All posts in “video production tokyo”

The Best Producers in Japan I Have Ever Met!

After more than 30 years working in TV and radio in Japan and actually being in the music business since 1978 (37 years as of 2015) and working with so many producers that I can’t count (nor remember) them all, I’d like to give a nod to the best ones I’ve worked with. There are five producers who I think were the best and they have really influenced me.

Mostly though, today, I want to talk about a producer who I think, for me, is the best producer I have ever met in Japan. His name is Motoyoshi Tai.

Why is he the best producer? Well, all five of these guys I know and who have inspired me make great productions; Mr. Tai has an extra “Sixth Sense” about him. What I mean to say is that he seems to never get mad! He has taught me patience! And for an obsessive guy like me, patience is important!

The other 4 producers who really impressed me over these nearly 40 years are; Mr. Mizuno, Mr. Shinya Ohta, Mr. Atsushi Uchino, Mr. Kimitoshi Takeyama. I wrote a bit about Mr. Mizuno below. Mr. Ohta, Mr. Uchino and Mr. Takeyama have impressed me because the productions they make are top quality and I really respect and trust them; everybody does. And are the most honest producers I have ever met… Trust me, there are LOTS of dishonest producers!

Trust is something that take a long time to get, but just one action to destroy. Those three guys are so honest, it is their sales and charm point. People will follow them. They all taught me well.

Mr. Tai is an extremely honest guy too but, for me, his advantage is completely different and on a more cerebral level. He is a different sort of producer. He has taught me the most useful thing of all, I’d say. I already know that being honest all the time matters. Mr. Tai was most impressive to me not because of anything in particular of what he does or says, but because of what he doesn’t do or say; Mr. Tai is sort of like a “Zen Buddhist producer.” He never seems to get upset and is always patient and calm and in a good mood; yet even when people screw things up, he gets the job done and done well. He is such a nice guy that it seems it is impossible to get mad at him. The guy NEVER gets upset, it seems.

This is why he has impressed me so much.

Let me explain:

I have been working on a program that is the “Set Program” with the smash hit animation of the summer of 2015 in Japan: Ninja Slayer from Animation. That program is called “The TV Show.”

To explain what the TV show is; Every week on the Ninja Slayer from Animation program, the famous Japanese rock band, the Boom Satellites, performs the opening theme. Also, for every week’s ending theme, a different, cool, underground Japanese band performs the ending song.

The TV Show is sort of a “Making of Ninja Slayer from Animation” program: We interview the gang who actually make Ninja Slayer from Animation and we also interview the artists who perform the ending themes.

The TV Show’s concept was like this: “Imagine if Monty Python hosted a musical artist interview show.” The show was wacky and had several corners inside to add to the “Monty Pythonish mood.” We are proud to say that our show is a smash hit and we had over 10 million viewers in the first 5 months.

In the blue boxes, announcements about The TV Show and "Over 10 million viewers in under 6 months!"

In the blue boxes, announcements about The TV Show and “Over 10 million viewers in under 6 months!”

The TV Show concept was created by me and Ken Nishikawa. Actually, Ken does all the hevy work, I sleep on the sofa during editing. Of course, both Ken and I come up with all the ideas for the show.

During these six months of shooting and producing the show, there’s been so many scheduling mistakes and problems. Mr. Tai is in the middle. He has to coordinate between the Ninja Slayer from Animation folks, a record label, a publishing company and me. And I am really stubborn when it comes to work.

There have been many times when I was upset about scheduling changes and demands from other parties concerning our show that I was pulling my hair out. Sometimes I would get upset and call Mr. Tai. But, no matter what happened, Mr. Tai would always calmly talk to me and clam me down and tell me that he’s discuss it with other people.

I often think he didn’t discuss it with anyone else because it seemed, in many cases, nothing would change.

This sort of thing happened repeatedly; I’d get mad, call up Mr. Tai. He’d calm me down and then we’d repeat the process again in a few weeks.

I have lots of other projects going on now, besides the TV Show, and all sorts of ridiculous things are happening all the time. I get absurd complaints from people that make no sense at all. The worst ones are from people who contradict themselves, but they don’t seem to realize they are doing so.

One day, when I was really frustrated with idiotic nonsensical complaints (totally lacking in business common sense) from people I work with, I wanted to scream. Then it dawned upon me; I thought, “How would Mr. Tai handle this?”

