All posts in “バイリンガル”

Ninja Slayer From Animation 「The TV Show」Staff Party!

Ok. We had a drinking party with the staff of “Ninja Slayer From Animation.” we make the video production of “The TV Show.”

We love making the video production of the TV Show. It is our dream come true. More than one million people watched the first episode of our show, and for that, we are grateful. Thanks so much!

The Ninja Slayer Press Release from the first week. More than 1 million people tuned in to watch the first week's show! Thanks so much!

The Ninja Slayer Press Release from the first week. More than 1 million people tuned in to watch the first week’s show! Thanks so much!

You can watch “The TV Show” along with “Ninja Slayer” on Niconico Douga every Thursday Night (Japan time) of Nico Nico Live! Here’s the trailer for the TV Show:

Here’s the trailer for Ninja Slayer From Animation!


At Robot55 we make video productions for businesses and services and products, but we also pride ourselves on making videos for art and music. Our starting price is ¥70,000 and we are sure we can work out something that fits your budget. Oh, and we love making band videos too! Contact us!




格安, ビデオ制作, 動画, 紹介動画, ROBOT55, ロボット・ゴー・ゴー, ビデオ編集, 動画制作, 格安ビデオ制作、撮影, 格安, ビジネスビデオ制作,  ロボット・ゴー・ゴー, ビデオ, 東京, 撮影, 格安,


Ben E. King / ベン E キング氏の想ひ出

2015年4月30日(日本では日付が変わって5月1日)、Stand by meなどのヒット曲で知られるBen E. King氏の逝報が届きました。




筆者はまだ東北の震災の記憶も生々しかった去る2011年の秋、ベン E. キング氏と新宿にあるヒルトンホテルで一度お逢いする幸運に恵まれております。 Continue Reading…




2015年4月16日(木)23:00〜 ニコニコ動画他にて全世界配信開始される『ニンジャスレイヤー・フロム・アニメイション』のコーナー的番組『ザ・TV・ショウ』(パーソナリティー:古川タロヲ、白川未奈)をROBOT55が制作することになりました! Continue Reading…

ROBOT55 格安動画講座 – 上手な動画撮影のコツ 其の六 – ウェブ動画最適の尺とは?








この時間は一説によると古代ギリシャの劇がほぼその位の尺だったからというところから来ているという事?! Continue Reading…

ROBOT55 格安動画講座 – 上手な動画撮影のコツ 其の五 – バズる動画の傾向と対策





そんな訳で本日は若干嗜好を変えまして「バズる動画の傾向と対策」と称し、一般的にどんな動画が広まりやすいのかを短く簡潔にまとめてみました! Continue Reading…





でもこういった撮影はそれなりに財布にも厳しいんだろうな〜って普通に思いますよね? Continue Reading…

Johnny Sokko and His Giant Robot – Giant Robo (ジャイアントロボ) For You Japanese Fans!

(Image at top is the first – totally ripped off design – of the robot for Robot55.)

May I brag? I’ve had so many people tell me that they love the Robot character we use for Robot55. Thanks. I made him myself…robot55sUh, no… That’s not true. Ayumi, our president made him. Besides being a sort-of genius engineer and designer, she’s a mad scientist!

Since I can remember, Japan has always had a lot of robots (be they real, giant or otherwise) as well as monsters and ghosts. When I was a kid growing up in Minnesota, we always thought it was strange. I remember asking my  mom (who was Japanese) why the Japanese had so many weird monsters and robots everywhere. It’s bizarre when you stop to think about it; Japan had lots of robots, etc. since way back when. Now, in 2015, Japan has robot restaurants and all sorts of funky aluminum creatures… And, as for monsters, I guess Fukushima Dai-Ichi could fit that bill.

How little did we realize when we were little kids, that this 60’s Japanese Kitsch was extremely cool…. How little did we realize that those toy cars made out of aluminum beer cans that came from Japan in the sixties would be worth thousands of dollars to collectors today. How could we realize, as little kids, how dumb we were? The robots, monsters and toy cars from Japan were waaaaaay cool. Us dumb dorky kids were the ones who weren’t cool.

