It’s time once again for the Top 3 Indies Artist Video Countdown. The Top 3 best Indies and Alternative Music artists for the week of July 9, 2017!
First up is a brand new artist called the Flemmings that was introduced to us by Alex over at Wassup Rocker Radio (Check their newest groovy video here: The Flemmings just released a cool punk vinyl 10-inch EP with a mere 250 copies, so we’re seeing some really fresh new stuff here. There is absolutely no information about this band anywhere but I gather from the jacket art, it is a guy and a girl – the video shows 4 of them. Their label, ODD Records is in Cardiff in the UK. Nope! No Facebook page or Twitter that I can find!
#3) Flemmings – The Rats Are Back
Next up is a 4-piece “psych punk/noise pop” unit from Toronto. Their name is “Peeling.” Band info? Ha! You now know as much as I do; which is next to nuttin’. (I wonder why bands seem to have stopped posting basic information? Hmmm?) Here is their Facebook page:
And their Bandcamp page:
#2) Peeling – Leisure Life
At #1 is a band that I just discovered yesterday and I LOVE THIS BAND!!!! It’s the Pale Lips who claim to be “Drippy mascara slopped rock n’ roll with sprinkles!” from Montreal, Canada…. (Hey! That’s two bands from Canada on this week! What’s going on up there?) The Pale Lips are a Bubblegum Punk/ Power Pop/ Rock n’ Roll all-girl quartet and they get the enthusiastic nod for #1 this week. Here’s their Facebook page. Go “Like” it. I did:
#1) Pale Lips – Mary-Lou Sniffin’ Glue
Spotlight Artist! Today’s spotlight goes to one of my favorite Japanese girls bands of all time. Their name are the “Pats Pats.” AND I AM SO DAMNED PROUD OF THEM!!!!!! I’ve been telling people for a few years now that I think the Pats Pats are going to become famous and that they could become the “Next Shonen Knife!” Well, well, well… Lookie here! Give you one guess who is opening for the legendary Shonen Knife’s tour starting tomorrow night! The Pats Pats!!!! Yeah!!!!!
Check it!

Pats Pats Shonen Knife Tour
Be there! Also, here is the Pats Pats Facebook page:
(I like this band so much that my friend Ken Nishikawa and I made their latest video!)
Spotlight Artist! The Pats Pats A.A.A.
Here’s a freebie for all you Shonen Knife fans. Here’s another video Ken Nishikawa and I made – for Shonen Knife!
Shonen Knife – Ghost Train / 少年ナイフ – ゴースト・トレイン
That’s all for today! See you next week when we return to the Top 3 Indies Artist Videos Countdown. See ya! – Mike in Tokyo Rogers
About Mike in Tokyo Rogers: Mike has been a professional music/TV/radio/anime-related program producer in Japan since the eighties. He began in the music business in 1977 as lead vocalist with the legendary Los Angeles Punk Band, “The Rotters” (Sit on My Face Stevie Nix.). As a university student, he was assistant to the legendary Rodney Bingenheimer (Rodney on the ROQ – KROQ Los Angeles from 1980 ~ 1981.) Mike was the first and only foreigner in Japanese history to become the General Manager of a major Japanese broadcasting station (TV Tokyo owned InterFM). Has produced a few smash hit programs (some real losers, too!) and several of Tokyo’s highest rated and most famous radio programs. A recent hit program was “The TV Show” (Set Program with “Ninja Slayer”) which, between April – Oct. 2015, garnered over 10 million viewers. He is currently producing and hosting “WTF?” the hugely popular Sunday live show on InterFM 89.7 . And his life’s dream is his just completed full-length motion picture, “Ghostroads – A Japanese Rock and Roll Ghost Story”which will be released by a major Japanese motion picture company and in theaters all across Japan in Autumn 2017. (See trailer here:… Oh, and he likes to write about himself in the third person!)
Top 3 Indies Videos 7/1/17! Vile Assembly, Wolf Girl, Taffy (Jpn), Mutation, The Darling Buds, Bonsai Kitten!
Top 3 Indies Videos 6/25/17! The Shit! The Goggles (Jpn)! The Bopp! Ice Cold Slush!
Top 3 Indies Videos 6/18/17! Molly & The Krells, Shirley Holmes, JinnyOops (Jpn), Blood People!
Top 3 Indies Videos 6/11/17! The Fontaines, Beck Black, Taffy (Japan) The Beverleys!
Top 3 Indies Videos 6/4/17! Bobby’s Bar (Japan), Trash Templars, Peeling, Jessica Hernandez & the Deltas!
Top 3 Indies Videos 5/28/17! The Atomics, Fiona Silver, Plastic Girl in Closet (Japan), Blaire Alise & the Bombshells!
Top 3 Indies Videos 5/21/17! Moja (Japan), Baby Shakes, Sloan Peterson, Jessica Hernandez & The Deltas!
Top 3 Indies Videos 5/14/17! Blaire Alise & the Bombshells, Lisa Mychols, Pats Pats (Japan), Single By Sunday
Top 3 Indies Videos 5/07/17!
Top 3 Indies Videos 4/30/17! No Girlfriends, pinksideofthemoon, Lisa Mychols, Bo-Peep!
Top 3 Indies Videos 4/23/17! Daphne Guinness, Potty Mouth, Femmepop, Hands Off Gretel!
Top 3 Indies Videos 4/16/17! Warbly Jets, Baby Shakes, Samehada Shiroko & Dynamite, Ryan Hamilton & the Traitors!
Top 3 Indies Music Videos 4/9/17! Miss Derringer, 222, Glam Skanks, Yanagiya Mutsumi&The Ratbones (Japan)
Top 3 Indies Music Videos 4/2/17! Lisa Mychols, The Routes, Circe Link, Su Ko D Koi!
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