Why, he’d handle it with a smile and kind words and he’s not get bent outta shape. He’d say he’d try to do something about it and would ask other team members or staff what to do.

But, and this is the most important part; Mr. Tai would always calm the other people down who were complaining and that’s the key! Calming upset people down is an art form! Maybe Mr. Tai became this way because he has become legendary in working with many of Japan’s most famous artists and musicians, in movies and music for years! And we all know how difficult famous rock musicians can be! (Here is Mr. Tai’s Wiki page – sorry in Japanese only:

Getting mad or getting into an argument, no matter how ridiculous the other side is, won’t help anybody; especially in Japan!

Mr. Tai is a great producer. It’s not because he makes stuff like Steven Spielberg (maybe someday he will) but it’s because he has shown me the way to not go crazy in this business working with Prima Donnas and selfish crazy people.

Ultimately, Mr. Tai has taught me patience. He has taught me to not sweat the little things… Because, trust me, for a producer, there are millions of little things going on all the time. Mr. Tai has taught me to stay focused on the big picture.

And, for that, that is why I think Motoyoshi Tai is the best producer I have ever met.


*There was one more producer who really impressed me who I worked with about 27 years ago in the mid-eighties. His name Mizuno Kiyoshi. He was a “Take no prisoners” kind of guy. He once taught me that a good producer will do anything to get his hands on what he wants.

We sat in a coffee shop and he pointed to an ashtray and said to me: “Mike! If you wanted that ashtray and I told you that I would give it to you if you got down on your hands and knees and begged me. Would you do it?”

As a brash and foolish young man, I said, “No!”

Mizuno san replied, “Then you will never make a good producer. A good producer will do anything to get what he wants. A good producer would get on his hands and knees and beg. Because a few seconds of shame and embarrassment, means nothing when you get what you want in your hands and you have that forever.”

I know many people would find this sort of thinking distasteful. But this was, I think, the way producers used to be.

I have never forgotten that lesson. I have gotten many good jobs for my company talent because I would get on my knees and beg.

I’ve done it dozens of times. And everytime I did, the decision maker on the other side I was pleading with would say, “OK! OK! Get off your knees! We’ll do it.”

You might think I jest, but I don’t. People who know me well, know this is no exaggeration.

Mr. Mizuno was an old fashioned style producer: No nonsense, but I think if you weren’t careful and watched what you were doing, he would run over you like a truck. He taught me to be very careful.


Hey! We’re making a “Japanese Rock N Roll Ghost Story” Movie. The Crowdfunding campaign ends on Sept. 29, 2015. Please check out the trailer (with full English subtitles!) at the very top of this link:


At Robot55 we make video productions for businesses and services and products, but we also pride ourselves on making videos for art and music. Our starting price is ¥70,000 and we are sure we can work out something that fits your budget. Oh, and we love making band videos too! Contact us!

ROBOT55 はビジネス、商業、製品紹介動画の制作のみならず、アートや音楽の映像も創っております。ビジネス動画においてはウェブ動画時代の到来に合わせ、お求めや すい¥70,000という格安価格より承ります。ご予算に応じて皆様にご満足のいく高品質動画を制作致します。勿論インディー・バンド向けPV制作も行っ ております。よ!


ビ デオ編集格安、ビデオ撮影格安、動画制作東京、格安ビデオ制作, 格安, ロボット・ゴー・ゴー,  格安, ビジネスビデオ制作, ロボット・ゴー・ゴー, A Japanese Rock n Roll Ghost Story, Japanese, Rock n Roll, Motoyoshi Tai, Producer, Japan, Tokyo,ニンジャスレイヤー フロムアニメイシヨン, ニンジャスレイヤー

残すところあと8日!A Japanese Rock N Roll Ghost Story Crowdfunding Final 8 Days!



Our Crowdfunding campaign for A Japanese Rock N Roll Ghost Story is now down to our last 9 days. Thanks so much to everyone who has helped so far. There’s still a little bit of time, and we need all the help we can get.

Here is the English information page:




Let’s rock and roll! Continue Reading…

Top 3 Videos for Sept. 18, 2015! Fidlar, Jungle Giants, Su凸ko D凹koi and Barrence Whitfield

We’re back for this week’s Top 3 Videos! Our favorite new Indies artist’s videos for the week of Sept 18, 2015!

