It’s time once again for the Top 3 Videos! The best of the Top 3 Indies Band videos for August 13, 2016!
And at #3 this week is the newest sensation from Brighton England. A female fronted 4-piece named Blood Honey and they are coming to Japan! They are performing at the Astro Hall in Harajuku on August 19th and appearing at Summersonic that weekend with The Mirror Trap!!!! See them before they become big!
The Black Honey with The Mirror Trap club show will be @ the Astro Hall in Harajuku Tokyo on Friday August 19th. For more information see:
Black Honey describe themselves as a, “60’s alternative female fronted indie psychedelic rock chick band from Brighton.” They are cool.
Oh, and here is the FB page for Black Honey:
#3) Black Honey – Bloodlust
At #2 is a mysterious band that I stumbled upon while collecting records for weirdos at the last record collectors fair. Didn’t know if I should put it in the Top 3 or in the “Cool & Strange Music” countdown so I thought, “Why not both?” They call themselves, “Rock ‘n’ Roll Monkey & the Robots.” They describe themselves as a “60s garage, rock, rockabilly, garage punk, surf band from Detroit.” Here is their FB page. Go be the first one on your block to go and “Like” it:
#2) Rock ‘n’ Roll Monkey & the Robots – “I Like To Go Man Go”
At #1 is the mighty Mirror Trap from Scotland with their newest video hot off the presses. And guess what? The Mirror Trap are coming to Japan too. In fact, they will be performing with this week’s #3 artist, Black Honey, at the Astro Hall in Harajuku on August 19th and appearing at Summersonic that weekend. This show will become legendary! See them before they become big!
TheMirror Trap with Black Honey show will be @ the Astro Hall in Harajuku Tokyo on Friday August 19th. For more information see:
I’ll be there. I hope to see you there too!
#1) The Mirror Trap – Under The Glass Towers
SPOTLIGHT ARTIST! Today’s Spotlight Artist is a Japanese Punk/Garage outfit that cracks me up. They are 6 crazy mo-fos that put on a wild rock n roll show. They kind of remind me of an Iggy and the Stooges on Spam. They’ve been around since 2011 and they are from Tokyo, Japan. Their name is Spam69.

Spam 69
OK. I have to explain. English speaking people will think this name is “Spam sixty-nine,” (which is also a great name), but the name of the band is, “Spam Rock.” You see, the numbers “69” are read in Japanese as, “Ro Ku.” Get it? “Roku,” “Rock.” I love these guys balls out attack on rock music as well as their sense of humor. Here is their FB page:
SPOTLIGHT ARTIST! Spam69 – Fuck You, Fuck Me –
Well that’s it for today. See you next week – Mike in Tokyo Rogers
Top 3 Videos for Aug. 6, 2016! The Whereabouts, Guitarwolf, Mirror Trap, Dog Party!
Top 3 Videos for July 31, 2016! Ginger Wildheart, myeahns (Japan), Deap Vally, Julie Ruin!
Top 3 Videos for July 19, 2016! The Mirror Trap, Black Honey, The Coathangers!
Top 3 Videos for June 25, 2016! Kill My Coquette, Rat Boy, Van T’s, Let’s Go’s (Japan)!
Top 3 Videos for June 25, 2016! Richie Ramone, Rangsteen (Japan), Angelic Milk, Mommy Long Legs!
Top 3 Videos for June 18, 2016! Frankie and the Studs, Su Ko D Koi (Japan), Creeping Ivies, Dressy Bessy!
Top 3 Videos for June 5, 2016! Wendy James, The 50 Kaitenz, The Sloths, John No Arms!
Top 3 Videos for May 21, 2016! The Routes (Japan), Wendy James, Parquet Courts, Jack Torera!
Top 3 Videos for May 14, 2016! The Mirror Trap! Shonen Knife, Lucy’s Crown, Peter118!
Top 3 Videos for April 30, 2016! Mitski, Skating Polly, Palaye Royale, Japan’s own Molice!
Top 3 Videos for April 23, 2016! Frankie Cosmos, Bleached, Dog Party and Japan’s Count Phantom!
Top 3 Videos for April 17, 2016! Japanese Punk Bands! The Privates, Moja, Su Ko D Koi, The Soap!
These Top 3 Video posts are sometimes getting tens of thousands of hits per week. Need proof? Do a Google Search for “Top 3 Videos” or “Top New Artists Videos” and you’ll see Robot55 on page one! blowing away MTV, Billboard Magazine, Billboard, Niconico Douga and all the rest.
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