All posts in “動画制作”

Gaijin Gourmet – Sukiya! Japan’s Best Gyudon (Beef Bowl)

It’s time for another installment of the world famous (and Original) Gaijin Gourmet. Today I simply must introduce to you good folks a chain restaurant in Japan that, if you are traveling here on a budget and with kids, you’ll want to know about.

The restaurant is Sukiya. Sukiya has almost 2000 shops in Japan so they are everywhere you are. And most Sukiya shops are open 24 hours a day. The only shop that has more restaurants is McBurgers, but I don’t have to introduce them to you. A few reasons: 1) McBurgers is not healthy. You don’t want your kids, or yourself, to be eating that stuff. 2) Sukiya has an extremely healthy menu with lots of very reasonably priced and delicious items. 3) The kids love Sukiya!

Sukiya is a “Gyudon” chain. That means they specialize in serving some cooked meats on a bed of rice. It’s delicious and the price will drop your jaw. Since I am watching my weight, whenever I go to Sukiya, I always order the salad (there’s no salt or dressing on it, you add those yourself if you wish) and the “Healthy Gyudon” (that is called, “Gyudon Light” on the menu.) It is “light” because the calories are so low because this delicious menu item has a block of Tofu instead of the rice.

Sukiya is the ultimate answer to travelers on a budget who want to eat healthy and food that is not full of salt and oil. I give Sukiya 5+ stars. Seriously, I think you can’t beat them for taste, quality, cleanliness and price. A high quality, healthy and (Japanese style) low calorie meal can be had for as little as ¥380.

I usually order Gyudon Light (¥380 yen) and a salad (¥100) and drink the tea (free). I’m happy, I’ve eaten healthy and the damages? ¥480. Are you sitting down? That’s about $4 USD and THERE IS NO TIPPING!

Sukiya is the best. Check the photos and you be the judge.

Inside of Sukiya at Kamiyacho in downtown Tokyo. This restaurant is fine to bring the entire family to. Clean and the service is fantastic (of course, this is Japan).

Inside of Sukiya. This restaurant is fine to bring the entire family to.

This is the Sukiya at Kita-sando that I usually go to. All smaller Sukiya restaurants also have counter seating and usually tables for 4 counter

Smaller Sukiya restaurants also have counter seating and usually tables for 4 counter

Do you like to drink beer? Of course you do. My mates and I often go to Sukiya to drink and eat little snacks. There’s no tipping, no table charge and there’s a BUNCH of great ¥100 (about $0.80 USD) things on the menu at go well with beer. The other day, three of us went there and had a few beers and some tofu and snacks. The damages? ¥1680 (about $14 USD). Where in the world can you have a few beers with friend for only $14.00?

sukiya set menu

Tons of different items on the set menus to choose from.

Sukiya morning set with baked salmon, rice, raw egg, pickled vegetables and miso soup. I can eat this everyday.

Sukiya morning set with baked salmon, rice, raw egg, pickled vegetables and miso soup. I can eat this everyday.

The ultimate breakfast set. Baked Salmon, rice, raw egg, pickled vegetables and miso soup. ¥380 yen!? (about $3.16!!!!). I could eat this everyday!

Sukiya Gyudon (Beef Bowl)

They’ve got all sorts of varieties of Gyudon.

Sukiya Cheese Topping Gyudon (Cheese covered Gyudon) My favorite!

Sukiya Cheese Topping Gyudon (Cheese covered Gyudon) My favorite!

My girls all seem to love the cheese topping gyudon best… Oh, don’t worry if you can’t read the menu… Just point at the photos in the menu to the pretty waitress!

Sukiya Raw Tuna sliced on a bed of rice bowl

Sukiya Raw Tuna sliced on a bed of rice bowl

One other thing I like to eat that is also really healthy is the sliced raw tuna on a bed of rice “Don.” Besides this item, there’s a bunch of things on the menu that will satify the vegetarian in our midst. In fact, my best friend, Ken, is a vegetarian and he likes Sukiya A LOT!

Sukiya Curry rice

Of course, there’s also the Sukiya Curry rice!

Sukiya Kids menu

Sukiya Kids menu

Gots kids who are picky eaters? TELL ME ABOUT IT! My son hates going out to eat, but he likes Sukiya. Any kid that likes beef or pork, will dig this restaurant.

Like I said, folks, if you are traveling to Japan and on a budget, then DEFINITELY the default restaurant for you, for healthy, safe, quality and delicious food is Sukiya.

Tell them that the “Gaijin Gourmet” sent you and they’ll probably give you some free strange looks and faces of confusion!



Looking for more great deals on cheap eats in Japan?:

Gaijin Gourmet – Best Soba Chain in Tokyo?Yude Taro and ¥220 Draft Beer?!¥220-draft-beer/

Gaijin Gourmet: The Best Premium Salad Bar in Tokyo? – Sizzler in Setagaya

Gaijin Gourmet! Great Cheap and Delicious Soba in Gaienmae on Ginza Line!

The Gaijin Gourmet: The Best Salad Bar Deal in Tokyo at Big Boy – My Favorite Rock N Roll Diner!!

