All posts in “Rock & Roll”

This Week’s Top 3 New Artist Videos (03/17/15) 〜ミュージックビデオも制作

Time once again for this week’s Top 3 New Artist Videos for the week of March 17, 2015. This is where we showcase what we think are some the best three artists of the week and share their videos with you. This week I have some catching up to do, so some of these videos are already a year old. But no matter, they are still a part of the underground to this date. I play these artists and my songs on my regular weekly FM radio show, “What the Funday” on InterFM that is broadcast in Tokyo and Nagoya (and all over Japan on the network. You can listen to that (if you are in Japan) here:

So without further ado, let’s get to today’s Top 3.

#3) Prima Donna – Sociopath.

This band is from Los Angeles and they have been turning heads and making people sit up and take notice for quite a while now. The band formed in 2003, but didn’t release and album until 2008. In 2009, they opened for Green Day throughout its 21st Century Breakdown World Tour. This band is happening! PRIMA DONNA “Sociopath” (

#2) Wolf Alice – Moaning Lisa Smile.

I wanted to play Wolf Alice’s latest single for you, but I think it’s best for you to have some background on where this band’s head is at, so I will show you one of my favorite videos of last year. Wolf Alice are a four-piece alternative band from North London. Wolf Alice has been getting rave reviews. “Clash” magazine says of them, “…the lovechild of folk and grunge”. The “Fluffy” single by Wolf Alice had the band being compared to bands like Elastica and Hole. Well-known music critic, Kitty Empire, wrote that the sound of Wolf Alice was “an engaging strain of off-kilter indie rock”.

The band says they are a “Rock Pop” group. You decide. I think they are hot!

#1) Courtney Barnett – Pedestrian at Best.

At number 1 is Courtney Barnett! Courtney Barnett is a singer-songwriter and guitarist from Melbourne, Australia. She is best known for witty lyrics and very dry, deadpan humor. In October of 2013, she started getting noticed in the US and UK press when she released her debut album and tore the house down with rave reviews at her  CMJ Music Marathon performances. From these shows, Courtney Barnett was mentioned by both the Rolling Stone magazine and The New York Times as a performer to watch out for.

Courtney Barnett – Pedestrian At Best (

Well, that’s it for this week. Week after next, Robot55 is going to go make a video for a hot new girl’s band in Japan named, “Su Ko D Koi.” We played their song on the radio show and the reaction from the audience was amazing! We haven’t had that many calls and emails about a new artist in a long time. I hope to have that video up for you in the first week of April! Until then, see you next week with more cool alternative/underground/new artists!


Check out the Top 3 for the week of March 5, 2015 here: This Week’s Top 3 New Artist Videos & Shonen Knife!〜ミュージックビデオも制作 (

Top 3 for the week of March 12, 2015 here: This Week’s Top 3 New Artist Videos #2 & the Sex Pistols’ Glen Matlock! 〜ミュージックビデオも制作 (


At Robot55 we make video productions for businesses and services and products, but we also pride ourselves on making videos for art and music. Our starting price is ¥80,000 and we are sure we can work out something that fits your budget. Oh, and we love making band videos too!
Contact us!


ロボット・ゴー・ゴー,  格安ビデオ制作、ROBOT55,  格安, ビデオ制作, ビデオ編集, レストラン, 動画,  ビジネスビデオ制作, ビデオ, 紹介動画, 動画制作, 東京, 撮影, 格安, ロボット・ゴー・ゴー,

This Week’s Top 3 New Artist Videos #2 & the Sex Pistols’ Glen Matlock! 〜ミュージックビデオも制作

We’re back to this Week’s Top 3 New Artist Videos by Robot55 (pronounced: “Robot Go-Go” 「ロボット・ゴー・ゴー」) where we showcase what I think are the best three artists of the week and showcase their videos. These are all videos of bands that I have been playing on my regular weekly FM radio show, “What the Funday” on InterFM that is broadcast all over Japan! (Please come and “Like” our FB page if you like cool Alternative sounds and get information as to how you can hear the show anywhere in the world for free!

First off, I’d like to introduce this delightful band from London, England. They released their debut album “Out of View” on 28 January 2013, which went in at number 8 in the UK Indie Breakers Chart, and number 2 in the UK Record Store Chart. I’ve been playing today’s song every week for the last three weeks. I love it!

The History of Apple Pie – You’re So Cool (

The Just Joans are David, Katie, Chris, Allan, Doog, Fraser. They are named after the Daily Record’s “Agony Aunt” and make music about everyday angst. Currently the are based in Glasgow, Scotland. I love the song but also appreciate how they did their video production on the cheap and were still able to pull my heartstrings and give me a chuckle.

