もう皆様もご存知かと思いますが、ROBOT55が3ピース・ガール・ロック・バンド、Su凸ko D凹koi(すっとこどっこい)の名曲「ブス」のPVを制作しました!
この撮影が行われたのは4月3日金曜日。この日はSu凸ko D凹koiのワンマンライブが下北沢モザイクで行われたのでそのついでにPVも撮影させて頂いたという訳でございます。 Continue Reading…
もう皆様もご存知かと思いますが、ROBOT55が3ピース・ガール・ロック・バンド、Su凸ko D凹koi(すっとこどっこい)の名曲「ブス」のPVを制作しました!
この撮影が行われたのは4月3日金曜日。この日はSu凸ko D凹koiのワンマンライブが下北沢モザイクで行われたのでそのついでにPVも撮影させて頂いたという訳でございます。 Continue Reading…
2015年4月16日(木)23:00〜 ニコニコ動画他にて全世界配信開始される『ニンジャスレイヤー・フロム・アニメイション』のコーナー的番組『ザ・TV・ショウ』(パーソナリティー:古川タロヲ、白川未奈)をROBOT55が制作することになりました! Continue Reading…
ま、しかしながらこうして忙しいのには当然、色々理由があるんです。 Continue Reading…
インターネットと小型ノート・パソコンの飛躍的進化のお陰で通勤とかしなくても在宅 勤務、或いはノマドスタイルで仕事が何の問題もなく出来る時代が到来しましたね。
それは体の不自由な方々に社会進出の門戸をより広く開けてくれたとも言えます。 Continue Reading…
Because of the internet, many people no longer have to leave home or take public transportation to and from work; they can perform their job duties from home. This time should be a watershed time for the disabled and handicapped to work and contribute to society. As the father of a girl who is permanently confined to a wheelchair, it has been a sort of mission of mine over all these years to do so. As a small company, we want to help them to do so.
We are in the process of hiring physically impaired folks for our company. At first, just a few folks, they earn decent money editing video. At this very moment, we are looking for someone disabled but has experience editing video using Final Cut. They need to have experience with Final Cut software and be able to observe video footage and listen to music and make edits. Native Japanese ability a must. Experience in video and art and design a plus.
We prefer folks who live in Tokyo or Yokohama, Chiba area. For now, we are merely looking for one experienced person; yes, the hurdle is high. But soon we will be hiring people who have little or no experience and we aim to train them and give them a profitable skill. I will announce that job opening soon. (A Japanese language version of this article will be posted tomorrow).
We are now looking to hire a physically impaired person who can perform a part time job doing video editing on Final Cut at home. As with all video editing jobs, this job has no set work hour schedule. The editor can do the work at their convenience. It takes about 3 – 5 hours to edit one video. Then, for the starting pay, they will be paid ¥6,000 ~ ¥9,000 per video. They can get pay raises once they become proficient with our system. The pay is much better than working at a fast food restaurant or convenience store. You never have to use time riding a train back and forth; you never have to leave home. Finish the job and upload it back to us. Simple.
The good candidate will need an newer model Apple PC and Wi-Fi at home.
We are Robot55.
Our Mission Statement is:
“We make wonderful videos productions; for a profit if we can, at a loss if we must. But no matter what, we make wonderful video productions.”
Our Motto is:
“Let’s have fun!”
At Robot55 we make video productions for businesses and services and products, but we also pride ourselves on making videos for art and music. Our starting price is ¥70,000 and we are sure we can work out something that fits your budget. Oh, and we love making band videos too!
Contact us! contact@robot55.jp
Greetings, my humanoid friends!
高円寺にあるオシャレでカッコいいバー、ALBA 圓(えん)のお店紹介ビデオを制作しました!
We just made a video for a very cool bar in a very cool neighbourhood, Koenji, called ALBA EN! Continue Reading…
この時間は一説によると古代ギリシャの劇がほぼその位の尺だったからというところから来ているという事?! Continue Reading…
そんな訳で本日は若干嗜好を変えまして「バズる動画の傾向と対策」と称し、一般的にどんな動画が広まりやすいのかを短く簡潔にまとめてみました! Continue Reading…
オンラインといっても楽天で物を売っているネット・ビジネスだけじゃなくて、実際に商店街でお店を経営していたり、個人事業経営をしている全ての方々が対象です! Continue Reading…
A few years back, there was a movie about the early Punk Rock movement in New York, called “Blitzkreig Bop.” I thought it was a terrible movie.
A few days ago, while discussing with a friend some video production, our Japanese Rock & Roll Ghost Story, and creating a Rock & Roll boom in Tokyo before the 2020 Olympics, he mentioned that the 1978 film “Blitzkreig Bop” had been made with Japanese sub-titles and was available for free on Youtube! Wow! I checked. He was right!
So, without further ado, for your Sunday morning viewing pleasure, here is “Blitzkreig Bop” the 1978 CBCG’s documentary. Enjoy!
Here’s what Dangerous Minds has to say about this movie:
Three aspiring musicians: Richard Hell, Tom Verlaine and Richard Lloyd were looking for a place “where nothing was happening” for their band Television to play. If nothing was happening then the bar owner had nothing to lose. One day, down in the Bowery, Verlaine and Lloyd spotted a place initialed CBGB-OMFUG. They sidled across, went inside and talked to the owner a former singer and musician Hilly Krystal. As Lloyd recalled in Legs McNeil and Gillian McCain’s essential oral history of punk Please Kill Me, Hilly wanted to know what kinda music they played.
They answered with a question: ‘Well, what does ‘CBGB-OMFUG’ stand for?’ He said, ‘Country, Bluegrass, Blues and Other Music for Uplifting Gourmandizers.’ So we said, ‘Oh yeah, we play a little of that, a little rock, a little country, a little blues, a little bluegrass…’ And Hilly said, ‘Oh, okay, maybe…’ In fact, the only real stipulation for appearing at CBGB’s was to play new music, and although Suicide and Wayne County had already appeared at CBGB’s, it was not until Television, Patti Smith, The Ramones, Blondie, Talking Heads and The Dead Boys started taking up residency that CBGB’s changed from something where nothing happened to somewhere it all happened.
A HUGE thanks to Alex Kish of Wassuprockerradio! Please go “Like” his FB page
ビデオ制作、格安ビデオ制作、ROBOT55, ロボット・ゴー・ゴー,