Tokyo’s Best Cheap Sushi is in Okachimachi!? 東京の一番安くて美味しい寿司屋?御徒町にあるの?

The Gaijin Gourmet: Soba Wars At Hanzomon Station in Tokyo


At Robot55 we make video productions for businesses and services and products, but we also pride ourselves on making videos for art and music. Our starting price is ¥70,000 and we are sure we can work out something that fits your budget. Oh, and we love making band videos too! Contact us!

ROBOT55 はビジネス、商業、製品紹介動画の制作のみならず、アートや音楽の映像も創っております。ビジネス動画においてはウェブ動画時代の到来に合わせ、お求めや すい¥70,000という格安価格より承ります。ご予算に応じて皆様にご満足のいく高品質動画を制作致します。勿論インディー・バンド向けPV制作も行っ ております。よ!


Gaijin Gourmet, ビ デオ編集格安、ビデオ撮影格安、動画制作東京、格安ビデオ制作, 格安, ロボット・ゴー・ゴー,  格安, ビジネスビデオ制作, ロボット・ゴー・ゴー, Delicious places to eat in Tokyo, Cheap places to eat in Tokyo, Healthy, cheap, inexpensive food, tokyo dining

追加情報 – 世紀の迷作『KUNG FURY』日本語字幕版はコチラ!





そんな中、日曜日に当ブログでご紹介して大反響だったスウェーデン発の世紀の迷作『KUNG FURY』の日本語字幕版が何と早くもアップされております!

「な〜んだ、日本語字幕ないんだ….」と萎えてしまっていた貴兄も是非この機会に驚愕の80年代バイオレンス・SF・カンフー・アクション・コメディをお楽しみ下さい〜♬ Continue Reading…

Top 3 Artists Videos for June 8, 2015 & Girlpool!

Shit! It’s a Monday! I hate Mondays! The only good thing about Mondays is the Top 3 Video Countdown. Let’s get rockin’!

Oh my god! The first band up today is the New Piccadillys. This band is hot! The Piccadillys are “Shiny suits, twanging guitars, pounding drums & tight harmonies together with 60s sounds” I highly recommend checking out their Facebook page where you can find gems like this: “He is also remembered by many as Johnny MacRotten of the dangerously authentic ‘Scottish Sex Pistols’ and as front man for the more family friendly skiffle trio ‘Wray Gunn & The Rockets’.” You can’t make this shit up. Here they are with a cover of a classic Ramones tune.

#3) The New Piccadillys – Judy is a Punk –

Next up are the China Rats. China Rats are a four-piece indie rock band from Leeds, England, that the U.K. press has been hailing as the next Arctic Monkeys.

#2) China Rats – To Be Like I –

Next up, at #1 is a band that is coming to the big Japanese Rock Festival; Summer Fuji, or is it Fuji Sonic? I forget. Why? Because all summer festivals have crap sound and I don’t go to them. Nevertheless, I was the first one to play our #1 act in Japan (aren’t I always the first?) so this band is cool, even though the summer festivals all suck (I hate standing in line to take a pee too!)

At #1 is Drenge. Drenge are an English two-piece alternative rock band, based in Castleton, Derbyshire, England. The band is made up of Eoin Loveless, on guitar and vocals, and his younger brother Rory, on drums.

#1) Drenge – We Can Do What We Want –

Today’s Freebie! オマケ!It’s Girlpool! Wikipedia says, “Girlpool is a punk rock band from Los Angeles, California. Its members are Cleo Tucker (guitar, vocals) and Harmony Tividad (bass, vocals), who are 18 and 19 years old, respectively. The band does not have a drummer.”

オマケ!Girlpool – Alone at the Show

Well, that’s it for this week! See you next time. Keep rocking and have a great week!


Also these Top 3 Video posts are sometimes getting tens of thousands of hits per week. Need proof? Do a Google Search for “Top 3 Videos” or “Top New Artists Videos” and you’ll see Robot55 on page one! blowing away MTV, Billboard Magazine, Billboard, Niconico Douga and all the rest.

If you like this countdown every week, please come “Like” our Robot55 Facebook page (or friend us on Twitter or subscribe to our Youtube page). Thanks!

If you like this, please “Like” the Robot55 Facebook page:

On Twitter, we are: @robot55video

Robot55 Youtube?:



Top 3 Artists Videos for June 2, 2015 – It’s Girl’s Nite Out and taffy!

TOP 3 VIDEOS for MAY 29, 2015! And Japanese Instrumental Band, Sawagi!

TOP 3 VIDEOS for MAY 25, 2015! And the Japanese Beatles? The Neatbeats!

TOP 3 VIDEOS for MAY 17, 2015! And Taffy!!!!!

Top 3 Videos for Week of May 11, 2015 and the Watanabes from Tokyo!