Just Joans – Hey Boy…… Your oh so sensitive (

Next up is a fab Garage Punk band from Los Angeles, CA who are really making a name for themselves. Adam Bones on guitar & Rikki Styxx on drums are from L.A. and recently have been touring and opening for some big names.

A review in Buzzbands LA says: “The Two Tens serve up lightning-quick garage rock that turns the clock back to first-wave punk. The single “Scene” persistently asks “Where’s your scene?” and delivers an answer in just over two minutes: Wherever you’re keeping your old Ramones vinyl.”

The Two Tens “Scene”

And now this week’s Freebie. Today is Glen Matlock, the original bassist for the Sex Pistols. The “Original” Sex Pistol, Glen Matlock, performed “Yeah Right” live at O-WEST, Shibuya, Tokyo, Japan on 5, February, 2014. By the way, did you know that Glen Matlock was actually the one who wrote the Pistols’ classic, “Pretty Vacant”? Here he is doing his original song that was released as a single, “Yeah Right!”

Well that’s the Top 3 for this week.

Check out last week’s Top 3 here: This Week’s Top 3 New Artist Videos & Shonen Knife!〜ミュージックビデオも制作

See you next week with more cool alternative/underground/new artists!


At Robot55 we make video productions for businesses and services and products, but we also pride ourselves on making videos for art and music. This video was made by the team at Robot55. Our starting price is ¥80,000 and we are sure we can work out something that fits your budget. Oh, and we love making band videos too!

Contact us!



Multi-Media Marketing Concept and Keeping a Theme

(Image at top: Movie shoot before Jan. 26, Shin Nen Kai “New Year’s Party” event.)

This post is about keeping a constant theme throughout a marketing campaign regardless of the media. It involves print media, FM radio, and Digital Signage.


We held our annual “Shin Nen kai” (Rock and Roll New Year’s Party) on Jan. 26, 2014 at Milky Way in Shibuya, in Tokyo. It was a wonderful event and was “sold out” months in advance. When all was said and done and the concert/party over, I was told by the manager of Milky Way that this night had set the record for attendance (and alcohol and drink sales) at his establishment.

Sold out months in advance and setting a record for attendance? A promoters dream come true.

From November of 2014, the concept for the entire concert/party was established. This was the event poster:

Jan. 26, 2015 at Shibuya Milky Way

Jan. 26, 2015 at Shibuya Milky Way

I designed the poster concept based on an old Motown poster that I had always liked. I thought the red and yellow tones fit the image of a New Year’s party in Japan. So we went with this.

In order to keep the concept consistent and marketing all on the same theme, I made a FM radio commercial that ran on the radio station from Mid-December 2014 until the morning of the actual event on Jan. 26, 2015.

Using the radio commercial as the sound base we also made a Youtube commercial for the event. It was a commercial in Japanese and English. For the images for the Youtube commercial, we simply imported the data from the poster created in Photoshop (and a few images from a former Digital Signage work) and made a “moving poster” as seen here:

The poster was created on Photoshop. A radio commercial for the radio station was created. Then the elements from the poster were layered over the radio commercial to create the “TV Ad” (Digital Signage).

In this way, we can make an effective advertising campaign with an easily recognizable and consistent theme… And we can do it for very low costs.

Was this a successful campaign and event bringing the station several months worth of promotion for dirt cheap? The venue was “sold out” a month in advance and we set the record for attendance at that establishment; people are still talking about it now…

If the proof is in the eating, then I guess that’s proof of a smash success.

Oh, by the way, why are people still talking about this event (and I suspect they will be talking about it for a very long time)? Because all of February, we are giving away 7 posters signed by all the band members along with an official backstage pass.

Signed Poster

Signed Poster

Want a poster? Send an email to: by Feb. 22, 2015.

*Of course, in fact, this blog post is a continuation of that promotion!

Sex Pistols, Clash, Gen X, Sheila Rock and Why We Sometimes Make Videos for Free!

Today’s thoughts…I call this:  Sex Pistols, Clash, Gen X, Sheila Rock and Why We Sometimes Make Videos for Free!

Sometimes, my friend Ken and I make promotional music videos for young bands for free – no charge.

Why do we sometimes make rock band videos for free? That’s actually an easy question to answer. Both Ken and I have had a good life provided to us by music. Of course there is much more that we need to accomplish in our short time on this earth, but, until now, music has treated us well. I think we should keep doing work to live and eat (of course) but we also need to do things to nourish our heart, soul and mind.

