We’re back to Cool & Strange Music for October 11, 2016!
First off, Happy Birthday to Sheena living in Germany!

Happy Birthday Sheena!
Today we have a bevy of really cool & strange music. This stuff will blow your socks right off. At #3 this week is a mashup from and unknown artist. Here are Brian Wilson & Iggy and the Stooges with, “I Know There’s No Fun Answer.” This hilarious track mashes up the Brian Wilson penned, Beach Boys hit, “I Know There’s an Answer” with the Stooges, “No Fun.” This is a great mashup. If anyone out there knows the DJ who made this, write to me. The name of the label is funny too. The name is “Surf & Destroy.” Sensational stuff!
#3) Brian Wilson & The Stooges “I Know There’s No Fun Answer” https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p_W3sQGoqHg
Next up is a girl named Tina S… Do you play guitar? You do? Well watch Tina S and then realize how worthless you are at the guitar! (I gave up long ago). As of the writing of the article, Tina S. is 17 years old and she lives in France. She has a Youtube page with a bunch of cool stuff. And, of course, she has a Facebook page so go “Like” it! After doing that, watch this video and I can already hear you saying, “Holy Shit!!!!” https://www.facebook.com/pages/Tina-S/181555232026760?ref=hl
#2) Tina S – Ludwig van Beethoven – Moonlight Sonata ( 3rd Movement ) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o6rBK0BqL2w
And at this week’s #1 is probably the best new act I’ve found in a few years. They are from Holland and they call themselves a “Heavy Metal Marching Band.” Their name is “Blaas of Glory” and this shit is hot and hilarious! In doing Cool & Strange music weekly on the radio for over 25 years (and online for at least 10), Blaas of Glory are the first artist ever to be featured two weeks in a row on Cool & Strange music on my weekly FM radio show, “WTF?” That’s how much I dig these guys! Here’s their Facebook page. You know what to do: https://www.facebook.com/blaasofglory/?hc_ref=SEARCH
#1) Blaas of Glory – Why Can’t This be Love https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6mcVJAZhllo
Heavy Metal Marching Band?! Blaas of Glory are GENIUS!!!!!!! Amazon has downloads or physical CDS: https://www.amazon.com/Highway-Hell-Blaas-Glory/dp/B008QSKM2O They are available on iTunes too! Get it!
Well that’s it! Thanks for tuning in this time. See you next week for more Cool & Strange music! – Mike (in Tokyo) Rogers
Please come “Like” our Robot55 FM page! Thanks!
Past issues of:
Cool & Strange Music for July 25, 2016! Nicki Minaj & John Waters, Messer Chups, Oney Cartoons! robot55.jp/blog/cool-strange-music-for-july-25-2016-nicki-minaj-john-waters-messer-chups-oney-cartoons/
Cool & Strange Music for June 28, 2016! LL Cool J vs. Dexy’s Midnight Runners, Messer Chups, Julie Brown! robot55.jp/blog/cool-strange-music-for-june-28-2016-ll-cool-j-vs-dexys-midnight-runners-messer-chups-julie-brown/
Cool & Strange Music for June 7, 2016! The Top 4 Horror Movie Trailers!
Cool & Strange Music for May 28, 2016! Beatles vs. Monkees, Black Sabbath, James Brown vs. Led Zeppelin! robot55.jp/blog/cool-strange-music-for-may-28-2016-beatles-vs-monkees-black-sabbath-james-brown-vs-led-zeppelin/
Cool & Strange Music for April 12, 2016! Stan Freberg, The Privates (Japan), Messer Chups!robot55.jp/blog/cool-strange-music-for-april-12-2016-stan-freberg-bowies-in-space-messer-chups-flight-of-the-conchords/
Cool & Strange Music for April 5, 2016! Messer Chups, New Piccadillys, Residents, Sloth Baby and the Land Pirates, robot55.jp/blog/cool-strange-music-for-april-5-2016-messer-chups-new-piccadillys-residents-sloth-baby-and-the-land-pirates/
Cool and Strange Music Countdown – Mar. 28, 2015 – Coldcut and Hexstatic, Tom Lehrer, Sweden Heaven and Hell! robot55.jp/blog/cool-and-strange-music-countdown-mar-28-2015-coldcut-and-hexstatic-tom-lehrer-sweden-heaven-and-hell/
Cool and Strange Music Countdown – Mar. 21, 2015 – Mr. Diagonal, Hexstatic, Messer Chups, Messer Fur Frau Muller! robot55.jp/blog/cool-and-strange-music-countdown-feb-21-2015-mr-diagonal-hexstatic-messer-chups-messer-fur-frau-muller/
Cool and Strange Music Countdown – Feb. 13, 2015 – Star Wars Mah Na Mah Na, Dj Trotsky, Messer Chups! robot55.jp/blog/cool-and-strange-music-countdown-feb-13-2015-star-wars-mah-na-mah-na-dj-trotsky-messer-chups/
Cool and Strange Music Countdown – Feb. 13, 2015 – Mojo Nixon & Skid Roper, Hexstatic, Great David Bowie & John Lennon Imitator! robot55.jp/blog/cool-and-strange-music-countdown-feb-13-2015-mojo-nixon-skid-roper-hexstatic-great-david-bowie-john-lennon-imitator/