Top 3 Videos. The Top New Artist Videos for the week of May 4, 2015. –凸ko-d凹koi-may-4-2015/

Top 3 Videos –  New Artist Videos for the week of April 27, 2015 –

This Week’s Top 3 Videos (04/21/15) 〜〜ミュージックビデオも制作/

Top 3 Videos (04/14/15)

This Week’s Top 3 Videos (04/07/15)

Top 3 Videos (03/31/15)〜ミュージックビデオも制作/

Top 3 New Artist Videos (03/25/15) 〜ミュージックビデオも制作

Top 3 Videos (03/17/15) 〜ミュージックビデオも制作〜ミュージックビデオも制作/

Top 3 for the week of March 12, 2015 here: This Week’s Top 3 Videos #2 & the Sex Pistols’ Glen Matlock! 〜ミュージックビデオも制作 (

Top 3 for the week of March 5, 2015 here: This Week’s Top 3 New Artist Videos & Shonen Knife!〜ミュージックビデオも制作 (


At Robot55 we make Top 3 videos and Top 3 New Artist videos and other video productions for businesses and services and products, but we also pride ourselves on making videos for art and music. Our starting price is ¥70,000 and we are sure we can work out something that fits your budget. Oh, and we love making band videos too! Contact us!

ROBOT55 はビジネス、商業、製品紹介動画の制作のみならず、アートや音楽の映像も創っております。ビジネス動画においてはウェブ動画時代の到来に合わせ、お求めや すい¥70,000という格安価格より承ります。ご予算に応じて皆様にご満足のいく高品質動画を制作致します。勿論インディー・バンド向けPV制作も行っ ております。よ!



Top 3 Videos, Top 3 New Artist Videos, 格安ビデオ制作, 格安, ロボット・ゴー・ゴー,  格安, Top 3 Videos, ビジネスビデオ制作, ロボット・ゴー・ゴー, 撮影, 格安, ビデオ制作, 動画, 紹介動画, Top 3 Videos, ビデオ, 東京, 撮影,ビデオ編集, 動画制作, ROBOT55, Indies artists, Top 3 Indies Artist videos

活動写真史上最高傑作を無料で観よう! / Watch the greatest motion picture ever made – free!

「7人dの侍」、「市民ケーン」、「8 1/2」 – 映画史上最高傑作と呼ばれている作品がなす映像芸術山脈を圧倒的な映像美と壮大なスケールの物語で見下ろすようにそびえ立つ驚愕の作品「KUNG FURY」をご紹介します!

Forget “Citizen Kane”, “8 1/2” or “Seven Samurai” – introducing the greatest motion picture ever made – “KUNG FURY”! Continue Reading…

Gaijin Gourmet – Best Soba Chain in Tokyo?Yude Taro and ¥220 Draft Beer?!

Time once again for Gaijin Gourmet. Today’s episode is the definitive episode for people on a budget in Tokyo who want to eat healthy and safe food and love noodles – and draft beer for super cheap (read on!)

Today’s post is about what I think is the best soba restaurant chain in Tokyo. It is a Soba restaurant chain that is all over Tokyo and, in my expert opinion, blows away the competition when it comes to price, quality, taste and cleanliness; Yude Taro (ゆで太郎). Yude Taro has, hands down, the best inexpensive and delicious noodles.

There are other chains that have a similar menu as Yude Taro and might be ¥10 ~ ¥30 cheaper ($0.10 ~ $0.30 USD) per dish, but they can’t touch the taste and food quality. Here I am specifically talking about the big soba chains in Tokyo: Fuji Soba and Yoshi Soba, etc., .. Folks, Yude Taro beats them all hands down.

Yude Taro Near Yoyogi JR Station

Yude Taro Near Yoyogi JR Station

Here is the Yude Taro near Yoyogi station that I go to often. But, you can just look for this blue logo:

ゆで太郎ロゴ Yude Taro logo

Yude Taro logo

What does “Yude Taro” mean? Well, Taro is the most common boy’s name in Japan. “Yude” means “boiled.” So, “Yude Taro” means something like “Boiled John” or David or Mike….

Here’s their menu that I screen captured from their webpage:

Yude Taro menu

As you can see, most bowls of soba items on the menu are under ¥500 (about $4 USD). If you want a little more, the highest priced set on the entire menu is a fried pork cutlet on rice along with a bowl of soba (top left hand corner photo) at ¥650 (about $5.42 USD). Really, I’ve eaten 1000 times at these stand up soba shops over these last three decades. Yude Taro is the best.

Meal Tickets - With photos!

Meal Tickets – With photos!

And you can’t read the menu? It doesn’t really matter as you can see the pictures on the meal ticket machine at every shop.

Yude Taro displays the menu

Yude Taro displays the menu

There’s tens of thousands of these stand-up soba shops in Tokyo. They all have a glass case in front showing the main menu; but just look for the one with the blue logo. Usually, these places are in front of the big train stations and you can find a few competing chains right by each other.

Inside of Yude Taro

Inside of Yude Taro

The Yude Taro I go to has a very large eating area and even seating enough for about 14 people. Don’t even bother going there between 12 noon to 1:00 pm or so. This particular Yude Taro can seat 14, but during the lunch time rush, I’ve been in there when there were more than 25 people eating and another 20 people standing in line. It’s OK, though, because most of the time, you can be in and out of a Yude Taro in 10 minutes so it’s a great deal for the person on the go and on a budget.