I looked up some cool videos of the seminal Japanese robot character: Giant Robot. That cartoon was known as “Johnny Sokko and His Giant Robot” in the USA.  I turned on this Youtube video link and watched. “Ah!” I thought, “I remember this TV show! His finger is a rocket!”

A minute later, my wife peered out of the dining room, when she heard the theme song of Giant Robo and exclaimed, “I loved this TV show! When it ended, I cried and cried!” (She started to cry right there too! She’s so sweet)

Watching my wife relive a moment of her childhood brought tears to my eyes! She reminded me of my mother; and, her emotions remind me, once again, just how romanticist and delicate the Japanese can be.

I love Japan and the Japanese people! 

Here’s a trailer for Giant Robot…

… Maybe this is just one more clue into why the Japanese have a fascination with robots and giant radioactive creatures from space and the bottom of the ocean….

Giant Robo first appeared in Weekly Shonan Sunday in 1967. The Giant Robo manga (comics) first appeared in a weekly comic book called Weekly Shōnen Sunday on May 1967. Written by Mitsuteru Yokoyama, Giant Robo tells the story of Daisaku Kusama, the titular Robo and an evil secret society known only as “Big Fire.” In October of the same year, a live-action adaptation premiered on TV Asahi.

Key Hunter – Classic Japanese Sixties TV Show〜懐かしの60年代テレビ番組 キーハンター

In searching for a type of music for a video production we are currently making, I turned to get inspiration from a 1960’s Japanese television detective series entitled “Key Hunter.” Key Hunter was a smash hit on Japanese TV between 1968 to 1973. I got lucky because I found a version with English subtitles!

Wikipedia says:

Key Hunter (キイハンター) was a prime-time Japanese television detective series. It aired on Saturday nights in the 9:00–9:56 p.m. time slot on the Tokyo Broadcasting System (TBS) network from April 6, 1968 to April 7, 1973. There were a total of 262 episodes, and it was one of the most popular action dramas in Japan at the time. The story involved “Key Hunter”, a special clandestine unit of the International Police, which endeavored to solve various crimes. “Key Hunter” was a unique TV show, which started out as a grand scale spy thriller never before seen in Japan. The episodes were individually themed on global crimes and political strife. The initial hardboiled theme later evolved to include intellectual elements involving action, and occasionally with comical elements as well. Tetsuro Tamba starred in the 1967 film “You Only Live Twic”e as Japanese Secret Service agent Tiger Tanaka, an ally of James Bond. This role greatly influenced his image in “Key Hunter”.

I really like the images and production in Key Hunter. I laughed out loud at the video at the very beginning where the guy is in bed kissing the girl and suddenly pulls out a gun and points it at someone; I love that style of Hollywood “Camp.”

This program is an inspiration to me because I really like how, in spite of a low budget (like all Japanese shows of the sixties) – and excepting the car crashing over the side of the mountain and exploding into flames – the director and production crew use good ideas and creativity to make a compelling story and an interesting image to watch. This is brilliant work!

The music is also fabulous.

I am especially interested in the sixties in Japan because that was when the first Tokyo Olympics was held and we have the 2020 Tokyo Olympics coming up. The sixties throughout the eighties in Japan were a Golden Time. I look to those days to bring art and inspiration to all our video productions in Tokyo.

Often times, when companies make promotion videos for their products or services, video production companies use library music or stock footage. This has a few problems as there can often be a rights issue and sometimes, even with a contract, the creator has an issue with use of their music or images. Trust me. I’ve seen it happen many times.

You don’t have that problem with a video production done at Robot55; and you never will. Why? We always create our own original music and images for use in all our videos so you never have to worry about getting a letter from a lawyer representing Getty Images or some company that represents an artist’s musical rights telling you to pay several thousand dollars.

And I’ve seen that happen, more than once to other companies, so we don’t do that at all. Everything we use; images, music, sound effects, narrations are original and done specifically for you. There’s never a worry about rights or a time limit on a production we make for you.

With a video production made by Robot55, you won’t have anyone like the folks in Key Hunter chasing you down for use of music or images; we create quality and we are always 100% original. Everything we create for you, becomes yours. It’s yours forever.

Let me repeat that: 100% yours to use. Forever.

Contact us and let’s get started making your company, service or product video: