All posts in “Niconico”

On Tonight! June 18, 2015 11pm Japan Time! Ninja Slayer from Animation and “The TV Show”

TONITE! Thursday nights at 11 pm (Japan time) on Niconico Douga is “Ninja Slayer from Animation” featuring the program we create, “The TV Show!” It’s on tonight June 18, 2015 at 11 pm Japan time. Don’t miss it.

Here is the direct link for the show so you can go directly to the correct URL and watch it live tonight.
今夜の放送のurlです。Here is the link for tonight:

Tonight’s guest? Sawagi!

Here’s a cool video by Sawagi. This track is called, “Fuss Uppers”


Here’s the link to watch it live again.

今夜の放送のurlです。Here is the link for tonight:
At Robot55 we make Top 3 videos and Top 3 New Artist videos and other video productions for businesses and services and products, but we also pride ourselves on making videos for art and music. Our starting price is ¥70,000 and we are sure we can work out something that fits your budget. Oh, and we love making band videos too! Contact us!
ROBOT55 はビジネス、商業、製品紹介動画の制作のみならず、アートや音楽の映像も創っております。ビジネス動画においてはウェブ動画時代の到来に合わせ、お求めや すい¥70,000という格安価格より承ります。ご予算に応じて皆様にご満足のいく高品質動画を制作致します。勿論インディー・バンド向けPV制作も行っ ております。よ!
ザ・ TVショウ、格安ビデオ制作, 格安, ロボット・ゴー・ゴー,  格安, Top 3 Videos, ビジネスビデオ制作, ロボット・ゴー・ゴー, 撮影, 格安, ビデオ制作, 動画, 紹介動画, Top 3 Videos, ビデオ, 東京, 撮影,ビデオ編集, 動画制作, ROBOT55, Indies artists, Top 3 Indies Artist videos, The TV Show

Professional Bilingual Cameramen, Editors, Lighting and Full Production Team in Tokyo

Robot55 offers professional bilingual cameramen, writers, lighting and editing staff that are successful in Japan and WE DO CURRENTLY MAKE HIT PROGRAMS IN JAPAN RIGHT NOW! Besides that we have an over 25 year history of making popular shows in Japan. Our current hit show is on Niconico Douga and the first week’s show has had more than 1.5 million viewers. Check it here: Ninja Slayer from Animation – The TV Show

Our staff are ex-BBC and ex-TV Tokyo professionals with an average of 25 years experience. When you need professional staff cameramen, editors (we do Da Vinci Resolve) as well as full production team in Tokyo, please contact us at:


At Robot55 we make TV commercial quality videos (and other video productions) for businesses and services and products. We even make programs that are smash hits in Japan right now with over 1.5 million viewers! Our starting price is ¥70,000 and we are sure we can work out something that fits your budget. Oh, and we love making band videos too! Contact us!

ROBOT55 はビジネス、商業、製品紹介動画の制作のみならず、アートや音楽の映像も創っております。ビジネス動画においてはウェブ動画時代の到来に合わせ、お求めや すい¥70,000という格安価格より承ります。ご予算に応じて皆様にご満足のいく高品質動画を制作致します。勿論インディー・バンド向けPV制作も行っ ております。よ!



格 安ビデオ制作, 格安, ロボット・ゴー・ゴー,  格安, ビジネスビデオ制作, ロボット・ゴー・ゴー, 撮影, 格安, ビデオ制作, 動画, 紹介動画, ビデオ, 東京, 撮影,ビデオ編集, 動画制作,

追加情報 – 世紀の迷作『KUNG FURY』日本語字幕版はコチラ!





そんな中、日曜日に当ブログでご紹介して大反響だったスウェーデン発の世紀の迷作『KUNG FURY』の日本語字幕版が何と早くもアップされております!