First up today at #3 is Fidlar. FIDLAR is a skate punk/garage punk band from Los Angeles, California. The band’s name is an acronym for ‘Fuck It Dog, Life’s A Risk.’ This is their latest single and it’s hot!

#3) FIDLAR – West Coast

Next up is a new band called, The Jungle Giants. The Jungle Giants are an Australian four-piece band. Rolling Stone magazine gave their newest album, Speakerzoid, 4 out of 5 stars.

#2) The Jungle Giants – Kooky Eyes

And this week’s #1 song is by a Japanese all-girl punk outfit who are definitely not strangers to our countdown as this is at least their 4th appearance in the Top 3! From Tokyo, Japan, here’s Su凸ko D凹koi (Su Ko D Koi – This translates into something like, “You’re stupid” or “You are useless” but not in a very aggressive manner…)

#1) Su凸ko D凹koi「店長、私バイト辞めます。」 (Store manager! I’m Going to Quit)

Finally, today’s freebie and it’s Barrence Whitfield & The Savages. These guys have been getting lots of airplay on my radio show and they call themselves a, “punk soul outfit.”

FREEBIE: Barrence Whitfield & The Savages – The Corner Man


Hey! We’re making a “Japanese Rock N Roll Ghost Story” Movie. Please check out the trailer (with full English subtitles!) at the very top of this link:


Top 3 Videos for Sept. 11, 2015! Texaco Leatherman, The Atom Age, Blonde Summer, the Routes!

Top 3 Videos for Sept. 5, 2015! Titty Twister, Potty Mouth, Palaye Royale, Plashments!

The Top 3 Videos for August 28, 2015! Glam Skanks, Messer Chups, Lillies and Remains, Tommy Henriksen

The Top 3 Videos for August 21, 2015! Hanni El Khatib, Louise Distras, Veruca Salt, Japan’s Own The Plashments

The Top 3 Videos for August 14, 2015! Messer Chups, Sir Psyko, Love Zombies and The Privates!

The Top 3 Videos for August 8, 2015! Surfer Blood, The Let’s Go’s, Bonsai Kitten and The Jigsaw Seen

The Top 3 Videos for July 31, 2015! The Havenots, Westkust, Kid Wave and the Mutants!

Top 3 Indies Artist Videos for July 25, 2015! Red Bacteria Vacuum! Perrosky! Rocket and the Atomic Stooges from Japan!

Top 3 Indies Artist Videos for July 17, 2015!




These Top 3 Video posts are sometimes getting tens of thousands of hits per week. Need proof? Do a Google Search for “Top 3 Videos” or “Top New Artists Videos” and you’ll see Robot55 on page one! blowing away MTV, Billboard Magazine, Billboard, Niconico Douga and all the rest.

If you like this countdown every week, please come “Like” our Robot55 Facebook page (or friend us on Twitter or subscribe to our Youtube page). Thanks!

If you like this, please “Like” the Robot55 Facebook page:

On Twitter, we are: @robot55video

Robot55 Youtube?:


 3 New Artist Videos, 動画制作、格安動画制作、ビデオ制作, 格安, 撮影,ビデオ編集, 動画制作, ROBOT55, Indies artists, Top 3 Indies Artist videos, ロ ボット・ゴー・ゴー,  格安, Top 3 Videos, ビジネスビデオ制作, ロボット・ゴー・ゴー, 撮影, 格安, ビデオ制作, 動画, 紹介動画, Top 3 Videos, ビデオ, 東京, Top 3 Videos, Top 3 Indies Artist’s Videos

Top 3 Videos for Sept. 11, 2015! Texaco Leatherman, The Atom Age, Blonde Summer, the Routes!

Once again time for the Top 3 Videos… The Top 3 Indies artists videos sent straight to you from Tokyo, Japan! We have some hot rock n roll for you today!

First up today is a band heartily recommended by my friend Bee Bee Clarke. Bee Bee has his ear to the wall in the Tokyo music scene and knows his stuff. He writes, “Texaco Leatherman … take what’s expected and fuck it silly before the audience.” Yeah. These guys are scary, like the Cramps!

#3) Texaco Leatherman – Jason Bill

At #2 today is a band that’s been getting lots of airplay on the radio show, The Atom Age. Their webpage says, “The Atom Age find their inspiration from the dust covered collections of unhinged 60’s punk and R&B, whose crazed energy was once misconceived as a better fit for your trashcan than for your turntable.”

