Goodbye, David Bowie….

You were the very first that made me crazy about one rock star and not just one song…

You were the first one that made me understand what “music makes me high” meant…

You were the one that made me hate my dark and wavy hair: I wanted to have straight blonde hair so I could make it orange…

Because of you, I stayed indoors and never got a suntan in my entire life; that is why at nearly 60 today, I have no wrinkles.

You were also the one who showed me that it was OK not to be the most popular boy in school and to be different and to be myself. ……..

For many years, David Bowie made me laugh and scream and sing and dream… Yesterday, for the first time in a long time, he made me remember how to cry again.

David Bowie, I love you.

You changed my life.

I will never forget.


ROBOT55 はビジネス、商業、製品紹介動画の制作のみならず、アートや音楽の映像も創っております。ビジネス動画においてはウェブ動画時代の到来に合わせ、お求めや すい¥70,000という格安価格より承ります。ご予算に応じて皆様にご満足のいく高品質動画を制作致します。勿論インディー・バンド向けPV制作も行っ ております。よ!
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