Clean Kitchen at Yude Taro

Clean Kitchen at Yude Taro

The noodles are best at all the chains here at Yude Taro because they make the noodles on the premises and then boil. Most of the other chains open a plastic pack with noodles and heat them up. As you know, there’s no way a packaged refrigerated item can beat the taste of a freshly cooked one.

Yude taro soba and egg

This is medium sized soba with a softly boiled egg. ¥470 (about $3.91)… And, as you know, this is Japan so there is no tipping.

Yude Taro soba tenpura

I eat the medium soba, ¥420 (about $3.50) with the fried veggies ¥100 (about $0.83) and grated radish ¥100 (about $0.83). I get a full stomach and the total damages are about 15 minutes at lunch and about $5.16 (USD). What a GREAT deal!

BUT WAIT! WHAT’S THIS???? DRAFT BEER FOR ¥220!???? That’s right! Yude Taro is running a summer 2015 campaign and is offering draft Sapporo Black Label draft beer for  ¥220 (about $1.83 USD) a glass? That’s cheaper per drink than buying a can of beer at the convenience store! AMAZING.

Most cheaper drinking establishments charge twice that price for a draft beer!

¥220 Yen beer campaign over summer!? Wow!

¥220 Yen beer campaign over summer!? Wow!

Yude Taro wins the soba wars. Just look for the blue logo I have shown at the top of this article. Yude Taro is so good that I can honestly say that, if I really had to, I could eat there three meals a days. It’s that good.


Looking for more great deals on cheap eats in Japan?:

Gaijin Gourmet: The Best Premium Salad Bar in Tokyo? – Sizzler in Setagaya

Gaijin Gourmet! Great Cheap and Delicious Soba in Gaienmae on Ginza Line!

The Gaijin Gourmet: The Best Salad Bar Deal in Tokyo at Big Boy – My Favorite Rock N Roll Diner!!

Tokyo’s Best Cheap Sushi is in Okachimachi!? 東京の一番安くて美味しい寿司屋?御徒町にあるの?

The Gaijin Gourmet: Soba Wars At Hanzomon Station in Tokyo


At Robot55 we make video productions for businesses and services and products, but we also pride ourselves on making videos for art and music. Our starting price is ¥70,000 and we are sure we can work out something that fits your budget. Oh, and we love making band videos too! Contact us!

ROBOT55 はビジネス、商業、製品紹介動画の制作のみならず、アートや音楽の映像も創っております。ビジネス動画においてはウェブ動画時代の到来に合わせ、お求めや すい¥70,000という格安価格より承ります。ご予算に応じて皆様にご満足のいく高品質動画を制作致します。勿論インディー・バンド向けPV制作も行っ ております。よ!



Gaijin Gourmet, ビ デオ編集格安、ビデオ撮影格安、動画制作東京、格安ビデオ制作, 格安, ロボット・ゴー・ゴー,  格安, ビジネスビデオ制作, ロボット・ゴー・ゴー, Delicious places to eat in Tokyo, Cheap places to eat in Tokyo, Healthy, cheap, inexpensive food, tokyo dining

Top 3 Videos for June 5, 2015! And Japanese Punk Band, the 50 Kaitenz!

We’re back for the weekend version of the Top 3 Videos for May 5, 2015. The Top 3 Indies artists videos for the first full weekend of June! Hope you dig finding new artists and bands as much as I do!

First up today are three boys who are in a Mod, Punk and Rock unit from Oldham in Manchester England. They’ve been making a name for themselves for doing awesome covers of classic punk bands like the Jam.

#3) 5ft Fez – Watch Me Fall –

Next up is a band that we just introduced to you in last week’s Top 3 Videos. The Downtown Boys. This is a radical punk band with a political message!

#2) Downtown Boys – Wave Of History –

This episode’s #1 is a four-piece alternative rock band from North London named Wolf Alice who is coming to perform in Japan at Summer Sonic 2015!

#1) Wolf Alice – Giant Peach –

Today’s Freebie is one of my most favorite Japanese Rock Bands; the 50 Kaitenz. I guess that translates into English as “The 50 Rotations.” These guys are great musicians and they also are funny as hell. Definitely one of Japan’s most excellent bands!

SPOTLIGHT ARTIST:The 50 Kaitenz – We Are The Kids –

Well, that’s it for this week! See you next time. Keep rocking and have a great weekend!


Also these Top 3 Video posts are sometimes getting tens of thousands of hits per week. Need proof? Do a Google Search for “Top 3 Videos” or “Top New Artists Videos” and you’ll see Robot55 on page one! blowing away MTV, Billboard Magazine, Billboard, Niconico Douga and all the rest.

If you like this countdown every week, please come “Like” our Robot55 Facebook page (or friend us on Twitter or subscribe to our Youtube page). Thanks!

If you like this, please “Like” the Robot55 Facebook page:

On Twitter, we are: @robot55video

Robot55 Youtube?:



Top 3 Artists Videos for June 2, 2015 – It’s Girl’s Nite Out and taffy!

TOP 3 VIDEOS for MAY 29, 2015! And Japanese Instrumental Band, Sawagi!

TOP 3 VIDEOS for MAY 25, 2015! And the Japanese Beatles? The Neatbeats!