#2) The Atom Age – Wasteoid

At this week’s #1 is Los Angeles Indie rockers, Blonde Summer. Rodney on the Roq has been playing them a lot, so what’s good enough for Rodney is usually good enough for me!

#1) Blonde Summer // “High Times”


Quick question: When was the last time you heard of Kyushu?

“What is a Kyushu?” is an entirely acceptable response.

Kyushu is Japan’s southernmost large island. Its largest city is Fukuoka. There seems to be something going on down there as we have been playing a lot of bands from that area. Namely, last week we had Titty Twister, and this week we have a band that I think is fucking awesome, The Routes! The Routes are down in Kyushu but they’ve been getting lots of airplay and attention in Europe and on my Sunday show. If you liked the Pebbles or Nuggets album series, you are gonna dig this!

BONUS TRACK! The Routes – Day and Night


Hey! We’re making a “Japanese Rock N Roll Ghost Story” Movie. Please check out the trailer (with full English subtitles!) at the very top of this link:


Top 3 Videos for Sept. 5, 2015! Titty Twister, Potty Mouth, Palaye Royale, Plashments!

The Top 3 Videos for August 28, 2015! Glam Skanks, Messer Chups, Lillies and Remains, Tommy Henriksen

The Top 3 Videos for August 21, 2015! Hanni El Khatib, Louise Distras, Veruca Salt, Japan’s Own The Plashments

The Top 3 Videos for August 14, 2015! Messer Chups, Sir Psyko, Love Zombies and The Privates!


The Top 3 Videos for August 8, 2015! Surfer Blood, The Let’s Go’s, Bonsai Kitten and The Jigsaw Seen

The Top 3 Videos for July 31, 2015! The Havenots, Westkust, Kid Wave and the Mutants!

Top 3 Indies Artist Videos for July 25, 2015! Red Bacteria Vacuum! Perrosky! Rocket and the Atomic Stooges from Japan!

Top 3 Indies Artist Videos for July 17, 2015!




These Top 3 Video posts are sometimes getting tens of thousands of hits per week. Need proof? Do a Google Search for “Top 3 Videos” or “Top New Artists Videos” and you’ll see Robot55 on page one! blowing away MTV, Billboard Magazine, Billboard, Niconico Douga and all the rest.

If you like this countdown every week, please come “Like” our Robot55 Facebook page (or friend us on Twitter or subscribe to our Youtube page). Thanks!

If you like this, please “Like” the Robot55 Facebook page:

On Twitter, we are: @robot55video

Robot55 Youtube?:


 3 New Artist Videos, 動画制作、格安動画制作、ビデオ制作, 格安, 撮影,ビデオ編集, 動画制作, ROBOT55, Indies artists, Top 3 Indies Artist videos, ロ ボット・ゴー・ゴー,  格安, Top 3 Videos, ビジネスビデオ制作, ロボット・ゴー・ゴー, 撮影, 格安, ビデオ制作, 動画, 紹介動画, Top 3 Videos, ビデオ, 東京, Top 3 Videos, Top 3 Indies Artist’s Videos

日本におけるクラウドファンディング、そしてJapanese Rock ‘n’ Roll Ghost Storyについて

(English version of this post here: You Have to Have Punk Spirit! Notes on Crowdfunding in Japan and A Japanese Rock ‘n’ Roll Ghost Story (

多くの方がご存知の通り、ROBOT55では去る6月25日よりJapanese Rock ‘n’ Roll Ghost Storyという映画制作の為のクラウドファンディングを展開中です。


現在制作準備中のJapanese Rock ‘n’ Roll Ghost Storyの予告編やメッセージ動画はこちらのクラウドファンディングのページでご覧になれます。

Continue Reading…

A Japanese Rock ‘N’ Roll Ghost Storyがまたまた取り上げられました。よ!






引き続きご贔屓の程、どうぞよろしくお願いつかまつります! Continue Reading…

The Top 3 Videos for August 14, 2015! Messer Chups, Sir Psyko, Love Zombies and The Privates!

Welcome! Hey! We’re making a “Japanese Rock N Roll Ghost Story” Movie. Please check out the trailer (with full English subtitles!)

More information is here:

Now, let’s get to this week’s Top 3 Indies artist’s videos! And you are gonna dig this shit! For some weird reason, the first three artist’s songs or band names have to do with UFO’s, monsters and zombies. I don’t know how that happened, it just did. Maybe we are heading for the Zombie Apocalypse?

