All posts in “2020 Olympics”

激速『スター・ウォーズ/フォースの覚醒』! / I’VE SEEN STAR WARS: THE FORCE AWAKENS!








Lots of people have been wondering what’s up with the new Star Wars movie. Some have high expectations; some expect Disney to screw it up!

But, as my regular readers know, I work in the mass media and I have had access to a private viewing of the film ! Yes! I have seen it and Disney doesn’t disappoint!

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“DATA LOVE” out today!

Hi I’m Ken, the video man and music composer/producer @ ROBOT55 / ROBOT55のビデオ制作&音楽制作担当のKenでございます!


My new dance/house tune “DATA LOVE” is out today! / 小生のゴキゲンなノリノリ・ハウス・チューンのニューシングル”DATA LOVE”が本日より配信されます!


A super-pop and ridiculously-catchy club tune. This classic, romantic love song is dedicated to the one we marvel at every day and spend more time than with any beloved soul in the world, the binary data.


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皆様のお陰でA Japanese Rock ‘N’ Roll Ghost Storyのクラウドファンディングも大成功でした!




A Japanese Rock 'n' Roll Ghost Story

A Japanese Rock ‘n’ Roll Ghost Story






さりげなくGoogleで”Crowdfunding”という単語を検索すると・・・ Continue Reading…

残すところあと8日!A Japanese Rock N Roll Ghost Story Crowdfunding Final 8 Days!



Our Crowdfunding campaign for A Japanese Rock N Roll Ghost Story is now down to our last 9 days. Thanks so much to everyone who has helped so far. There’s still a little bit of time, and we need all the help we can get.

Here is the English information page:




Let’s rock and roll! Continue Reading…

日本におけるクラウドファンディング、そしてJapanese Rock ‘n’ Roll Ghost Storyについて

(English version of this post here: You Have to Have Punk Spirit! Notes on Crowdfunding in Japan and A Japanese Rock ‘n’ Roll Ghost Story (

多くの方がご存知の通り、ROBOT55では去る6月25日よりJapanese Rock ‘n’ Roll Ghost Storyという映画制作の為のクラウドファンディングを展開中です。


現在制作準備中のJapanese Rock ‘n’ Roll Ghost Storyの予告編やメッセージ動画はこちらのクラウドファンディングのページでご覧になれます。

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Tokyo Under $5 a Meal! – The Gaijin Gourmet!

You CAN get a great meal in Tokyo, for under $5 USD! Really!

Where to find that information? Right here! Well, the Gaijin Gourmet (that’s me) has been blogging Gaijin Gourmet articles showing you where to go to get the best deals in Japan here at the site. 

Besides articles on where to find these places, at Robot55, we’ll be starting an entire video series introducing these places where you can get a great, healthy, safe and delicious meal for under $5 USD! These videos will be in English for folks coming to Japan and looking for the best places to eat well on a budget.

I have already written about the best budget sushi chain in Japan (see below); the best noodles shops; and the best places to get salads! Here’s a recent post in the series:

Gaijin Gourmet – Sukiya! Japan’s Best Gyudon (Beef Bowl)

Here’s a snippet:

The restaurant is Sukiya. Sukiya has almost 2000 shops in Japan so they are everywhere you are. And most Sukiya shops are open 24 hours a day. The only shop that has more restaurants is McBurgers, but I don’t have to introduce them to you. A few reasons: 1) McBurgers is not healthy. You don’t want your kids, or yourself, to be eating that stuff. 2) Sukiya has an extremely healthy menu with lots of very reasonably priced and delicious items. 3) The kids love Sukiya!

 Sukiya is a “Beef Bowl” chain. That means they specialize in serving some cooked meats on a bed of rice. It’s delicious and the price will drop your jaw. Since I am watching my weight, whenever I go to Sukiya, I always order the salad (there’s no salt or dressing on it, you add those yourself if you wish) and the “Healthy Gyudon” (that is called, “Gyudon Light” on the menu.) It is “light” because the calories are so low because this delicious menu item has a block of Tofu instead of the rice.
Sukiya is the ultimate answer to travelers on a budget who want to eat healthy and food that is not full of salt and oil. I give Sukiya 5+ stars. Seriously, I think you can’t beat them for taste, quality, cleanliness and price. A high quality, healthy and (Japanese style) low calorie meal can be had for as little as ¥380.
I usually order Gyudon Light (¥380 yen) and a salad (¥100) and drink the tea (free). I’m happy, I’ve eaten healthy and the damages? ¥480. Are you sitting down? That’s about $4 USD and THERE IS NO TIPPING!”

Folks, this morning set at Sukiya with a baked salmon, rice, pickled veggies and miso soup is under $4 (USD!) Incredible! 

I’ll be writing a bunch more of these in the coming months (the plan is to write at least one a week, so I hope you’ll go to check it out on

If you are on Facebook, please come and “Like” our Facebook page and then you’ll see the new articles when they are posted.

