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7/22(水)コンピレーションアルバム“ニンジャスレイヤー フロムコンピレイシヨン『忍』”発売決定!




格安, ビデオ制作, 動画, 紹介動画, ROBOT55, ロボット・ゴー・ゴー, ビデオ編集, 動画制作, 格安ビデオ制作、

格安, ビデオ制作, 動画, 紹介動画, ROBOT55, ロボット・ゴー・ゴー, ビデオ編集, 動画制作, 格安ビデオ制作、




Boris、Melt Bananaといった伝説のバンドから、今をときめくThe Pinballs、更にハウス界の大御所、大沢伸一と鬼才が集まった文字通り奇跡のラインナップ! Continue Reading…

神田祭に行ってきたよ! / Kanda Festival 2015


Hullo, my dear human species! I is ROBOT55!



Last weekend, I joined what is considered to be one of the three great Shinto festivals of Tokyo, along with the Fukagawa Matsuri and Sanno Matsuri, or some might even say one of the three great Shinto festivals of Japan, along with Gion Matsuri in Kyoto and Tenjin Matsuri in Osaka, the Kanda Matsuri!


神田明神(創建伝天平2年)/ Kanda Shrine, founded in 730 AD



関ヶ原の合戦の戦勝祈祷から始まったとされるこの祭の熱気は400年以上経った21世紀 の今日も健在しております!

Started as a prayer for victory in the battle of Sekigahara, the decisive battle that changed the course of Japan’s destiny in 1600, Kanda Matsuri’s energy is still as present as ever after 400 years!


出陣寸前の神田鍛冶町弐丁目の神輿と山車 / Kanda Kaji-cyo 2-cyome’s Mikochi & float marching



Matsuri is fun for both young and old, girls & boys – kind of rare for what is essentially a religious ceremony!




Besides miyairi, the ritual to return the demi-god from mikoshi, the small mobile shrine, to the main Kanda shrine,  the most spectacle part of Kanda matsuri is when centuries-old mikoshis march through the street of Akiabara, the world-famous post-modern electric/electronic town as well as the otaku-pop-culture’s major breeding ground – nothing sums up the both ends of Japan’s cultural spectrum better.




Matsuri is held everywhere in Japan between late spring and late Autumn. As it is fundamentally a Shinto ceremony to thank Gods for harvest, Autumn being the most popular time. Kanda matsuri is a major tourist-attraction for both local and international tourists. However, it’s even more fun to participate and carry the little mobile shrine yourself. People are usually very friendly and often provide you with free booze! Can be the experience of a lifetime!







格安, ビデオ制作, ロボット・ゴー・ゴー, ビデオ編集, レストラン, 動画, 紹介動画, 動画制作, 格安ビデオ制作、ROBOT55, 撮影, 格安, ビジネスビデオ制作,  ロボット・ゴー・ゴー, ビデオ, 東京, 撮影, 格安,

ROBOT55がPV制作したSu凸ko D凹koiが東京ウォーカーで紹介されたど!



ROBOT55が3ピース・ガール・ロック・バンド、Su凸ko D凹koi(すっとこどっこい)の名曲「ブス」のPVを制作させて頂いた事にかんしてはもう既にこの場でご報告済みなのでご存知の方々も多いかと思います!


『ブス』 / Su凸ko D凹koi – 哭ける!名曲!


昨年もヒャダインX綾小路翔のテレビ番組『musicるTV第1回日本もし売れ大賞』の歌詞賞を見事受賞していましたが、今年に入ってからも多くのFM局で彼女たちの音楽がオンエアされたりして現在人気急上昇中のSu凸ko D凹koi。

今度は先日発売された東京ウォーカーのCDレビューで1stミニアルバム『一寸先は闇』が紹介されております!Rock ‘n’ Roll! Continue Reading…

Ben E. King / ベン E キング氏の想ひ出

2015年4月30日(日本では日付が変わって5月1日)、Stand by meなどのヒット曲で知られるBen E. King氏の逝報が届きました。




筆者はまだ東北の震災の記憶も生々しかった去る2011年の秋、ベン E. キング氏と新宿にあるヒルトンホテルで一度お逢いする幸運に恵まれております。 Continue Reading…

ROBOT55 格安動画講座 – 上手な動画撮影のコツ 其の七 – 音楽を上手に使おう!