「な〜んだ、日本語字幕ないんだ….」と萎えてしまっていた貴兄も是非この機会に驚愕の80年代バイオレンス・SF・カンフー・アクション・コメディをお楽しみ下さい〜♬ Continue Reading…

今夜6/4(木)夜11時から生「 The TV Show」ゲストに Taffy!

今夜6月4日(木)よる11時放送 ニコニコ動画 ニンジャスレイヤーフロムアニメーション

& ザTVshow 観たいならこのリンクをクリックしてください!今回のゲストはTaffy!



Tonight, Thursday June 4, 2015 at 11 pm (Japan time) on Niconico Douga is the smash hit animation “Ninja Slayer from Animation.” This show received well over 1.4 million views in its first week!

Inside of “Ninja Slayer from Animation” is the show we create at Robot55, “The TV Show!” The TV Show (ザ・TVショウ)Features Furukawa Taro and Mina Shirakawa. And that show is a smash sensation too. Thanks to all our fans

Tonight will be the 8th episode of the show! And not only do we interview Taffy after their smash hit world tour ended, but we also have a new surprise for everyone!

Taffy does the ending theme for tomorrow’s show with their newest single, “Suicidal Bunny.” It rocks!

taffy – Suicidal Bunny

Please tune in tonight. You can watch live for free here:

Here’s a world clock for your convenience too:

Here’s those links to watch the show LIVE for your convenience again

Try either link!


Here’s more on Ninja Slayer: The homepage: ニンジャスレイヤー

And the trailer: Ninja Slayer Official Trailer (English Language version)

And here’s the trailer for 「ザ・TVショウ」”The TV Show” The TV Show Trailer: 【アニメ「ニンジャスレイヤー フロムアニメイシヨン」後番組】バラエティー番組「ザ・TVショウ」トレーラー

At Robot55 we make video productions for businesses and services and products, but we also pride ourselves on making videos for art and music. Our starting price is ¥70,000 and we are sure we can work out something that fits your budget. Oh, and we love making band videos too! Contact us!

ROBOT55 はビジネス、商業、製品紹介動画の制作のみならず、アートや音楽の映像も創っております。ビジネス動画においてはウェブ動画時代の到来に合わせ、お求めや すい¥70,000という格安価格より承ります。ご予算に応じて皆様にご満足のいく高品質動画を制作致します。勿論インディー・バンド向けPV制作も行っ ております。よ!



ビデオ編集格安、ザ・TVショウ、動画制作東京、格安ビデオ制作, 格安, ロボット・ゴー・ゴー,   撮影, 格安, ビデオ制作, 動画, 紹介動画, 撮影,ビデオ編集, 動画制作, ROBOT55,

“Ninja Slayer from Animation” featuring “The TV Show” on air Tonight May 21, 2015 11 PM Japan Time!

今夜11時放送 ニコニコ動画 ニンジャスレイヤーフロムアニメーション

& ザTVshow 観たいならこのリンクをクリックしてください!


It’s Thursday! Tonight is the night! Every Thursday night at 11 pm (Japan time) on Niconico Douga is the smash hit animation “Ninja Slayer from Animation.” This show received well over 1 million views in its first week!

Inside of “Ninja Slayer from Animation” is the show we create at Robot55, “The TV Show!” The TV Show (ザ・TVショウ)Features Furukawa Taro and Mina Shirakawa.

Tonight, May 21, 2015 will be the 6th episode of the show! Tonight’s show just might be the best one we’ve made so far! (But I say that every week!). The fan reaction has been amazing and I thank you all. We are about to make a BIG ANNOUNCEMENT concerning “The TV Show!” soon, so stay tuned.

Please tune in tonight. You can watch live for free here: Try either link!

There’s a Ninja Slayer from Animation trailer below as well as the trailer for the TV Show below. But we hope to see you watching tonight.

Psst! Don’t tell anyone, but tonight’s guess is Morimoto san from the awesome Japanese rock band, “Electric Eel Shock!” This band kicks ass and is hilarious to boot!