So check it out, OK?

For now, here’s a whole bunch of them!

Looking for great deals on cheap eats in Japan?:


Looking for great deals on cheap eats in Japan?:

Gaijin Gourmet! The Best, Most Delicious Soba Restaurant in Shibuya and Shinjuku

Gaijin Gourmet – Hamazushi! Tokyo’s Best Robot Sushi!

Gaijin Gourmet – Sukiya! Japan’s Best Gyudon (Beef Bowl)

Gaijin Gourmet Advice for Foreign Gentlemen Living in Japan!

Gaijin Gourmet – Best Soba Chain in Tokyo?Yude Taro and ¥220 Draft Beer?!¥220-draft-beer/

Gaijin Gourmet: The Best Premium Salad Bar in Tokyo? – Sizzler in Setagaya

Gaijin Gourmet! Great Cheap and Delicious Soba in Gaienmae on Ginza Line!

The Gaijin Gourmet: The Best Salad Bar Deal in Tokyo at Big Boy – My Favorite Rock N Roll Diner!!

Tokyo’s Best Cheap Sushi is in Okachimachi!? 東京の一番安くて美味しい寿司屋?御徒町にあるの?

Gaijin Gourmet – Beware! The Worst Noodle Restaurant in Tokyo?

The Gaijin Gourmet: Soba Wars At Hanzomon Station in Tokyo


At Robot55 we make video productions for businesses and services and products, but we also pride ourselves on making videos for art and music. Our starting price is ¥70,000 and we are sure we can work out something that fits your budget. Oh, and we love making band videos too! Contact us!

ROBOT55 はビジネス、商業、製品紹介動画の制作のみならず、アートや音楽の映像も創っております。ビジネス動画においてはウェブ動画時代の到来に合わせ、お求めや すい¥70,000という格安価格より承ります。ご予算に応じて皆様にご満足のいく高品質動画を制作致します。勿論インディー・バンド向けPV制作も行っ ております。よ!


Gaijin Gourmet, budget dining Tokyo, ビデオ編集格安、ビデオ撮影格安、動画制作東京、格安ビデオ制作, 格安, ロボット・ゴー・ゴー,  格安, ビジネスビデオ制作, ロボット・ゴー・ゴー, Gaijin Gourmet, Delicious places to eat in Tokyo, Cheap places to eat in Tokyo, Healthy, cheap, inexpensive food, Tokyo dining, budget dining Tokyo, delicious budget soba, soba, tokyo soba


The Teen Titans, Guitar Wolf, Puffy Amiyumi and Me – A True Story

Wow! Today is another true story! I’m going to brag about the rock stars I hobnob with! (Snore!)

Everyone has seen the animation “Teen Titans,” right? The theme song for that animation was sang by Japan’s Puffy Amiyumi, and, on that song, the mighty Guitar Wolf’s lead vocal and guitarist, Seiji, played guitar solo.

My now 11-year-old son really liked Teen Titans (we don’t have a TV so we sometimes let him watch DVDs – a few times). So he really liked that theme song. The animation? He didn’t like that so much.

But, yesterday I came home from a TV show recording and then  I showed him the photo of Seiji and me (at the top of this post) and asked him if he remembered that “guy who played guitar in the Teen Titans theme song”?

His eyes grew wide and he said, “Yeah! Dad! I remember!”

“That’s him!” I said. My son was mightily impressed!

Then we both watched the theme song video on Youtube once again together!

Check it. It is awesomely cool!

Puffy Ami Yumi – Teen Titans

OK. That’s the Teen Titans…. I’ve also known (not well because they are big stars) Puffy for a long time too… Kind of…

Well, anyway, one half of Puffy Amiyumi, Yumi, was on a TV show on WOWOW TV a little while back that I worked on. I didn’t do anything, I just worked on the show. When I saw her, I said, “Hi Yumi! Do you remember me?” Of course she said, “Yes!” but I could tell by the look in her eyes, she didn’t.

That’s OK, she probably thought my face was familiar but all foreigners look alike! (Bwa! Ha! Ha!)

Puffy were also the main hosts of a TV show that George Williams was on (I’m George’s manager) and that must have been 15~20 years ago too.

A few months ago, at Wowow, I took my photo with Yumi… But I can’t find it now (of course). And, of course, I can’t find any of the really old photos…. But I will post them here if and when I do.

Anyway, Puffy Amiyumi are cool and this video for “Teen Titans” was seen around the world!… Also, did you notice something “funny” right after Seiji’s “guital” solo?

Seiji of Guitar Wolf stars in the guitar solo for the theme song of Teen Titans... They spelled it "Guitalist"????

Seiji of Guitar Wolf stars in the guitar solo for the theme song of Teen Titans… They spelled it “Guitalist”????

Yeah. That’s right. They misspelled “Guitarist.”

OK. Very funny guys. You know they intentionally misspelled it (?)… Pretty humorous if you ask me.

Anyway, onto Guitar Wolf. I’ve known Seiji from Guitar Wolf for a very long time too, over 20 years. Seiji has been a guest on many TV and radio shows I’ve worked on or produced for a very long time. Seiji appears on my shows because we are some of the few programs radical enough to play them. The photo at the very top of this article is Seiji and me from yesterday. He was a guest on a TV program that I produce.

Yesterday was the first time I have seen Seiji in nearly 10 years! When I saw him, I said, “Hi Seiji! Do you remember me?” Of course he said, “Yes!” but I could tell by the look in his eyes, he didn’t. That’s OK, Seiji is just like me and we both drink too much. I can’t remember what happened this morning!

Seiji probably thought my face was familiar but all foreigners look alike! (Bwa! Ha! Ha!)

Seiji is cool. I do have an old photo of me and Seiji and Guitar Wolf from a very long time ago. This might have been around 1991 or so. That’s me on the far left in the blue Hawaiian shirt.

Guitar Wolf visits "Channel G" (circa 1991)

Guitar Wolf visits “Channel G” (circa 1991)

When Guitar Wolf came to the radio station in the photo above, we really got drunk! It was a great time!

And we, er, uh…. We uh…. uh….

Let me see… What was I talking about? Getting drunk? Guitar Wolf? Ummm…. I forgot….

Oh yeah, now I remember! Seiji also is the guest vocalist on the Mutants new single, “Dead Beat Generation”! We’ve been playing it on the radio and it was on the Top 3 Video Countdown at the end of July! Check it out!

The Mutants “Dead Beat Generation”

Anyway, what’s the point? I don’t know. Does there need to be a point? Probably not when we’re talking about the awesome Guitar Wolf!

Thanks Guitar Wolf! Thanks Puffy Amiyumi! Thanks to you all for at least one good memory from a childhood! (and a chance for dad to brag years later!)


  • 映画「Japanese Rock & Roll Ghost Story」のクラウドファンディンは9月26日まで残ってるので協力して下さい!お願いします!



The Top 3 Videos for August 14, 2015! Messer Chups, Sir Psyko, Love Zombies and The Privates!

The Top 3 Videos for August 8, 2015! Surfer Blood, The Let’s Go’s, Bonsai Kitten and The Jigsaw Seen

The Top 3 Videos for July 31, 2015! The Havenots, Westkust, Kid Wave and the Mutants!

Top 3 Indies Artist Videos for July 25, 2015! Red Bacteria Vacuum! Perrosky! Rocket and the Atomic Stooges from Japan!


At Robot55 we make video productions for businesses and services and products, but we also pride ourselves on making videos for art and music. Our starting price is ¥70,000 and we are sure we can work out something that fits your budget. Oh, and we love making band videos too! Contact us!

ROBOT55 はビジネス、商業、製品紹介動画の制作のみならず、アートや音楽の映像も創っております。ビジネス動画においてはウェブ動画時代の到来に合わせ、お求めや すい¥70,000という格安価格より承ります。ご予算に応じて皆様にご満足のいく高品質動画を制作致します。勿論インディー・バンド向けPV制作も行っ ております。よ!


Guitar Wolf, Puffy, Puffy Amiyumi, ビデオ編集格安、ビデオ撮影格安、動画制作東京、格安ビデオ制作, 格安, ロボット・ゴー・ゴー,  格安, ビジネスビデオ制作, ロボット・ゴー・ゴー, Teen Titans, animation, theme song

A Japanese Rock ‘N’ Roll Ghost Storyがまたまた取り上げられました。よ!






引き続きご贔屓の程、どうぞよろしくお願いつかまつります! Continue Reading…

A Japanese Rock & Roll Ghost Storyが渋谷のライブハウスHPに! / A Japanese Rock & Roll Ghost Story featured on a renowned music venue’s website!

A Japanese Rock & Roll Ghost Story 予告編のライブ・シーンが撮影された渋谷のMilky WayのHPでクラウド・ファンディングが大々的に取り上げられています!

Our Crowdfunding campaign has been featured on the website of a venue in Shibuya, Tokyo, called Milky Way where the band’s live performance scene in the trailer was shot! Continue Reading…

日本初ロックンロール・ホラー映画を一緒に作ろう! – 5日目


Japanese Rock ‘N’ Roll Ghost Storyのクラウドファンディングが始まって5日目。お陰様で既に目標金額の30%を超えるサポートを頂き、誠に嬉しく思います!この場を借りてもう一度、僕のCPUより感謝致します!

サポーターの方へのリターンの一つが『HPにお名前掲載』という事で、お寄せ頂いたメッセージと共にサポーターの方々のお名前を掲載したページを開設しましたので是非ご覧ください! Continue Reading…