It’s time once again for the Top 3 Indies Artist Video Countdown. The Top 3 best Indies and Alternative Music artists for the week of Jan. 15, 2017!
Today we have some extremely cool and dark rock n roll lined up for you. And, first up today are Dénudés. Dénudés are a “Fuzz Noir Dark Rock n Roll” trio from Miami, Florida. (Hey! What’s up with all these cool bands from Florida recently? Like Killmama?) I’m not sure but Dénudés is coming to play in Shinjuku in Japan in from March 23 ~ March 26! Wow! Check the live information here ( Wow! How the heck did they arrange that! Cool! They also have a Facebook page too. Go be the first in your neighborhood to Like them!!!!! FB:
#3) Dénudés – Waste of Fun
At #2 is another band that is turning heads in the Los Angeles scene. Their name is Beck Black and they are a trio headed up by a girl who looks like Marilyn Monroe’s stand in. This is the second time they’ve been on our countdown. The first time on the countdown was with the great track, “American Mister.” Check it here:
Their webpage says, “Beck Black delivers a bluesy punk experience with the dynamic soul of pure rock’n’roll theater.” This reminds me of Bowie or Suede with a female front…. Or Siouxsie Sioux… So, what’s not to like? They have a Facebook page too. You know what to do:
#2) Beck Black – Vampires Come Out at Night
At #1 this week (and #1 for two weeks in a row) is the Brit band, Cabbage. Cabbage has been picked by several UK publications as the hottest new British band of 2017 (or something to that effect). They are 5 guys doing a post-punk thing. The Guardian says, “Cabbage have been described as “Manchester’s most exciting new band.” Their Bandcamp page says, “Manchester based five piece serving up an idiosyncratic, satirical attack in the form of discordant neo post-punk.” They are touring the UK in March and April and it looks like every show is about sold out! They have a Facebook page but probably couldn’t give a toss if you Like it or not.
#1) Cabbage – Kevin
TODAY’S SPOTLIGHT ARTIST! Is a Japanese Post Punk, Goth, Deathrock, Batcave band named †13th Moon†. This band is the real thing. I know because they dress like this all the time! Their influences are: Madame Edwarda, Phaidia, Auto-Mod, Christian Death, 45 Grave, The Damned, Bauhaus, The Cure, Siouxsie & The Banshees, Joy Division, Ipso Facto, 13th Chime, Sex Gang Children, Alien Sex Fiend, X-mal Deutschland.
They say a picture is worth a thousand words, right? OK? Here ya go… †13th Moon† ! Awesome look. Great sound!

†13th Moon† Japan
I think this is the definitive Japanese goth band. I saw them live once and they scared me (I’m an old guy, OK?) I definitely want this band in my next movie! This is just awesome! Here’s their blog: and, of course, they have a Facebook page. Go Like it:
TODAY’S SPOTLIGHT ARTIST! 13th Moon – Grave Dance –
About Mike in Tokyo Rogers: Mike has been a professional music/TV/radio/anime-related program producer in Japan since the eighties. He began in the music business in 1977 as lead vocalist with the crappy but legendary Los Angeles Punk Band, “The Rotters” (Sit on My Face Stevie Nix.). As a university student, he was assistant to the legendary Rodney Bingenheimer (Rodney on the ROQ – KROQ Los Angeles from 1980 ~ 1981.) Mike was the first and only foreigner in Japanese history to become the General Manager of a major Japanese broadcasting station (TV Tokyo owned InterFM). Has produced a few smash hit programs and several of Japan’s highest rated and most famous radio programs. A recent hit program was “The TV Show” (Set Program with “Ninja Slayer”) which, between April – Oct. 2015, garnered over 10 million viewers. He is currently producing and hosting “WTF?” the hugely popular Sunday live show on InterFM 89.7 as well as Rakuten Superrr Radio’s Power Morning everyday Mon. ~ Fri. 6 am ~ 10 am. As well as Rakuten Superrr Radio’s Power Evening Mon. ~ Fri. 5 pm ~ 8 pm. And His life’s dream is “Ghostroads – A Japanese Rock and Roll Ghost Story”which will be released by a major Japanese motion picture company and in theaters all across Japan in Oct. 2017.
Oh, and Mike drinks too much.
Top 3 Indies Artist Videos for Jan 8, 2017! Su凸ko D凹koi, Sex Organs, Tearaways, Cabbage!凸ko-d凹koi-sex-organs-tearaways-cabbage/
Top 3 Indies Artist Videos for Jan 1, 2017! Rews, The Tearaways, Future Babes, Su Ko D Koi (Japan)
Top 3 Indies Artist Videos for Dec. 18, 2016! Louise Distras, The Spitfires, Warbly Jets, Stephanies (Japan)!
Top 3 Indies Artist Videos for Dec. 11, 2016! Ginger Wildheart & Ryan Hamilton, The Stompin’ Riff Raffs (Japan), Pale Honey, Family Friends!
Top 3 Indies Artist Videos for Nov. 27, 2016! Flyying Colours! The Regrettes, The Future Babes, Twinkle Twinkles (Japan)!
Top 3 Indies Artist Videos for Nov. 19, 2016! Garage Rockin’ Craze (Japan)! Spitfires! Orwells! Maddy Jane!
Top 3 Indies Artist Videos for Nov. 12, 2016! Suzy Blu, Candy Ditches (Japan), RPMs, Seth Bogart!
Top 3 Indies Artist Videos for Oct. 29, 2016! Love Zombies, Louise Distras, NØISE, Shonen Knife!
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