First up? Messer Chups. Messer Chups is an experimental band from St. Petersburg, Russia. Messer Chups’ music often features a foundation of surf drums on which they build collages of samples from odd sources, like jazz, east European animation soundtracks, and American B-pictures. On top of that they lay guitar solos and theremin. Check it out. This is hot!

#3) Messer chups “Go Satan Go”

Next up is a Psychobilly band named, “Sir Psyko and his Monsters.” They claim to be Austria’s finest Psychobilly band and they formed in 2006. I guess they have a pretty healthy following in Japan too!

#2) Sir Psyko and his Monsters – “PSYCHOTIC CALL”

At this week’s #1 is a band that was sent to me by Kona Cindy! In fact, that’s two #1 hits on our countdown for two weeks in a row that were sent by Kona Cindy! (Last week was Bonsai Kitten!) The Love Zombies are a five piece band from London fronted by American singer Hollis J. There site says, “…(the) band mixes punk rock energy and catchy melodies with influences from The Ramones and Blondie to Paramore and No Doubt.”

#1) Love Zombies – Be Honest

And this week’s Bonus Track is by Japan’s own the Privates. The Privates have been big in Japan’s rock scene for over 30 years and they are still going strong. The simplest description that I can give westerners is by describing them as the “Japanese Buzzcocks.” Anyway, I went to a private house party on Wednesday night (it was a great party! Thanks Jyoti and Anil!) and had the pleasure of watch the Private’s lead vocalist, Tatsuji Nobuhara perform a few songs on an acoustic guitar. It was fab! This is one of the songs he played for us… By the way, Tatsuji Nobuhara is one of the main actors in a “Japanese Rock ‘n’ Roll Ghost Story” movie. You can see him in the trailer above or  by clicking here (trailer at top of page):

BONUS TRACK: The Privates – Just One More Kiss

That’s it for this week. See you next week!



Also these Top 3 Video posts are sometimes getting tens of thousands of hits per week. Need proof? Do a Google Search for “Top 3 Videos” or “Top New Artists Videos” and you’ll see Robot55 on page one! blowing away MTV, Billboard Magazine, Billboard, Niconico Douga and all the rest.

If you like this countdown every week, please come “Like” our Robot55 Facebook page (or friend us on Twitter or subscribe to our Youtube page). Thanks!

If you like this, please “Like” the Robot55 Facebook page:

On Twitter, we are: @robot55video

Robot55 Youtube?:



The Top 3 Videos for August 8, 2015! Surfer Blood, The Let’s Go’s, Bonsai Kitten and The Jigsaw Seen

The Top 3 Videos for July 31, 2015! The Havenots, Westkust, Kid Wave and the Mutants!

Top 3 Indies Artist Videos for July 25, 2015! Red Bacteria Vacuum! Perrosky! Rocket and the Atomic Stooges from Japan!

Top 3 Indies Artist Videos for July 17, 2015!

Top 3 Videos for July 10, 2015! Kill My Coquette, The Black Delta Movement, Palaye Royale and Japan’s Own The Villianz!

Top 3 Videos for July 04, 2015! Yak, Pins, Mirror Trap and Japan’s Own T-Jiros!

Top 3 Videos for June 19, 2015! Kid’s on a Crime Spree! Zella Day! Drenge! Tokyo’s Own Watanabe’s!

Top 3 Videos for June 19, 2015! Top 3 Indies Artist’s Videos!

Top 3 Videos for June 16, 2015! Top 3 Indies Artist’s Videos! Dog Party, Ex Hex, Taffy and the History of Apple Pie!

Top 3 Videos for June 11, 2015! And Japanese Rockabilly Band, Bobby’s Bar!

Top 3 Videos for June 5, 2015! And Japanese Punk Band, the 50 Kaitenz!

Top 3 Artists Videos for June 2, 2015 – It’s Girl’s Nite Out and taffy!



 3 New Artist Videos, 動画制作、格安動画制作、ビデオ制作, 格安, 撮影,ビデオ編集, 動画制作, ROBOT55, Indies artists, Top 3 Indies Artist videos, ロ ボット・ゴー・ゴー,  格安, Top 3 Videos, ビジネスビデオ制作, ロボット・ゴー・ゴー, 撮影, 格安, ビデオ制作, 動画, 紹介動画, Top 3 Videos, ビデオ, 東京, Top 3 Videos, Top 3 Indies Artist’s Videos

A Japanese Rock & Roll Ghost Storyが渋谷のライブハウスHPに! / A Japanese Rock & Roll Ghost Story featured on a renowned music venue’s website!