TOP 3 VIDEOS for MAY 17, 2015! And Taffy!!!!!

Top 3 Videos for Week of May 11, 2015 and the Watanabes from Tokyo!

Top 3 Videos. The Top New Artist Videos for the week of May 4, 2015. –凸ko-d凹koi-may-4-2015/

Top 3 Videos –  New Artist Videos for the week of April 27, 2015 –

This Week’s Top 3 Videos (04/21/15) 〜〜ミュージックビデオも制作/

Top 3 Videos (04/14/15)

This Week’s Top 3 Videos (04/07/15)



At Robot55 we make Top 3 videos and Top 3 New Artist videos and other video productions for businesses and services and products, but we also pride ourselves on making videos for art and music. Our starting price is ¥70,000 and we are sure we can work out something that fits your budget. Oh, and we love making band videos too! Contact us!

ROBOT55 はビジネス、商業、製品紹介動画の制作のみならず、アートや音楽の映像も創っております。ビジネス動画においてはウェブ動画時代の到来に合わせ、お求めや すい¥70,000という格安価格より承ります。ご予算に応じて皆様にご満足のいく高品質動画を制作致します。勿論インディー・バンド向けPV制作も行っ ております。よ!



Top 3 Videos, Top 3 New Artist Videos, 格安ビデオ制作, 格安, ロボット・ゴー・ゴー,  格安, Top 3 Videos, ビジネスビデオ制作, ロボット・ゴー・ゴー, 撮影, 格安, ビデオ制作, 動画, 紹介動画, Top 3 Videos, ビデオ, 東京, 撮影,ビデオ編集, 動画制作, ROBOT55, Indies artists, Top 3 Indies Artist videos

Make a Viral Photo, Make a Sushi Story and Other Good Ideas

This is just a post about some things that I have thought about recently that I think might help you if you have to create some news ideas. Or maybe it won’t help you (hell, I don’t know!)

One of my wild ideas is about how to make a viral photo. Another is about a hit show that we are making that is about sushi and fish as a reflection on the Human Condition and the other idea is about Indies musicians and how they can help themselves more.

First off, Indies musicians. I’d like to just touch upon something that has always been close to my heart; and that’s Indies music and Indies artists.

My Indies artist friends, listen to me and do yourselves a favor.

There are a very few DJ’s that will play Indies music. Trust that we generally catch shit from the station management for doing so, but playing and promoting indies artists is what we do.

Indies musicians need to listen to the few shows that play them and support the Indies scene. If we tell you that we are going to play your songs, please don’t ask us, “What time will you play my song?” Please listen to the entire show. If you are lucky, we play you. Either way, you get to hear what’s going on with others Indies musicians and what we do.

I hate it when, after I air a song, a few days later, some musician asks me, “When will you play our song?” or “Did you play our tune?” Jesus! I already played your song! If you don’t have time to listen and check it out, then I don’t have time to play your song!

There’s a million artists that are dying for airplay. If you can’t bother to check it out, then why should I play your band? I remember when I was in a band and we handed our 7 inch record to a famous DJ. – I listened religiously to that show for weeks… Then, one day, the sky cracked open and it was like the hand of god reaching out to me from the skies; I heard our tune on the radio.

I’ll never forget that moment. It changed my life. That’s how important my band and our music was to me.

What would it have been like had I called the DJ up a few weeks later and said, “Did you play our song?” He would have been insulted. You only get one chance to make a good first impression. I don’t think it is a good idea to blow that one chance. But, that’s just the way I think.

Indies artists, shall I play your songs AND air check for you AND do all your promotion? If so, you ain’t going anywhere anyway and I am not going to play you anymore.

So when we play you on the radio or list your music on a chart, you have to spread the word about your music and our show! We DJs need help! I know most of us go every 3 or 6 months wondering if our show is going to get cancelled or not. We need your help to spread the word about us! I know most radio is shit, but I try to make a show that even I would listen to (most DJs don’t – that’s why their shows suck). 

I do listen to my own show. That’s how much I like the music I play. I like what I do so much, I listen to it. In fact, I make a recording of every show and listen to it religiously. I like my show. Trust that 99% of all DJs do not do that (because their shows are boring and they play the same old Top 40 like everyone else does). So, when I play your music Indies artist, and you don’t listen, what can I think? If you don’t listen to your own stuff, why should anyone else?

It’s a two-way street. We promote you; you promote us! When we play you or post about you, you must share and spread the word far and wide. Otherwise, why should I bother?

If you think I am being a douchebag about that, then please let me know and explain why…. I’m not so good at math, but I think my math works out here: I help you, you help me.

Secondly, I was thinking about – actually I am always thinking about this sort of thing; How to make a viral photo. That’s a hard one. But I did post a recent photo that received more than 8,000 views and tons of “Likes” and “Shares” on Facebook as well as being retweeted on Twitter – and other SMS sites. It was seen, probably more than anything I have ever posted on Twitter. And that includes photos along with famous people.

Here is that photo. Why did this strike a nerve with people? I have come to the conclusion that it has to do with the photo being about a daily and mundane thing, but the way the photo was taken seemed to catch people’s fancy. But I could be very wrong. If I knew how to make a viral photo every time, I wouldn’t be blogging here telling you how to do it; I’d be on a yacht in the Caribbean with bikini girls putting grapes in my mouth.