The reason why I say that we should keep doing these sorts of things in our short time on this planet is because three things that happened to me in 2014:

1) I almost died in September. I wrote about that here in Near Death at the Hospital, Last Month! – Back in Humor, This Month!

2) I met Sheila Rock the world famous photographer. Sheila took many iconic photos of the SexPistols, the Clash and Generation X (plus a bunch of others that I can’t recall this early in the morning) back in the heyday of London Punk. Sheila told me that, in her youth, she never got paid to take those photos of the Clash, Sex Pistols, etc….She said she did it for fun and because she thought the subjects were “interesting.”

Mike, Sheila Rock (famous photographer) and Kato Madoka at Agnes B event

Mike, Sheila Rock (famous photographer) and Kato Madoka at Agnes B event

I told Sheila that my friend (Ken Nishikawa) and I often I make videos for young bands and don’t ask for money. Some notable ones were Shonen Knife, the Neatbeats, Glen Matlock (original bassist for the Sex Pistols), Bobby’s Bar, Moja, and so many more I can’t recall those either! (You can see several of them at the top of this page) I showed her some of them in the short time we had.

She seemed impressed. She’s a nice lady and a wonderful person.

She was very enthusiastic about us making those videos to help those people. I also told her the bit about how music has given us a wonderful life and, if we can, we wanna pay back and help some young people. Young people, who, if we don’t help them, they will never get a chance of ever having a video of their performance made; no matter if they are genius and talented musicians; luck plays a big part in everyone’s life.

If, after I die, if someone says, “I was lucky to meet Mike Rogers” (or Ken, or Ayumi, or?) then I will be one more person happier.

Sheila really complimented and supported us with her words. She said, “When I took those photos way back when, I never realized what sort of legacy I was recording and the legacy I was leaving for myself. It took many years later, when we went back and looked and saw all these photos I had taken…. It is my statement and reason for life….. Tell your friend that I said to ‘keep it up.'”

3) I think we all must keep making something everyday if we can; something new, fresh, fun and also for posterity’s sake….

We all do what we do to live but I think we also should try do what we do for ourselves and our legacy; “Posterity’s Sake” is a good thing. Let’s live to make something that people will remember you by. Even if you never become famous for it, but just because it is good and is makes someone happy.

Do it for yourself and do it for your loved ones.

Mike Rogers (Photo by Sheila Rock)

Mike Rogers (Photo by Sheila Rock)

OK! There’s three things that Johnny Rotten and I have in common: 1) We are in a photo together at the top of this page; 2) We both have been in punk bands; 3) Both of us have had their photo taken by Sheila Rock…. Thanks Sheila! You are Tops!


There’s an old saying about regrets:

“Your regrets in life aren’t what you did, but what you didn’t do when you had the chance.” – Anonymous


MORE! Like our Robot55 Mission Statement:

“We make wonderful productions; for a profit if we can, at a loss if we must. But no matter what, we make wonderful productions.”

As for me, every time I go do a shoot or edit with our team and some of the world-class professionals we work with, I learn something. I learn something on how to become a better artist and craftsman and I learn something about myself.

If we all can remember this everyday of our lives, then I think it helps us to become better. I really do.

I also believe in the Law of Attraction and know that if we keep our eye on it, then we will find those who will support us financially and spiritually.


We’d like to let folks know who we are and what we do at Robot55. (That’s actually pronounced, “Robot Go Go” as “55” in Japanese can be pronounced as “Go Go.”)

Our Mission Statement says:

“We make wonderful video productions, at a profit if we can; at a loss if we must. But, no matter what, we make wonderful video productions.”

If we are not going to make something with all of our selves and our hearts aren’t it in, we don’t want to do it. Let’s live life to the fullest.

If you are an independent band about to come to Tokyo, won’t you contact us? Depending on our schedule and the type of music you do, maybe we can make some art together!

A Japanese Rock & Roll Ghost Story

“Don’t dream it. Be it.” – Tim Curry as ‘Dr. Frankenfurter’ from the Rocky Horror Picture Show

Last year, when I had a close call with death (please refer to: Near Death at the Hospital, Last Month! – Back in Humor, This Month!) I realized that I needed to start doing the things in my life that I have been dreaming about. So, I decided that I had to get my talented friends together and make a short feature film. I think there is a chance for us to build a Rock & Roll Cult movement that is famous around the world between now and the 2020 Olympics.

I want to be in the center of that movement. The movement involves Japanese culture, past and present, rock and roll music and animation.

To make things easier to grasp, I think it might be good to tell you, dear reader, the 4 key words (images) that I always want to keep in mind for all the films and projects we make: 1) 1950s Science Fiction, 2) Rock and Roll, 3) Horror/Ghost movies, 4) Tarantino.

