyo (Gee, that’s well over 35 million households too!). I guess the people who write for Tokyo Walker saw the video we made of the girls (as well as hearing them on the radio) and liked it so much, they included the girl’s in this week’s issue in the CD Review section. Waaaaay cool!

She sings,

“Ugly, ugly, ugly, ugly…. I know I am ugly….

But, I got a boyfriend and we have been going out.

But one day, out of the blue, he hit me for no reason.

I woke up in the hospital and he had his head in his hands.

Then he was gone….

But, I finally was able to realize that finally, he treated me like a woman!

I was happy!”

Once again, this song’s lyrics are sort of like that old Crystals song, “He Hit Me and it Felt Like a Kiss.”

These girls are HOT! And they are happening now!

TOP 3 VIDEOS EXTRA! Su凸ko D凹koi – Ugly

If you like these girls, go check out their Facebook page and “Like” it! Su凸ko D凹koi – すっとこどっこい凸ko-D凹koi-すっとこどっこい/130909007016199?fref=ts

Well, that’s it for today… I’m expecting to start up the “Weekend Edition” of this countdown this Friday, Japan time, so, artists, send in your videos!

Have a great day!



Top 3 Videos –  New Artist Videos for the week of April 27, 2015

This Week’s Top 3 Videos (04/21/15) 〜〜ミュージックビデオも制作/

Top 3 Videos (04/14/15)

This Week’s Top 3 New Artist Videos (04/07/15)

Top 3 New Artist Videos (03/31/15)〜ミュージックビデオも制作/

Top 3 New Artist Videos (03/25/15) 〜ミュージックビデオも制作

Top 3 Videos (03/17/15) 〜ミュージックビデオも制作〜ミュージックビデオも制作/

Top 3 for the week of March 12, 2015 here: This Week’s Top 3 New Artist Videos #2 & the Sex Pistols’ Glen Matlock! 〜ミュージックビデオも制作 (

Top 3 for the week of March 5, 2015 here: This Week’s Top 3 New Artist Videos & Shonen Knife!〜ミュージックビデオも制作 (


At Robot55 we make video productions for businesses and services and products, but we also pride ourselves on making videos for art and music. Our starting price is ¥70,000 and we are sure we can work out something that fits your budget. Oh, and we love making band videos too! Contact us!


ビデオ編集,  撮影, 格安, 撮影, 格安, 格安, ビデオ制作, ロボット・ゴー・ゴー, ビジネスビデオ制作, 格安ビデオ制作、Top 3 videos,  ロボット・ゴー・ゴー, ビデオ, Top 3 videos, ROBOT55,   動画, 紹介動画, 動画制作, 東京,


Ben E. King / ベン E キング氏の想ひ出

2015年4月30日(日本では日付が変わって5月1日)、Stand by meなどのヒット曲で知られるBen E. King氏の逝報が届きました。




筆者はまだ東北の震災の記憶も生々しかった去る2011年の秋、ベン E. キング氏と新宿にあるヒルトンホテルで一度お逢いする幸運に恵まれております。 Continue Reading…

The Privates, The Neatbeats and Me – DIY: The Beauty of Doing Things Yourself

Top photo: Left to right: Me (Mike Rogers – drunkard), Ken Nishikawa (fabulous cameraman), Tatsuji Nobuhara (Lead singer of The Privates)


Today, I’d like to write a bit on the beauty of doing things yourself. The so-called, “DIY” philosophy.

I like DIY for several reasons. Firstly, whatever one does, when they do it themselves, it truly is a reflection of themselves and their heart and soul. Secondly, it is not some concoction that was made by some professional who makes things for people in an office far away; it is “Real.” Thirdly, because it was made by the people who really do have a vested interest in their product or service, it is much cheaper. Fourthly, making something for someone – whether it be dinner, a birthday or Christmas present shows true love.

Making things DIY takes heart, a dream, sweat and practice. Is this any different from starting your own business, club, restaurant, band, music or any other project? When you do it DIY it is true love and shows your sincerity much better than anything one could buy at any store!

Staff poses for photo after DIY event in Tokyo on Jan. 26, 2015. That event holds the record for attendance at that club. Tatsuji Nobuhara is standing in the back with the aqua blue T-shirt. Immediately behind him is Ken Nishikawa. Mr. Pan is the guy standing in the back with the brown hat. I'm wearing the stupid Dodgers baseball cap. (Photo by Osamu Arai).

Staff poses for photo after DIY event in Tokyo on Jan. 26, 2015. That event holds the record for attendance at that club. Tatsuji Nobuhara is standing in the back with the aqua blue T-shirt. Immediately behind him is Ken Nishikawa. Mr. Pan is the guy standing in the back with the brown hat. I’m wearing the stupid Dodgers baseball cap. There are several other famous rock stars in the photo including the 50 Kaitenz. Can you spot them all? (Photo by Osamu Arai).

