It’s time once again for the Top 3 Indies Artist Video Countdown. The Top 3 best Indies and Alternative Music artists for the week of Dec. 11, 2016!
First up is an Indie rock band from Sweden that consists of two girls and a guy named “Pale Honey.” They debut on our countdown at #3 with their newest single, “Real Thing.” They have a Facebook page. Go check it out.
#3) Pale Honey “Real Thing”
Next is an Indie pop duo from “London and Melbourne.” I can’t find any information about these two but can tell you that they both have to last same name… I’d bet half a donut that they are brother and sister by looking at their photos on Soundcloud. I can’t find a Facebook page for them or any other information.
#2) Family Friends – Look the Other Way
At this week’s #1 is a song that Ginger Wildheart & Ryan Hamilton made for a charity to help people with Chronic Depression. Columnist Tom Girard writes: “In a nod to his well documented and ongoing battle with depression the ever prolific Ginger Wildheart has found time between touring with his own band, Hey! Hello! and The Wildhearts and recording a new Mutation album to team up with Ryan Hamilton and sneak out a single for the festive season, the subtly but suitably titled Fuck You Brain… Available through Ginger’s Round Records Bandcamp page the three track single is raising money for the Samaritans and aiming to highlight the problems people have with depression…Belying all the preconceptions one might have of depression Ginger and Hamilton have created a short sharp dose of glam rock laced pop punk – putting the sounds of the early 1970s run through the Wildhearts filter to create something reminiscent of the Silver Ginger 5.”
(Read more and get involved here:
#1) Ginger Wildheart & Ryan Hamilton – Fuck You Brain
SPOTLIGHT ARTIST! Today’s Spotlight Artist is the Stompin’ Riff Raffs! The Stompin’ Riff Raffs have been rocking Tokyo for 10 years now! Wow! They consist of three hot girls and a guy up front making killer music! And they just finished a successful New York tour and are now back home. They’s gots a show tonight! Here’s their Facebook page. Go LIKE it!:
SPOTLIGHT ARTIST! Stompin’ Riff Raffs – Phantom Rock
By the way, I suspect that if you dig the Stompin’ Riff Raffs and wanna see more….. Check out the future classic Japanese Garage Rock Documentary movie, “Garage Rockin’ Craze” which will be in theaters in Jan. 2017. Don’t miss it. Keep up on the latest information about “Garage Rockin’ Craze” here:
That’s all for today! See you next week when we return to the Top 3 Indies Artist Videos Countdown. See ya! – Mike in Tokyo Rogers
Mike & Taro’s FREE New Year’s party! Jan 23, 2017 starting at 7 pm at Shibuya Milkyway.
Featuring Su Ko D Koi, The Stephanies, The Pats Pats. Tons of presents and surprises too! Wanna go? It’s free but you need to reserve a ticket!
Mike & Taro とパーティーしましょう!「2017!新年会!」
2017年月1月23日(月)@Shibuya Milkyway
OPEN/START 18:30 / 19:15
ADV/DAY Invitation Only 1D¥600
お問い合わせ:Shibuya Milkyway 03-6416-3227

2017 New Year’s Party
Get one here:
About Mike in Tokyo Rogers: Mike has been a professional music/TV/radio/anime-related program producer in Japan since the eighties. He began in the music business in 1977 as lead vocalist with the crappy but legendary Los Angeles Punk Band, “The Rotters” (Sit on My Face Stevie Nix.). As a university student, he was assistant to the legendary Rodney Bingenheimer (Rodney on the ROQ – KROQ Los Angeles from 1980 ~ 1981.) Mike was the first and only foreigner in Japanese history to become the General Manager of a major Japanese broadcasting station (TV Tokyo owned InterFM). Has produced a few smash hit programs and several of Japan’s highest rated and most famous radio programs. A recent hit program was “The TV Show” (Set Program with “Ninja Slayer”) which, between April – Oct. 2015, garnered over 10 million viewers. He is currently producing and hosting “WTF?” the hugely popular Sunday live show on InterFM 89.7 as well as Rakuten Superrr Radio’s Power Morning everyday Mon. ~ Fri. 6 am ~ 10 am. As well as Rakuten Superrr Radio’s Power Evening Mon. ~ Fri. 5 pm ~ 8 pm. And His life’s dream is “Ghostroads – A Japanese Rock and Roll Ghost Story”which will be released by a major Japanese motion picture company and in theaters all across Japan in Oct. 2017.
Oh, and Mike drinks too much.
Top 3 Indies Artist Videos for Nov. 27, 2016! Flyying Colours! The Regrettes, The Future Babes, Twinkle Twinkles (Japan)!
Top 3 Indies Artist Videos for Nov. 19, 2016! Garage Rockin’ Craze (Japan)! Spitfires! Orwells! Maddy Jane!
Top 3 Indies Artist Videos for Nov. 12, 2016! Suzy Blu, Candy Ditches (Japan), RPMs, Seth Bogart!
Top 3 Indies Artist Videos for Oct. 29, 2016! Love Zombies, Louise Distras, NØISE, Shonen Knife!
Top 3 Indies Artist Videos for Oct. 22, 2016! The Shit, Honeyblood, Black Honey, Spam69 (Japan)
Top 3 Indies Artist Videos for Oct. 15, 2016! Chris Catalyst, Suzy Blu, Garbage, Su Ko D Koi (Japan)
Top 3 Videos for Oct. 2, 2016! Dwarf! Sandinistas! Pats Pats (Japan), The Coathangers!
Top 3 Videos for Sept. 24, 2016! The Rock N Roll Summit 2016 at Shibuya, Tokyo, Japan!
Top 3 Videos for Sept. 17, 2016! Dog Party, Kinoko Hotel (Japan) Lovely Eggs, Peach Kelli Pop!
Top 3 Videos for Sept. 3, 2016! Big Jesus, Suzy Blu, Peach Kelli Pop, The Mackshow (Japan)!
Top 3 Videos for Aug. 27, 2016! Hands Off Gretel, Death Valley Girls, Stephanies (Japan), Summer Twins!
Top 3 Videos for Aug. 13, 2016! Black Honey, Mirror Trap, Spam 69 (Japan), Rock ‘n’ Roll Monkey & the Robots!
Top 3 Videos for Aug. 6, 2016! The Whereabouts, Guitarwolf, Mirror Trap, Dog Party!
If you like this countdown every week, please come “Like” our Robot55 Facebook page (or friend us on Twitter or subscribe to our Youtube page). Thanks!
Top 3 Indies Artist Videos for Dec. 4, 2016! David Bowie, Su Ko D Koi (Japan), Lover, David and The Curse!
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