Remember, tonight, May 21, 2015, 11pm Japan time. Here’s a world clock for your convenience too:

Here’s those links to watch the show LIVE for your convenience again

See you tonight at 11 pm, OK?


Here’s more on Ninja Slayer: The homepage: ニンジャスレイヤー

And the trailer: Ninja Slayer Official Trailer (English Language version)

The TV Show Trailer: 【アニメ「ニンジャスレイヤー フロムアニメイシヨン」後番組】バラエティー番組「ザ・TVショウ」トレーラー


At Robot55 we make video productions for businesses and services and products, but we also pride ourselves on making videos for art and music. Our starting price is ¥70,000 and we are sure we can work out something that fits your budget. Oh, and we love making band videos too! Contact us!

ROBOT55 はビジネス、商業、製品紹介動画の制作のみならず、アートや音楽の映像も創っております。ビジネス動画においてはウェブ動画時代の到来に合わせ、お求めや すい¥70,000という格安価格より承ります。ご予算に応じて皆様にご満足のいく高品質動画を制作致します。勿論インディー・バンド向けPV制作も行っ ております。よ!



ビデオ編集格安、ザ・TVショウ、動画制作東京、格安ビデオ制作, 格安, ロボット・ゴー・ゴー,   撮影, 格安, ビデオ制作, 動画, 紹介動画, 撮影,ビデオ編集, 動画制作, ROBOT55,

Data on Young People in Japan Show Extremely Difficult Times Coming for Old Media

The title of this post is misleading. It says, “Data on Young People in Japan Show Extremely Difficult Times Coming for Old Media.” That’s wrong; those hard times are already here. Have been for a while. It’s not going to get better, either.

I’ve written before about how the Digital Age would destroy TV. Today I met the president of one of the (if not the) largest internet companies in Japan, and he quite-as-a-matter-of-fact said, “TV and radio have no future.”

The data isn’t good for old media. When people under 25 don’t care about you, barring some sort of miracle, you don’t have a good future.

It’s that simple.

The data is shocking: young Japanese people today have a smart phone or iPad, PC or whatever in their bedrooms. But they don’t have a TV or radio in that same room.

I was shown data at another company that makes content for TV as well as other online platforms; they have seen the writing on the wall and are moving into digital rights management and programming for the internet. The survey I was shown was of people 13 to under 29 and it showed that only 11% had a TV in their bedroom; 6% had a radio (those must all be people over 25). But over 97% had a smart device or PC.

The Japanese youth market obsession with smart devices has even hurt automobile sales in Japan as the Wall Street Journal reports: “Reasons [for the drop in sales of automobiles] include higher gasoline prices and Japan’s graying population. But even more worrying to auto makers are signs that the downturn is part of a deeper generational shift among young Japanese consumers. Unlike their parents’ generation, which viewed cars as the passport to freedom and higher social status, the Internet-connected Japanese youths today look to cars with indifference, according to market research by the Japan Automobile Manufacturers Association and Nissan. Having grown up with the Internet, they no longer depend on a car for shopping, entertainment and socializing and prefer to spend their money in other ways.”

Give you one guess which devices occupies the vast majority of these people’s free time? Cars or smart devices? Oh, and by the way, one of the places that people most commonly listen to the FM radio is in cars… But young people are not buying those? Double Whammy!

Now you know why Japan’s Niconico Douga gets 5 million viewers for some shows and young people do not watch TV or listen to the radio anymore… The smart device is under their pillow or in their hands all the time.

Do you remember the Ramones song, “Rock N Roll Radio”? I remember it well. The lyrics went like this:

“Do you remember lying in bed, with the covers up over your head, the radio playing so no one can see?”

In 10 years, it’s going to say, “Do you remember lying in bed, with the covers up over your head, Smart Phone playing so no one can see?”

By they way, Niconico Douga is the #8 most popular internet page in Japan, above both Twitter and Facebook… Facebook is #9 and Twitter has dropped in these last few weeks to #11.