I have a few good friends that always do D.I.Y. and that really impresses me. Today I’d like to tell you about them.

Two of my good friends have been doing their rock bands as independent artists for decades. One is named “Mr. Pan,” he is the leader of the band, “The Neatbeats.” They’ve been doing the DIY thing for more than twenty years and are very successful at it. They are big in Europe. And why not? They are the easily described as “The Japanese Beatles!” Watch this video and see what I mean. These guys are hot. Of course, this is a DIY video:

I’m going to be writing about him and the Neatbeats quite a lot, I think, in the coming months. We are making a rock and roll ghost movie together. Read about that here:

One other friend, who will also be in the movie, is a guy named Tatsuji Nobuhara. “Nobu” is what everyone calls him. Nobu has been the lead singer and heart and soul of a rock band named “The Privates” who have been around for more than thirty years. How do I describe The Privates for a foreign audience? Perhaps a “Japanese Buzzcocks”? It’s a healthy comparison. See for yourself:

Thirty years of doing things independently and making a good living at it; it’s the true “Rock and Roll” dream – and everything they do is DIY. They manage themselves and do all their own booking. Not only do they have their Friday, Saturday, Sunday and holiday schedules booked up with performances around Japan, The Privates and the Neatbeats tour the world too!

I think these two bands are an inspiration to us all! Really. Can there be any better way to really live the true “Rock and Roll Dream”?

The Privates 2015 Tour poster test

The Privates 2015 Tour poster test

Yesterday, we had a meeting about the Japanese Rock and Roll Ghost Story movie we are making. After the meeting was over, I asked Nobu what his plans were for the evening. He told me that he was going to some office and was going to design his posters and T-shirts.

This morning, he sent me some photos of the stuff he is making.

The Privates 2015 Japan tour T-shirt

The Privates 2015 Japan tour T-shirt

Wow! I am impressed! This stuff is so cool!

And, like I said, it is “Real” and it is him. His idea, his sweat and his efforts. He is creating a legacy for himself that will last long after he has died and left this earth.

Isn’t that what it’s all about, my friends?

Don’t we all want to make something to leave a legacy for our children and our children’s children? I know I do.

How about you?

If you are running a business or club, why don’t you start making all your promotional posters and logos and designs yourself? And how about making a video for Youtube to promote your business? Hate to sound like I am a salesman, so I’m giving you free professional advice on how to do so below.

“But, Mike! I am not good at design and art!” That’s OK. Then, when you do ask a professional to make your work, instead of just handing it off to them to make for you? Why don’t you ask that they, instead, help you and give you guidance? Or, you make the poster or art and then give it to them and ask them to polish it up for you? Then when the finished work is given to you, you really can say, “I designed this.”

It will be a reflection of you and who you are.


At Robot55, we make videos for businesses and services. We can help you to create something that is the real you. This is why we always try to make the proprietors of every business to be in their own videos! People no longer want to see an actor or actress (who doesn’t use your product or service or isn’t your ‘fan’) telling them how great something is; it’s not “Real.” But you being in the video, now that “Real” and it’s sincere. Here’s one we made (it’s in Japanese) and we insisted the shop owner tell his own story. This is fabulous! The owners tell us that their business is booming!

If you want to make your own video, do it. Here’s some free advice from me on how you can make a great video for your project for absolutely free!

For free tips on making your own video:

6 Easy Tips For Making a Viral Video (

Video Tips! Make Your Own Video For Your Business For Free! Pt. 1 (

Video Tips! Make Your Own Video For Your Business For Free! Part 2 (

Make Your Own Video For Your Business For Free! Part 3 – You Need a Map: How to Write a Script! (

Video Tips! Make Your Own Video For Your Business For Free! Pt. 4((

If you need any help, you know where to reach us. We gladly give out free advice…. But we mostly want to help you to create your dream. Contact me!


At Robot55 we make video productions for businesses and services and products, but we also pride ourselves on making videos for art and music. Our starting price is ¥70,000 and we are sure we can work out something that fits your budget. Oh, and we love making band videos too! Contact us!





格安, ビデオ制作, 動画, 紹介動画, 動画制作, 格安ビデオ制作、ROBOT55, 撮影, 格安, ビジネスビデオ制作,  ロボット・ゴー・ゴー, ビデオ, 東京, 撮影, 格安, ロボット・ゴー・ゴー, ビデオ編集, レストラン, ビデオ制作, 動画, 紹介動画,