I think if I can keep my mind, and my staff’s mind, on these images, then we will succeed in making the kinds of things that will be perfect to put 2015 ~ 2020 Tokyo into the minds of the fans of cult films and music… Because the Olympics and big money cash-ins amongst the politically well connected ARE NOT what we, nor Japanese people are about… At least I hope so.

Our story is about a struggling Rock and Roll musician who finds the tortured spirit of an old blues musician living in his studio. At night, when they are all alone, the two together make music that is unworldly in its brilliance, yet no one can hear it except the struggling rocker and the dead blues musician. It doesn’t have a happy ending… Or does it?

I wanted to make this movie on the level of quality of something like Quentin Tarrantino makes. Yes. Laugh now, if you wish; it is a ridiculous goal for us. Ridiculous or not, that is the heights we aim for.

To be the director of the movie, I asked Enrico Ciccu who has written and directed for some very fine cult movie productions in Italy. He has agreed to direct. Enrico is a difficult person to work with; but that’s the way I like it. Great artists are never easy people to deal with. Enrico wrote the screenplay and had a large hand in the making for this short film which was accepted at the Sapporo Film Festival: “Julie – Johnny Guitar.”

I think “Julie – Johnny Guitar” captures the essence of what we want to accomplish in the Rock & Roll Ghost Story: A Tarantino style full of cinematic allusions and pop culture references.

In any quality film, not only is the director a critical issue, but lighting is also something that makes or breaks the visuals – and therefore the suspension of disbelief – in a film. For the lighting of our movie, I recruited a guy who has been a good friend for nearly twenty years. He was my next door neighbor for ten years and he is now my lighting director. His name is Yuji Wada…

Oh, yeah, I guess I should also mention that Yuji Wada was the lighting director for many Sophie Coppola films, one of my favorites was the Hollywood smash hit, Lost in Translation starring Bill Murray.

lost inThe lighting in this scene is the feel of what I want. Yuji is the perfect guy for that. Need proof? Here, below, is a shot from our session on Friday, Jan. 23, 2015. This is EXACTLY what I wanted.

ghost & pan

For our cameraman, I asked Ken Nishikawa who is a former BBC staff as well as director at TBS. Ken has worked on TV and film productions for just about every major TV station in Japan. He is a superb cameraman and brilliant artist. He also wrote the screenplay and is directing production for another Robot55 production entitled: Matsuchiyo – Life of a Geisha, which we will be going into serious production this spring. Here is the short trailer for that:

Finally, to put it all together, I needed actors who can actually perform and have a strong Rock and Roll image. Who better than one of Japan’s best rock and roll bands, “The Neatbeats”? Mr. Pan, lead singer of the Neatbeats, will play the part of our struggling musician. He is the hero, and failure, of our movie. He is the guy sitting on the right of the sofa in the photo above. The guy is just overflowing with Rock and Roll. He’s perfect!

Besides Mr. Pan, we also have several other famous Japanese rock stars acting in our movie. I am also in one scene acting as a guy who is drunk and almost dead from boredom. Here is that scene that was shot night before last on Jan. 26, 2015:

012615 camera set up

Robot55 movie shoot. On stage is the Privates. Table in front is Furukawa Taro and Tomomi Hiraiwa. Table behind (guy sleeping) is me, Mike Rogers (Brilliant acting, right?) Camera (far right) Enrico Ciccu (Director). Photo by Arai Osamu.

The editing for this film starts next week. As we progress, we will post updates. I may be acting dead in this photo, but I am going to die a happy man when this production is finished and it is world-quality and as good as anything Hollywood makes. It is one thing, a first of many, that all of us; Ken Nishikawa, Enrico Ciccu and me, have dreamt about all our lives.

Like the good doctor, said, “Don’t dream it. Be it.”

shoot 4 guys

Photo from the set of “A Japanese Rock & Roll Ghost Story” Left to right: Mike Rogers (sitting in front), Enrico Enrico Wtmm Ciccu (standing), Ken Nishikawa (kneeling in middle), Mr. Pan (sitting on sofa laughing). (photo by Osamu Arai)


There is also a boom of English language videos and productions coming to Japan and Robot55 aims to be a key player in making viral videos for the foreign market that comes to Japan. Why not? We have people who live and work professionally in this market in TV and video production as well as guys who have made many commercials and smash hit (and cult) TV and radio shows.

I am confident that there is no other company in Japan who can touch us for that market; making viral videos in English for the foreigners coming to Japan for the Tokyo Olympics. There is a cult and cutlure boom coming to Japan in the next 5 years.