Top photo: Left to right: Me (Mike Rogers – drunkard), Ken Nishikawa (fabulous cameraman), Tatsuji Nobuhara (Lead singer of The Privates)
Today, I’d like to write a bit on the beauty of doing things yourself. The so-called, “DIY” philosophy.
I like DIY for several reasons. Firstly, whatever one does, when they do it themselves, it truly is a reflection of themselves and their heart and soul. Secondly, it is not some concoction that was made by some professional who makes things for people in an office far away; it is “Real.” Thirdly, because it was made by the people who really do have a vested interest in their product or service, it is much cheaper. Fourthly, making something for someone – whether it be dinner, a birthday or Christmas present shows true love.
Making things DIY takes heart, a dream, sweat and practice. Is this any different from starting your own business, club, restaurant, band, music or any other project? When you do it DIY it is true love and shows your sincerity much better than anything one could buy at any store!

Staff poses for photo after DIY event in Tokyo on Jan. 26, 2015. That event holds the record for attendance at that club. Tatsuji Nobuhara is standing in the back with the aqua blue T-shirt. Immediately behind him is Ken Nishikawa. Mr. Pan is the guy standing in the back with the brown hat. I’m wearing the stupid Dodgers baseball cap. There are several other famous rock stars in the photo including the 50 Kaitenz. Can you spot them all? (Photo by Osamu Arai).
I have a few good friends that always do D.I.Y. and that really impresses me. Today I’d like to tell you about them.
Two of my good friends have been doing their rock bands as independent artists for decades. One is named “Mr. Pan,” he is the leader of the band, “The Neatbeats.” They’ve been doing the DIY thing for more than twenty years and are very successful at it. They are big in Europe. And why not? They are the easily described as “The Japanese Beatles!” Watch this video and see what I mean. These guys are hot. Of course, this is a DIY video:
I’m going to be writing about him and the Neatbeats quite a lot, I think, in the coming months. We are making a rock and roll ghost movie together. Read about that here:
One other friend, who will also be in the movie, is a guy named Tatsuji Nobuhara. “Nobu” is what everyone calls him. Nobu has been the lead singer and heart and soul of a rock band named “The Privates” who have been around for more than thirty years. How do I describe The Privates for a foreign audience? Perhaps a “Japanese Buzzcocks”? It’s a healthy comparison. See for yourself:
Thirty years of doing things independently and making a good living at it; it’s the true “Rock and Roll” dream – and everything they do is DIY. They manage themselves and do all their own booking. Not only do they have their Friday, Saturday, Sunday and holiday schedules booked up with performances around Japan, The Privates and the Neatbeats tour the world too!
I think these two bands are an inspiration to us all! Really. Can there be any better way to really live the true “Rock and Roll Dream”?
Yesterday, we had a meeting about the Japanese Rock and Roll Ghost Story movie we are making. After the meeting was over, I asked Nobu what his plans were for the evening. He told me that he was going to some office and was going to design his posters and T-shirts.
This morning, he sent me some photos of the stuff he is making.
Wow! I am impressed! This stuff is so cool!
And, like I said, it is “Real” and it is him. His idea, his sweat and his efforts. He is creating a legacy for himself that will last long after he has died and left this earth.
Isn’t that what it’s all about, my friends?
Don’t we all want to make something to leave a legacy for our children and our children’s children? I know I do.
How about you?
If you are running a business or club, why don’t you start making all your promotional posters and logos and designs yourself? And how about making a video for Youtube to promote your business? Hate to sound like I am a salesman, so I’m giving you free professional advice on how to do so below.
“But, Mike! I am not good at design and art!” That’s OK. Then, when you do ask a professional to make your work, instead of just handing it off to them to make for you? Why don’t you ask that they, instead, help you and give you guidance? Or, you make the poster or art and then give it to them and ask them to polish it up for you? Then when the finished work is given to you, you really can say, “I designed this.”
It will be a reflection of you and who you are.
At Robot55, we make videos for businesses and services. We can help you to create something that is the real you. This is why we always try to make the proprietors of every business to be in their own videos! People no longer want to see an actor or actress (who doesn’t use your product or service or isn’t your ‘fan’) telling them how great something is; it’s not “Real.” But you being in the video, now that “Real” and it’s sincere. Here’s one we made (it’s in Japanese) and we insisted the shop owner tell his own story. This is fabulous! The owners tell us that their business is booming!
If you want to make your own video, do it. Here’s some free advice from me on how you can make a great video for your project for absolutely free!
For free tips on making your own video:
6 Easy Tips For Making a Viral Video (
Video Tips! Make Your Own Video For Your Business For Free! Pt. 1 (
Video Tips! Make Your Own Video For Your Business For Free! Part 2 (
Make Your Own Video For Your Business For Free! Part 3 – You Need a Map: How to Write a Script! (
Video Tips! Make Your Own Video For Your Business For Free! Pt. 4((
If you need any help, you know where to reach us. We gladly give out free advice…. But we mostly want to help you to create your dream. Contact me!
At Robot55 we make video productions for businesses and services and products, but we also pride ourselves on making videos for art and music. Our starting price is ¥70,000 and we are sure we can work out something that fits your budget. Oh, and we love making band videos too! Contact us!
how can i get it?
Check out Youtube!!!!