Tech site, The Bridge writes: “Niconico Douga quietly first emerged back in December of 2006… Since then, the site has offered many unique features to its users, successfully accumulating over 30 million users as of 2012. That averages out to a whopping 440,000 new users per month. The user demographic is mostly male (with 67% men and 33% women) and most of the active users are in the 20-29 age range (about 42%). There have been over 8.7 million videos uploaded to the site in total.

In general, the site is sort of perceived as a place for otaku who typically prefer anonymous communication. However since the launch of live streaming videos, people in the mainstream have also joined the site, including but not limited to politicians, idol groups, and music bands. Currently there are almost 100 official channels that live stream content on the site. What’s interesting is that Niconico Douga allows users to sign up using Facebook credentials, and that of course requires your real name. This may have been influenced by Ustream, which uses Twitter and Facebook for sign-in.”

Wikipedia states: “As of October 31, 2011, Niconico has over 23,690,000 registered users, 6,870,000 mobile users and 1,390,000 premium users.”

This isn’t really rocket science, folks. These facts and data do not bode well for TV or FM radio at all.

Did you also know that all smart phones have a FM radio chip built in on them but the makers do not turn it on because they have determined that there is not enough demand for FM radio? Did you know that all Japanese car manufacturers stopped putting FM radios in car as a standard item in 2010?

The writing is on the wall for FM radio. TV will take longer to collapse as Japan has an aging society and those folks watch TV.

So, TV will survive much longer, but it still has a demographic that is not good for future growth. In Japan, the elderly have surpassed the younger age group since 1997.”

Jeez! Rock and Roll Radio by the Ramones came out in 1980? That’s 35 years ago!!!??? Maybe Rock and Roll never ends, but Rock N Roll FM radio doesn’t look like it can make it.


Finally, this isn’t just a trend in Japan, it’s worldwide and occurring in so-called “wealthy nations.” Here’s information from the New York Times: “Over the last 10 years, the average share of Americans listening to radio at any given time has shrunk about 14 percent, or 2.3 percentage points. Teenagers account for a well-recognized chunk of that decline. But Larry Rosin, a radio consultant with Edison Media Research in Somerville, N.J., points out that college graduates are also far less likely to listen to radio than nongraduates, a gap that has widened with time.”

What conclusion can we come to with this information in hand?


At Robot55 we make video productions for businesses and services and products, but we also pride ourselves on making videos for art and music. Our starting price is ¥70,000 and we are sure we can work out something that fits your budget. Oh, and we love making band videos too! Contact us!




格安, ビデオ制作, 動画, 紹介動画, ROBOT55, ロボット・ゴー・ゴー, ビデオ編集, 動画制作, 格安ビデオ制作、撮影, 格安, ビジネスビデオ制作,  ロボット・ゴー・ゴー, ビデオ, 東京, 撮影, 格安,


Ninja Slayer From Animation and Sexy Mina Shirakawa Hit it Big!

Well, folks, last night, the first episode of “Ninja Slayer From Animation” aired. Along with it, “The TV Show” had its debut.

ロボット・ゴー・ゴー,  格安, ビデオ制作, ビデオ編集,

ロボット・ゴー・ゴー, 格安, ビデオ制作, ビデオ編集,

I reckon I should give you a short report of the results. Well, according to the chief producer, the results were great. He said that more than 1/2 of the viewer remarks were negative and critical of the animation. That’s bad! No, that’s good, actually. Hundreds of thousands of comments were made and the worst thing that could happen is if people didn’t care enough to comment. You know what they say, “Love and Hate are two sides of the same coin.”

He also informed me that during the program, the topic that was #1 on the “Now trending” charts at Twitter was Ninja Slayer. It gets better! Not just #1, but Ninja Slayer From Animation related topics also were trending at #2, #3 and #4 at the same time! So, it’s kind of like the Beatles in the sixties when they had the Top 5 slots on the Billboard Pop Charts!