動画のムードを決めるのは何といってもBGM。音楽と映像が完璧に調和している作品を観るととても気持ちいいデスよね。 Continue Reading…






この場をお借りしてご迷惑をおかけした関係者各位、及び楽しみにされていた視聴者の方々に心よりお詫びを申しあげます。 Continue Reading…




インターネットと小型ノート・パソコンの飛躍的進化のお陰で通勤とかしなくても在宅 勤務、或いはノマドスタイルで仕事が何の問題もなく出来る時代が到来しましたね。

それは体の不自由な方々に社会進出の門戸をより広く開けてくれたとも言えます。 Continue Reading…

Looking to Hire the Handicapped for Video Editing at Home

Because of the internet, many people no longer have to leave home or take public transportation to and from work; they can perform their job duties from home.  This time should be a watershed time for the disabled and handicapped to work and contribute to society. As the father of a girl who is permanently confined to a wheelchair, it has been a sort of mission of mine over all these years to do so. As a small company, we want to help them to do so.

We are in the process of hiring physically impaired folks for our company. At first, just a few folks, they earn decent money editing video. At this very moment, we are looking for someone disabled but has experience editing video using Final Cut. They need to have experience with Final Cut software and be able to observe video footage and listen to music and make edits. Native Japanese ability a must. Experience in video and art and design a plus.

We prefer folks who live in Tokyo or Yokohama, Chiba area. For now, we are merely looking for one experienced person; yes, the hurdle is high. But soon we will be hiring people who have little or no experience and we aim to train them and give them a profitable skill. I will announce that job opening soon. (A Japanese language version of this article will be posted tomorrow).

What is the job precisely? Simply video editing. Look at the photo below. It is a photo of the top of this page. On the left, in the red circles, are two videos. One is 30 seconds, the other is 60 seconds. It is very high quality professional job at a super low price. You can scroll up to the top of this page to click and watch these videos.
Robot55 does professional world-class video productions at a fraction the cost of the competition and we aim to make society a better place with your help.

Robot55 does professional world-class video productions at a fraction the cost of the competition and we aim to make society a better place with your help.

Here is a new video we made yesterday:  (If link doesn’t play, copy and paste this into your browser:

We are now looking to hire a physically impaired person who can perform a part time job doing video editing on Final Cut at home. As with all video editing jobs, this job has no set work hour schedule. The editor can do the work at their convenience.  It takes about 3 – 5 hours to edit one video. Then, for the starting pay, they will be paid ¥6,000 ~ ¥9,000 per video. They can get pay raises once they become proficient with our system. The pay is much better than working at a fast food restaurant or convenience store. You never have to use time riding a train back and forth; you never have to leave home. Finish the job and upload it back to us. Simple.

We need to hire someone who has experience with Final Cut video editing soon (part time). I think the work will only be 1 video a week at the start… And then, if business goes well, we can increase. We are very flexible for our part time worker’s schedule too.

The good candidate will need an newer model Apple PC and Wi-Fi at home.

If you are interested or know someone who might be, have them contact us. Let’s work together having fun making videos and making the world a better place to live.
Interested or know someone who might be? Write to Mike or Ken at:
NOTE: The Politically Correct crowd really confuse me sometimes. So much so, that in an article like this, I am afraid to use certain terminology. Is it OK to say, “Disabled,” or “Handicapped?” I’m not sure. I do not mean to offend anyone and just want to get to the point as quickly as possible. Politically correctness has gotten out of control. I don’t know what to call my own daughter! Some call her disabled, some call her handicapped, some call her wheelchair bound…. I call her “perfect!”

Truth be told, everyone has a disability of some sort…

We are Robot55.

Our Mission Statement is:

“We make wonderful videos productions; for a profit if we can, at a loss if we must. But no matter what, we make wonderful video productions.”

Our Motto is:

“Let’s have fun!”

At Robot55 we make video productions for businesses and services and products, but we also pride ourselves on making videos for art and music. Our starting price is ¥70,000 and we are sure we can work out something that fits your budget. Oh, and we love making band videos too!
Contact us!


格安, ビデオ制作, ロボット・ゴー・ゴー,  格安ビデオ制作、ROBOT55,  ビジネスビデオ制作,  ロボット・ゴー・ゴー, ビデオ, ビデオ編集, レストラン, 動画, 紹介動画, 動画制作, 東京, 撮影, 格安,