All posts in “広告動画”






そんな僕、ROBOT55は何を隠そう大の芸者遊び好き! Continue Reading…

ROBOT55 格安動画講座 – 上手な動画撮影のコツ 其の六 – ウェブ動画最適の尺とは?








この時間は一説によると古代ギリシャの劇がほぼその位の尺だったからというところから来ているという事?! Continue Reading…

ROBOT55 格安動画講座 – 上手な動画撮影のコツ 其の五 – バズる動画の傾向と対策





そんな訳で本日は若干嗜好を変えまして「バズる動画の傾向と対策」と称し、一般的にどんな動画が広まりやすいのかを短く簡潔にまとめてみました! Continue Reading…

ROBOT55の格安映像講座 – 動画ってこんなに頼もしいツールなんだ!!



オンラインといっても楽天で物を売っているネット・ビジネスだけじゃなくて、実際に商店街でお店を経営していたり、個人事業経営をしている全ての方々が対象です! Continue Reading…

ニンジャスレイヤー(Ninja Slayer)フロムアニメイション、4月16日(木)23:00から放送開始!



何を隠そう実はROBOT55もこのカルト番組の制作に関わっているんですが、かなり面白い番組がお届けできると思います〜♬ Continue Reading…

ROBOT55格安動画講座 – 上手な動画撮影のコツ 其の四 – 上手な構成台本の書き方



今日はちょっとしたポイントを押さえた構成台本を用意するだけで観る人を飽きさせず、大事な事が伝わる動画が作れるようになるというところをお教えします。よ! Continue Reading…





でもこういった撮影はそれなりに財布にも厳しいんだろうな〜って普通に思いますよね? Continue Reading…

Need a Break? Watch These Three Fantastic Short Animations!〜面白い動画をご紹介


For purely your enjoyment today, here’s two animations by a guy I really like named Adam Pesapane who is better known as simply, “Pes.” Pes isn’t that famous in Japan, but he is well known in the animation world in the west. I love animation and have been a Pes fan for a while as his work is a bit “twisted” and I like that.

The first one up is called, “Fresh Guacamole.” It is brilliant in concept yet it seems actually no more difficult to create than the old “Gumby” or “Davey and Goliath” animations from the sixties. (I think – but, actually, what do I know?)

First up is “Fresh Guacamole,” a film that was nominated for the Academy Award for Best Animated Short Film. It is the shortest film ever nominated for an Oscar.

Wikipedia says about Pes:

PES (born Adam Pesapane; May 26, 1973) is an American director and stop-motion animator of numerous short films and commercials. In 2013, his short film Fresh Guacamole was nominated for the Academy Award for Best Animated Short Film. It is the shortest film ever nominated for an Oscar. Receiving a B.A. in English Literature at the University of Virginia, PES migrated to film as a storytelling medium. His use of everyday objects and stop-motion animation to create original material is instantly recognizable. His work has been recognized in the United States and internationally, especially the short films Roof Sex, KaBoom!, Game Over, Western Spaghetti, and Fresh Guacamole. He is currently in development on his first feature film, a movie based on the Garbage Pail Kids franchise. An early influence on PES’s animation style is the work of Czech surrealist Jan Švankmajer.

Here is the now classic, “Western Spaghetti.”

OK, so, now that we’re here, might as well show you some of what Czech surrealist Jan Švankmajer created. Be forewarned, this can be a bit bizarre (and sometimes disgusting!) Here’s “Food” by Jan Švankmajer.

When thinking about making your own video production in Japan, sometimes a special, magical touch is to do some sort of animation. An extremely simple, but effective, animation can be done quite cheaply. As usual, though, it’s always a good imagination and a brilliant idea that cuts costs.

We at Robot55 pride ourselves on being experienced creators with a proven track record of working on and creating hit TV and radio shows, as well as commercials.

If you are thinking about an animation, why don’t you give us a shout and then, let’s discuss and get the creative juices flowing. There’s always a great idea that’s an inexpensive idea if we all put our minds to it.

Please contact Ken or Mike at our email address:


Notes: Not to brag, but, in fact, Mike won first place for a film and animation he made in the Sophomore Class at the well known and famous Moorpark College where he studied Cinematography and Animation for two years under award winning cinematographer and Oscar nominee, Gregory Nava.)