All posts in “good restaurant”

Gaijin Gourmet: The Best Premium Salad Bar in Tokyo? – Sizzler in Setagaya

Looking for the best Salad Bar in Tokyo?

Well, I’ve introduced you to Big Boy, which offers an All-You-Can-Eat Salad bar for ¥590! (about $5 USD + 8% sales tax – no tips in Japan!). But my vegetarian friend, Ken says that, even though he likes Big Boy, if he goes on a date or takes his wife and kids out, they sometimes like Sizzler better. 

Sizzler does have a much nicer Salad Bar with a much wider selection of fresh vegetables, but it is nearly 4 times the price of Big Boy; so it’s up to you! 

I have to admit, though, when it is a special occasion or birthday, my son always says he wants to go to Sizzler… Even though he likes Big Boy too. The big sales point for him at Sizzler is the All-You-Can-Eat ice cream bar. The all you can eat Salad Bar, Soup Bar and Drink Bar at Sizzler is included in the price of the Salad Bar so that’s to be considered… Whereas, at Big Boy, they are all a separate charge.

And when you have a bunch of kids who want to eat several scoops of ice cream and chocolate (At Big Boy, one ice cream is about ¥300 (about $2.50 USD), then Sizzler does make sense if you are watching your pennies (and have kids – or dad – who eat too many sweets….)

Sizzler is about 6 minutes walk from the west exit of Sakura Shnmachi station on the Denen-Toshi line about 12 minutes from Shibuya heading towards Kanagawa. The restaurant is open from 11 am until 11 pm seven days a week. Here is their webpage (sorry Japanese only!) 

The salad bar there is fantastic. The place is extremely clean and kept quite nice. The food is always fresh (I’ve been there dozens and dozens of times).

The all you can eat lunch bar includes bread, soup, drink and dessert bar. Lunch all you can eat is ¥1980 (about $16 USD + 8% sales tax – no tips in Japan!))

Dinner all you can eat is ¥2380 (about $19.18 + 8% sales tax – no tips in Japan!)

It’s the best salad bar deal I’ve ever seen in Tokyo. The food is good, I can relax, and the kids love the place. Everyone can find what they want at Sizzler in Setagaya.

Here, let me allow the photos to do the talking.

Outside view of building from 246 heading toward Shibuya. Beautiful newly reformed building. Parking for about 28 cars. 

Quite spacious inside. This photo is about 1/4 of the entire restaurant so it seats a few hundred easily. 

Large salad and fruits bar. Seriously, it’s huge and the size of a salad bar you’d see in the United States.

About 21 different vegetables and organic tofu seen here.

12 different mixed salads here…. Seafood salad, Waldorf salad, others…

As well as apples, white and pink grapefruit sliced, bananas, orange slices, pineapple, peaches, as well as diced onions, shredded lettuce, olives, jalapenos, mixed cheese and salsa which is for…

…the burritos you can make yourself. Taco meat and melted cheese for cheese nachos, gratin, spaghetti and curry rice are also available on the salad bar menu at no extra charge… 

There is also soup bar that offers at least three types of soup daily 

Of course, there are several styles of bread to choose from…

The drink bar offers everything you can think of….

And, of course, the kid’s favorite, the dessert bar. Shoe-cream, coffee cake, chocolate mousse, apple strudel, three flavors of soft cream “ice cream” and chocolate and all sort of goodies that the kids like to sprinkle on top. Beware parents! The chocolate fountain pictured is only out on weekends and weeknights after 6 pm!

The address is: 

Setagaya Sizzler 

Sakura Shinmachi 1 – 33 – 5

Setagaya-ku, Tokyo 

Tel: 03 – 3705 – 4919


URL: webpage

Take the west exit from Sakura Shinmachi station. Turn left down Sazai-san street. When you get to the police box turn right and go up the hill. It’s a one-way street. Follow the road up and turn to your left at the end. Sizzler will be on your left. Can’t miss it.



Looking for more great deals on cheap eats in Japan?:

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The Gaijin Gourmet: Soba Wars At Hanzomon Station in Tokyo


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