Ninja Slayer From Animation held the top 1 ~ 4 slots all at the same time! Wow!

Immediately after Ninja Slayer from Animation aired, the segment called, “The TV Show” aired. The TV Show is a short variety program that I created, wrote and produced along with Ken Nishikawa and Motoyoshi Tai.

“The TV Show” (ザ・TVショウ)features interviews with the musicians that make the theme music for Ninja Slayer from Animation. As far as “The TV Show” is concerned, the reaction was very good again! More than 50% of the comments were negative with many commentators saying they didn’t know who the artists were and they couldn’t figure out what “The TV Show” was all about.

I am very happy about that.

The TV Show is supposed to be a sort of “flow of consciousness.” We created it to intentionally make the viewer think, “What the heck is this?” The first time I watched Monty Python’s Flying Circus, in the mid 1970s, I thought, “What the heck is this?” I didn’t realize for the first 15 or 20 minutes that it was a comedy show. Duh! When I finally figured that out, I was hooked for life.

Here’s the trailer for the TV Show:

Unsurprisingly (at least to me) was the audience reaction to Mina Shirakawa, our co-host.  She’s “Japan’s Sexiest Japanese Girl!” (I just made that up! Pretty funny, eh? Get it? “Japan’s Sexiest Japanese Girl”?! Ha! Ha! Ha! She is too!) That’s her in the bikini at the top of this page. She hit it big time on last night’s show. The viewer reaction was massive and they just loved her voluptuous, er,… boobs…er, boos….Boots! Yeah! Boots! That’s it!

They loved her boots!

You can watch next week’s episode on April 23, 2015 at 11 pm Japan Time on Niconico Douga for free (check your local time!) Here is the link to watch it:

Of course, you can check back here for more photos and videos of Mina Shirakawa in the coming weeks!

And thanks so much to all of you for watching our program. We appreciate it!


At Robot55 we make video productions for businesses and services and products, but we also pride ourselves on making videos for art and music. Our starting price is ¥70,000 and we are sure we can work out something that fits your budget. Oh, and we love making band videos too! Contact us!


格安, ビデオ制作, ロボット・ゴー・ゴー, ビデオ編集, レストラン, 動画, 紹介動画, 動画制作, 格安ビデオ制作、ROBOT55, 撮影, 格安, ビジネスビデオ制作,  ロボット・ゴー・ゴー, ビデオ, 東京, 撮影, 格安,

Ninja Slayer Animation Begins April 16th at 11 pm on Niconico

The good news is finally out! The new Ninja Slayer animation begins April 16th, 2015 at 11 pm on Niconico! (What’s Niconico? Please refer to “Japan’s YouTube? It’s Niconico!” (

All Ninja Heads unite! The Ninja Slayer comic that has been a boom all over the world, including Japan, will be released as an animation and delivered to you at your home PC, or your smart phone on Niconico! (Nico Nico Douga!)

As a matter of fact, the humans at ROBOT55 have been involved in the production of this cult program, and I think they can deliver an interesting and smashingly funny program for you.

Screen Capture of Ninja Slayer Trailer video (below)

Screen Capture of Ninja Slayer Trailer video (below)

What? You haven’t heard of Ninja Slayer? Well, here’s a quick rundown:

In the distant future at Neo Saitama, some evil ninjas were brought back to life through the use of  cybernetic technology and, in a turf war, they killed the wife and children of a Japanese Salaryman, Fujikido Kenji, who escaped death and then his soul melded with that of another enigmatic good ninja. He cheats death and becomes Ninja Slayer a Grim Reaper destined to kill evil Ninja in a personal war of vengeance.

“What?!” Yeah. That’s what I first said. This Ninja Slayer is deliciously ridiculous. I love it!

So don’t forget! Ninja Slayer animation begins April 16th, 2015 at 11 pm on Niconico!

There’s some more very exciting news coming out about the involvement of Robot55 (and the sister company, Universal Vision Ltd. – with the video production about this smash hit adventure.