Or, perhaps it was something to do with the text I wrote? But I doubt that! Here is the text:

“自分の写真はいつもあまり好きじゃないけど、今朝奥さんが撮ってくれたこの写真はかなり気にいってる。実はテレビ番組のアニメの目玉の写真です。(リンクは下!)I never like the photos taken of me but my wife took this one this morning for me. It’s kind of weird. I like this. It’s actually a photo of my eyeball. I needed it for an animation for a TV show we are making.”

Actually, that is me…. Oh, and my eyeball…

Here is episode one of that show:

Inside of that show is another show called “Sushi Monogatari.” “Sushi Monogatari” translates into Sushi Story in English. What the story is about is that it is a parody of TV dramas as well as a mirror of our human condition from the ppint of view of fish trapped in a sushi restaurant’s aquarium. Like I said it is just like our life; we have all sorts of problems all through out our lives but the only true end to these problems is to “leave the aquarium” (meaning, for us humans, to leave this world.)

Anyway, I had to make some transitions and had to be careful of copyright infringement, so I just made my own.

Sushi Monogatari

Sushi Monogatari

What does this have to do with anything? I don’t know. Like I said, these are just a few of the things I have been thinking about recently.


At Robot55 we make video productions for businesses and services and products, but we also pride ourselves on making videos for art and music. Our starting price is ¥70,000 and we are sure we can work out something that fits your budget. Oh, and we love making band videos too! Contact us! contact@robot55.jpROBOT55 はビジネス、商業、製品紹介動画の制作のみならず、アートや音楽の映像も創っております。ビジネス動画においてはウェブ動画時代の到来に合わせ、お求めや すい¥70,000という格安価格より承ります。ご予算に応じて皆様にご満足のいく高品質動画を制作致します。勿論インディー・バンド向けPV制作も行っ ております。よ!コチラよりお気軽にお問い合わせ下さいませ♬


ビデオ編集格安、ザ・TVショウ、動画制作東京、格安ビデオ制作, 格安, ロボット・ゴー・ゴー,   撮影, 格安, ビデオ制作, 動画, 紹介動画, 撮影,ビデオ編集, 動画制作, ROBOT55,

今夜6/4(木)夜11時から生「 The TV Show」ゲストに Taffy!

今夜6月4日(木)よる11時放送 ニコニコ動画 ニンジャスレイヤーフロムアニメーション

& ザTVshow 観たいならこのリンクをクリックしてください!今回のゲストはTaffy!



Tonight, Thursday June 4, 2015 at 11 pm (Japan time) on Niconico Douga is the smash hit animation “Ninja Slayer from Animation.” This show received well over 1.4 million views in its first week!

Inside of “Ninja Slayer from Animation” is the show we create at Robot55, “The TV Show!” The TV Show (ザ・TVショウ)Features Furukawa Taro and Mina Shirakawa. And that show is a smash sensation too. Thanks to all our fans

Tonight will be the 8th episode of the show! And not only do we interview Taffy after their smash hit world tour ended, but we also have a new surprise for everyone!

Taffy does the ending theme for tomorrow’s show with their newest single, “Suicidal Bunny.” It rocks!

taffy – Suicidal Bunny

Please tune in tonight. You can watch live for free here:

Here’s a world clock for your convenience too:

Here’s those links to watch the show LIVE for your convenience again

Try either link!


Here’s more on Ninja Slayer: The homepage: ニンジャスレイヤー

And the trailer: Ninja Slayer Official Trailer (English Language version)

And here’s the trailer for 「ザ・TVショウ」”The TV Show” The TV Show Trailer: 【アニメ「ニンジャスレイヤー フロムアニメイシヨン」後番組】バラエティー番組「ザ・TVショウ」トレーラー

At Robot55 we make video productions for businesses and services and products, but we also pride ourselves on making videos for art and music. Our starting price is ¥70,000 and we are sure we can work out something that fits your budget. Oh, and we love making band videos too! Contact us!

ROBOT55 はビジネス、商業、製品紹介動画の制作のみならず、アートや音楽の映像も創っております。ビジネス動画においてはウェブ動画時代の到来に合わせ、お求めや すい¥70,000という格安価格より承ります。ご予算に応じて皆様にご満足のいく高品質動画を制作致します。勿論インディー・バンド向けPV制作も行っ ております。よ!



ビデオ編集格安、ザ・TVショウ、動画制作東京、格安ビデオ制作, 格安, ロボット・ゴー・ゴー,   撮影, 格安, ビデオ制作, 動画, 紹介動画, 撮影,ビデオ編集, 動画制作, ROBOT55,

Top 3 Artists Videos for June 2, 2015 – It’s Girl’s Nite Out and taffy!

Top 3 Videos for the week of June 2, 2015 time. Time to check out the coolest of the cool new Indies artists videos!