A Japanese Rock & Roll Ghost Story 予告編のライブ・シーンが撮影された渋谷のMilky WayのHPでクラウド・ファンディングが大々的に取り上げられています!

Our Crowdfunding campaign has been featured on the website of a venue in Shibuya, Tokyo, called Milky Way where the band’s live performance scene in the trailer was shot! Continue Reading…

Top 3 Videos for July 04, 2015! Yak, Pins, Mirror Trap and Japan’s Own T-Jiros!

We’re back for the Top 3 once again and I have a hot lineup for you today!

First up, check out a brand new band from London named “Yak.” Yak are on Rough Trade so they have an awesome pedigree. Here’s what the label says: “Yak return with a limited three track 7″ EP on Fat Possum. The singles shows all sides of the already much loved London trio Yak. ‘Smile’ is a slow and dirty seductive piece of garage rock stomp that builds and builds a la the Cramps and The Birthday Party whilst ‘Plastic People’ is a more uptempo and joyous pop number with Pete Murphy esque vocals on top of a pulsating rhythm section and explosive, ever-shifting and ever-escalating guitars. It’s effortless and uplifting.”

#3) Yak – Plastic People

Next up is a Manchester quartet that have been on our countdown before. This single is sold out!

#2) PINS – Too Little Too Late

At this week’s #1 is a band that just finished their show in St. Petersburg, Russia last night. Cool!

#1) The Mirror Trap – Killing Time

And for today’s freebie! Here is a new artist in Japan and this is hot. They are called the “T-Jiros.” I was told by my promoter friend that, “She is the best female vocalist in Japan.” At first I was skeptical… But wow! Check it out. I love this!

T字路s (T-Jiros) / 少年 (Shonen)

I’m making a Rock ‘n’ Roll Ghost movie.Check it if you have time. The English should be up on the site within a day or two.

Here’s the trailer: Japanese Rock & Roll Ghost Story Crowdfunding Trailer / 映画予告編&出演者からのメッセージ

Here’s our Crowdfunding site:

That’s it for today! See ya next time!



Also these Top 3 Video posts are sometimes getting tens of thousands of hits per week. Need proof? Do a Google Search for “Top 3 Videos” or “Top New Artists Videos” and you’ll see Robot55 on page one! blowing away MTV, Billboard Magazine, Billboard, Niconico Douga and all the rest.

If you like this countdown every week, please come “Like” our Robot55 Facebook page (or friend us on Twitter or subscribe to our Youtube page). Thanks!

If you like this, please “Like” the Robot55 Facebook page:

On Twitter, we are: @robot55video

Robot55 Youtube?:



Top 3 Videos for June 19, 2015! Kid’s on a Crime Spree! Zella Day! Drenge! Tokyo’s Own Watanabe’s!

Top 3 Videos for June 19, 2015! Top 3 Indies Artist’s Videos!

Top 3 Videos for June 16, 2015! Top 3 Indies Artist’s Videos! Dog Party, Ex Hex, Taffy and the History of Apple Pie!

Top 3 Videos for June 11, 2015! And Japanese Rockabilly Band, Bobby’s Bar!

Top 3 Videos for June 5, 2015! And Japanese Punk Band, the 50 Kaitenz!

Top 3 Artists Videos for June 2, 2015 – It’s Girl’s Nite Out and taffy!

TOP 3 VIDEOS for MAY 29, 2015! And Japanese Instrumental Band, Sawagi!

TOP 3 VIDEOS for MAY 25, 2015! And the Japanese Beatles? The Neatbeats!

TOP 3 VIDEOS for MAY 17, 2015! And Taffy!!!!!

Top 3 Videos for Week of May 11, 2015 and the Watanabes from Tokyo!

Top 3 Videos. The Top New Artist Videos for the week of May 4, 2015. –凸ko-d凹koi-may-4-2015/



At Robot55 we make Top 3 videos and Top 3 New Artist videos and other video productions for businesses and services and products, but we also pride ourselves on making videos for art and music. Our starting price is ¥70,000 and we are sure we can work out something that fits your budget. Oh, and we love making band videos too! Contact us!