Get all the inside information here! Stay tuned!


ビデオ制作、格安ビデオ制作、ROBOT55, ロボット・ゴー・ゴー,

Japan’s Youtube? It’s Niconico! 〜ニコニコ動画を英語で紹介するよ

Many friends in the west ask me about YouTube in Japan. Well, YouTube is popular in Japan, but when it comes to junior and high school students and the youth market in this country, YouTube has stiff competition and may even be lagging. Arguably the biggest and most popular video sharing platform in this country is Niconico. So this short article is a primer on Niconico, which used to be called  Nico Nico Douga. But, even today, just about everyone still calls it “Nico Nico Douga” – even people I know who work there!

“Niko Niko” in Japanese means “Smile.” So, I guess the creators of Niconico wanted to make a play off that word and hence, “Nico Nico”…. Smile!

Alexa lists Niconico as the 8th most visited site in Japan. And here is a list of The Top 10 Most Visited Sites in Japan:

#1 (Japanese version of portal site) Yes, Yahoo is huge in Japan!

#2  (Japanese version of portal site) 

#3 (Japanese version of portal site) 

#4 (a free blog service)



#7 (Online retail shopping)




Did I just hear your jaw drop to the table? Yeah, that’s right; Niconico is more popular here than Facebook or Twitter!

Niconico started out as Nico Nico Douga; a sort of hi-bred mix of YouTube and Japan’s Denpa 2 Channel. Denpa 2 Channel is a bulletin board system (BBS) that is hugely popular in Japan; especially amongst young people.

While YouTube allows viewers to add comments below the videos, Niconico allows viewers to chat and comment on the video they are watching while they are watching it! It’s pretty neat and definitely a “Japanese Thing.” The comments appear on the screen as viewers watch and they can chat back and forth while watching.

For me, I find the comments on the screen as an interference, but the Japanese kids like to watch and chat at the same time…. It’s somewhat similar to today’s games like Minecraft where one can play while chatting with friends at the same time.

The curious thing, I reckon, about Niconico is that you must sign up to view it, yet it is still hugely popular. I hate signing up for anything! At Niconico , there are two types of registered accounts at Niconico ; Free membership (that’s me!) and Premium-membership. The Premium-membership fee is ¥540 yen a month.

You’d think, though, that few would actually pay to watch videos. Think about it; would you pay about $5 (USD) a month to watch YouTube or use Facebook? Nope? Neither would I. But, in Japan it is different! As of January 2012, Niconico had surpassed 1,500,000 premium members! As of October 31, 2011, Niconico had over 23,690,000 registered users, 6,870,000 mobile users!

Another interesting thing about Niconico is that almost everything on it is User Generated Content whereas YouTube has tons of content that are old TV shows, etc. In fact, due to very strict copyright laws in Japan, it is forbidden to upload TV shows on Niconico.

Niconico users are often making music or remixing existing items with their friends and uploading the finished songs to the website.

Have you ever heard of Hatsune Miku, the Vocaloid? Well, she, uh, her, uh…it? Hatsune Miku became big in Japan through Nico Nico Douga. She is still huge on the site.

Niconico has a huge fan base of “Nico Chuus” (Nico Nico Douga junkies). Kids who watch a huge volume of content on Niconico everyday.

The service is now available in Japanese, English and Chinese so it might seem the company has its expansion plans set up for Asia where BBS is much more popular than in the west. Anyway, next year will be Niconico’s 10th year and she is still going strong. When it comes to a user generated video sharing platform, then I doubt that Niconico is going to be crushed by the competition anytime soon; especially since Niconico has a tight grip on the Japanese youth market.


Here is a Hatsune Miku video that I captured from Nico Nico Douga for you a while back (it is on YouTube because I figure if you are reading this (in English) then you don’t have access to Niconico!)

ビデオ制作、格安ビデオ制作、ROBOT55, ロボット・ゴー・ゴー,