Before I start (and I’ll make this short): ARTISTS! SEND ME LINKS TO YOUR NEW VIDEOS! I WILL HELP PROMOTE YOU! Also these Top 3 Video posts are sometimes getting tens of thousands of hits per week. Do a Google Search for “Top 3 Videos” or “Top New Artists Videos” and you’ll see Robot55 on page one (just click this:! blowing away MTV, Billboard Magazine, Billboard, Niconico Douga and all the rest.

If you like this countdown every week, please come “Like” our Robot55 Facebook page (or friend us on Twitter or subscribe to our Youtube page). Thanks!

Let’s make this into the coolest weekly Indies music chart on the entire internet!

And without further ado…. Today’s is the Girl’s Nite Out! All bands with female vocals! And why not? I love bands that have the ladies up front.

First, up we have two sisters from Sacramento California named Dog Party. It seems that when older sister Gwendolyn Giles was 9, she pushed a drum kit into her then 6-year-old sister Lucy’s room and said, “We’re starting a punk band.” And that’s how they got started. Hilarious and monstrously epic!

#3) Dog Party – Los Angeles (

Next up is Bully. Bully are a fired up and hot as hell rock band from Nashville, Tennessee. They have a rock goddess as lead vocal too!

#2) Bully – Brainfreeze (

At this week’s #1 a group from London called, Kid Wave. The Guardian says: “Lea Emmery (lead singer) is picture-perfect for the role of sultry indie icon. Her long hair and fringe are offset by her rocker attire….It’s like Nico fronting the Field Mice, until drummer Serra Petale stirs up a crashing rhythm that sends guitarist Mattias Bhatt and bassist Harry Deacon into overdrive, and everything turns a bit Breeders.”

#1) Kid Wave – All I Want (

Finally, today’s Freebie. And it’s a band that just completed a successful tour of the UK and the USA so congrats goes out to Taffy! Taffy are happening…. And guess what? I was the first one to air Taffy in Japan and I put them on a former countdown, so they are like my children. I LOVE THEM! …. Oh, and get this, they have over 78,000 “Likes” on Facebook! Wow! Go “Like” them, please! (

オマケ:Taffy – So Long (

Well, that’s it for this week! See you next time. Keep rocking and have a great weekend!


Also these Top 3 Video posts are sometimes getting tens of thousands of hits per week. Need proof? Do a Google Search for “Top 3 Videos” or “Top New Artists Videos” and you’ll see Robot55 on page one! blowing away MTV, Billboard Magazine, Billboard, Niconico Douga and all the rest.

If you like this countdown every week, please come “Like” our Robot55 Facebook page (or friend us on Twitter or subscribe to our Youtube page). Thanks!

If you like this, please “Like” the Robot55 Facebook page:

On Twitter, we are: @robot55video

Robot55 Youtube?:



TOP 3 VIDEOS for MAY 29, 2015! And Japanese Instrumental Band, Sawagi!

TOP 3 VIDEOS for MAY 25, 2015! And the Japanese Beatles? The Neatbeats!

TOP 3 VIDEOS for MAY 17, 2015! And Taffy!!!!!

Top 3 Videos for Week of May 11, 2015 and the Watanabes from Tokyo!

Top 3 Videos. The Top New Artist Videos for the week of May 4, 2015. –凸ko-d凹koi-may-4-2015/

Top 3 Videos –  New Artist Videos for the week of April 27, 2015 –

This Week’s Top 3 Videos (04/21/15) 〜〜ミュージックビデオも制作/

Top 3 Videos (04/14/15)

This Week’s Top 3 Videos (04/07/15)

Top 3 Videos (03/31/15)〜ミュージックビデオも制作/

Top 3 New Artist Videos (03/25/15) 〜ミュージックビデオも制作

Top 3 Videos (03/17/15) 〜ミュージックビデオも制作〜ミュージックビデオも制作/

Top 3 for the week of March 12, 2015 here: This Week’s Top 3 Videos #2 & the Sex Pistols’ Glen Matlock! 〜ミュージックビデオも制作 (

Top 3 for the week of March 5, 2015 here: This Week’s Top 3 New Artist Videos & Shonen Knife!〜ミュージックビデオも制作 (


At Robot55 we make Top 3 videos and Top 3 New Artist videos and other video productions for businesses and services and products, but we also pride ourselves on making videos for art and music. Our starting price is ¥70,000 and we are sure we can work out something that fits your budget. Oh, and we love making band videos too! Contact us!

ROBOT55 はビジネス、商業、製品紹介動画の制作のみならず、アートや音楽の映像も創っております。ビジネス動画においてはウェブ動画時代の到来に合わせ、お求めや すい¥70,000という格安価格より承ります。ご予算に応じて皆様にご満足のいく高品質動画を制作致します。勿論インディー・バンド向けPV制作も行っ ております。よ!



Top 3 Videos, Top 3 New Artist Videos, 格安ビデオ制作, 格安, ロボット・ゴー・ゴー,  格安, Top 3 Videos, ビジネスビデオ制作, ロボット・ゴー・ゴー, 撮影, 格安, ビデオ制作, 動画, 紹介動画, Top 3 Videos, ビデオ, 東京, 撮影,ビデオ編集, 動画制作, ROBOT55, Indies artists, Top 3 Indies Artist videos

Gaijin Gourmet: The Best Premium Salad Bar in Tokyo? – Sizzler in Setagaya

Looking for the best Salad Bar in Tokyo?