ROBOT55 はビジネス、商業、製品紹介動画の制作のみならず、アートや音楽の映像も創っております。ビジネス動画においてはウェブ動画時代の到来に合わせ、お求めや すい¥70,000という格安価格より承ります。ご予算に応じて皆様にご満足のいく高品質動画を制作致します。勿論インディー・バンド向けPV制作も行っ ております。よ!



ロ ボット・ゴー・ゴー,  格安, Top 3 Videos, ビジネスビデオ制作, ロボット・ゴー・ゴー, 撮影, 格安, ビデオ制作, 動画, 紹介動画, Top 3 Videos, ビデオ, 東京, Top 3 Videos, Top 3 New Artist Videos, 動画制作、格安動画制作、ビデオ制作, 格安, 撮影,ビデオ編集, 動画制作, ROBOT55, Indies artists, Top 3 Indies Artist videos


Top 3 Videos for June 19, 2015! Kid’s on a Crime Spree! Zella Day! Drenge! Tokyo’s Own Watanabe’s!

Gaijin Gourmet: The Best Steak Deal in All of Tokyo? Aussie Beef Steak for ¥790 at Big Boy Restaurants

I have found the best steak deal in Japan. It’s at Big Boy Restaurants (Where they also have the most inexpensive salad bar in town – See: The Gaijin Gourmet: The Best Salad Bar Deal in Tokyo at Big Boy – My Favorite Rock N Roll Diner!!

The steak is a 120 gram Aussie beef steak that comes with potatoes, corn and string beans. You also have your choice of 4 different sauces. My son always goes for the butter and garlic. The entire set goes for only ¥790! At ¥120 yen to the US Dollar, ¥790 works out to be about $6.58 for a delicious steak!… And, in Japan, there’s no tipping either! Wow!

(¥790 for one 120 gram steak. ¥1390 for two of them. The prices in the red box are for the steaks with the salad and soup and drink bar. Incredibly inexpensive!)

I think that’s much cheaper than even in the USA. 

How do they do this great food at such a low price?

Delivered sizzling hot to your table

My son just loves this steak!

High quality cuts too. Not fatty. No gristle.

Can’t find a better steak deal in Japan!

My son loves that steak deal (Mom and dad will love the price!) Unbelievable deal! The rest of the menu is also filled with incredible deals; especially at lunch time… Oh, and the parking is free!!!

When folks from the west come to Japan, and if they are watching their budget, then Big Boy cannot be beat. 5 out of 5 stars for quality, cleanliness and price.

Check it out at Big Boy!

Looking for more great deals on cheap eats in Japan?:

Gaijin Gourmet – Hamazushi! Tokyo’s Best Robot Sushi!

Gaijin Gourmet – Sukiya! Japan’s Best Gyudon (Beef Bowl)

Gaijin Gourmet – Best Soba Chain in Tokyo?Yude Taro and ¥220 Draft Beer?!¥220-draft-beer/

Gaijin Gourmet: The Best Premium Salad Bar in Tokyo? – Sizzler in Setagaya

Gaijin Gourmet! Great Cheap and Delicious Soba in Gaienmae on Ginza Line!

The Gaijin Gourmet: The Best Salad Bar Deal in Tokyo at Big Boy – My Favorite Rock N Roll Diner!!

Tokyo’s Best Cheap Sushi is in Okachimachi!? 東京の一番安くて美味しい寿司屋?御徒町にあるの?

The Gaijin Gourmet: Soba Wars At Hanzomon Station in Tokyo


At Robot55 we make video productions for businesses and services and products, but we also pride ourselves on making videos for art and music. Our starting price is ¥70,000 and we are sure we can work out something that fits your budget. Oh, and we love making band videos too! Contact us!

ROBOT55 はビジネス、商業、製品紹介動画の制作のみならず、アートや音楽の映像も創っております。ビジネス動画においてはウェブ動画時代の到来に合わせ、お求めや すい¥70,000という格安価格より承ります。ご予算に応じて皆様にご満足のいく高品質動画を制作致します。勿論インディー・バンド向けPV制作も行っ ております。よ!


Gaijin Gourmet, ビデオ編集格安、ビデオ撮影格安、動画制作東京、格安ビデオ制作, 格安, ロボット・ゴー・ゴー,  格安, ビジネスビデオ制作, ロボット・ゴー・ゴー, Delicious places to eat in Tokyo, Cheap places to eat in Tokyo, Healthy, cheap, inexpensive food, Tokyo dining