Well, I’ve introduced you to Big Boy, which offers an All-You-Can-Eat Salad bar for ¥590! (about $5 USD + 8% sales tax – no tips in Japan!). But my vegetarian friend, Ken says that, even though he likes Big Boy, if he goes on a date or takes his wife and kids out, they sometimes like Sizzler better. 

Sizzler does have a much nicer Salad Bar with a much wider selection of fresh vegetables, but it is nearly 4 times the price of Big Boy; so it’s up to you! 

I have to admit, though, when it is a special occasion or birthday, my son always says he wants to go to Sizzler… Even though he likes Big Boy too. The big sales point for him at Sizzler is the All-You-Can-Eat ice cream bar. The all you can eat Salad Bar, Soup Bar and Drink Bar at Sizzler is included in the price of the Salad Bar so that’s to be considered… Whereas, at Big Boy, they are all a separate charge.

And when you have a bunch of kids who want to eat several scoops of ice cream and chocolate (At Big Boy, one ice cream is about ¥300 (about $2.50 USD), then Sizzler does make sense if you are watching your pennies (and have kids – or dad – who eat too many sweets….)

Sizzler is about 6 minutes walk from the west exit of Sakura Shnmachi station on the Denen-Toshi line about 12 minutes from Shibuya heading towards Kanagawa. The restaurant is open from 11 am until 11 pm seven days a week. Here is their webpage (sorry Japanese only!) 

The salad bar there is fantastic. The place is extremely clean and kept quite nice. The food is always fresh (I’ve been there dozens and dozens of times).

The all you can eat lunch bar includes bread, soup, drink and dessert bar. Lunch all you can eat is ¥1980 (about $16 USD + 8% sales tax – no tips in Japan!))

Dinner all you can eat is ¥2380 (about $19.18 + 8% sales tax – no tips in Japan!)

It’s the best salad bar deal I’ve ever seen in Tokyo. The food is good, I can relax, and the kids love the place. Everyone can find what they want at Sizzler in Setagaya.

Here, let me allow the photos to do the talking.

Outside view of building from 246 heading toward Shibuya. Beautiful newly reformed building. Parking for about 28 cars. 

Quite spacious inside. This photo is about 1/4 of the entire restaurant so it seats a few hundred easily. 

Large salad and fruits bar. Seriously, it’s huge and the size of a salad bar you’d see in the United States.

About 21 different vegetables and organic tofu seen here.

12 different mixed salads here…. Seafood salad, Waldorf salad, others…

As well as apples, white and pink grapefruit sliced, bananas, orange slices, pineapple, peaches, as well as diced onions, shredded lettuce, olives, jalapenos, mixed cheese and salsa which is for…

…the burritos you can make yourself. Taco meat and melted cheese for cheese nachos, gratin, spaghetti and curry rice are also available on the salad bar menu at no extra charge… 

There is also soup bar that offers at least three types of soup daily 

Of course, there are several styles of bread to choose from…

The drink bar offers everything you can think of….

And, of course, the kid’s favorite, the dessert bar. Shoe-cream, coffee cake, chocolate mousse, apple strudel, three flavors of soft cream “ice cream” and chocolate and all sort of goodies that the kids like to sprinkle on top. Beware parents! The chocolate fountain pictured is only out on weekends and weeknights after 6 pm!

The address is: 

Setagaya Sizzler 

Sakura Shinmachi 1 – 33 – 5

Setagaya-ku, Tokyo 

Tel: 03 – 3705 – 4919


URL: webpage

Take the west exit from Sakura Shinmachi station. Turn left down Sazai-san street. When you get to the police box turn right and go up the hill. It’s a one-way street. Follow the road up and turn to your left at the end. Sizzler will be on your left. Can’t miss it.



Looking for more great deals on cheap eats in Japan?:

Tokyo’s Best Cheap Sushi is in Okachimachi!? 東京の一番安くて美味しい寿司屋?御徒町にあるの?

The Gaijin Gourmet: Soba Wars At Hanzomon Station in Tokyo


At Robot55 we make video productions for businesses and services and products, but we also pride ourselves on making videos for art and music. Our starting price is ¥70,000 and we are sure we can work out something that fits your budget. Oh, and we love making band videos too! Contact us!

ROBOT55 はビジネス、商業、製品紹介動画の制作のみならず、アートや音楽の映像も創っております。ビジネス動画においてはウェブ動画時代の到来に合わせ、お求めや すい¥70,000という格安価格より承ります。ご予算に応じて皆様にご満足のいく高品質動画を制作致します。勿論インディー・バンド向けPV制作も行っ ております。よ!



Gaijin Gourmet, ビ デオ編集格安、ビデオ撮影格安、動画制作東京、格安ビデオ制作, 格安, ロボット・ゴー・ゴー,  格安, ビジネスビデオ制作, ロボット・ゴー・ゴー, 撮影, 格安, ビデオ制作, 動画, 紹介動画, ビデオ, 東京, 撮影,ビデオ編集, 動画制作, ROBOT55, Gaijin Gourmet,