Welcome back after a 3 week hiatus. I didn’t go on vacation. I felt that the Top 3 wasn’t important enough due the the death of David Bowie.I’ve read where some people complained that those of us who were grieving for Bowie were ‘overdoing it.’ I don’t think so at all. My dear friend Kona Cindy sent me an article entitled, “Don’t deride those who are mourning David Bowie – this grief is serious and rational.” That article summed it up nicely for me:
“I am not coping, to be honest. Nor are many other people I know. I have never felt like this about any other public death and doubt I will again. What if there is never anyone else like him? My sadness does not mean I don’t care about Madaya or Istanbul. But this grief is serious and rational. Bowie was incomparable. Leave us be with it. There is always one damn song that can make you break down and cry. I am sorry if you never heard it. Because I did.”
That says it all as to why I didn’t post anything for these 3 weeks… Like almost every other radio DJ I know; we were in mourning.
I did, though, write my tribute to Bowie along with my eulogy here: Cool and Strange Music Countdown – Jan. 14, 2015 – David Bowie Tribute! (robot55.jp/blog/cool-and-strange-music-countdown-jan-14-2015-david-bowie-tribute/) Please check it if you want to see what I thought were the best Bowie videos ever.
Anyway, on to the Top 3… First up is a duo named “Killmama” from Florida with Rob and Sophie. They call themselves a “Garage, Blues” band. Here’s their Facebook: (https://www.facebook.com/dontkillmama/)
#3) Killmama – Bad Rep https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YHgUdnVTwEU
At #2 is a band turned onto to me by the leader of Japan’s best Beat Band, Mr. Pan of the Neatbeats! This is the Dukes of Hamburg who bill themselves as “Germany’s #1 Beat Band!” Check them on FB: (https://www.facebook.com/DukesofHamburg/?fref=ts)
#2) The Dukes of Hamburg – “Sorry” https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bm12TEjNuqw
At #1 is Ginger Wildheart from the Wildhearts. This is really cool and it features Courtney Love of all people! Wow! Ginger Wildheart is coming to Japan in April and has asked to be a guest on my radio show “WTF?” (What the Funday?) on InterFM Sundays 8 am ~ 11 am. You kiddin’ me? Of course! This song is called “Honour” and it is the first single from his next album! Here is Ginger’s FB page (It’s new!) (https://www.facebook.com/pages/Ginger-musician/124288874280920)
#1) Ginger Wildheart & Courtney Love – Honour (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IrDtG_PMisk)
Finally our spotlight artist! Today’s artist is the Sleaze-aholics. They are a Hillbilly Punk Metal Southern Rock Sleaze trio from Indiana. They were introduced to me by the world famous Ron E. Fast who, despite rumors, did NOT die in the desert in Nevada. Formerly stories were swirling around that Ron had died and the police had yet to find his body, but they did find his abandoned car in the desert full of soiled women’s panties. In spite of that, Ron E. Fast assures me that he is, indeed, still alive and introduced us to this fine band as evidence. Here are the Sleaze-Aholics with their soon to be classic, “I Don’t Wanna Fight. I Wanna Fuck.”
The Sleaze-aholics? This shit is wild! Check them on FB here: (https://www.facebook.com/thesleazeaholics/?fref=ts)

The Sleaze-Aholics
If you are on FB, you can see the video for The Sleaze-Aholics on FB: (https://www.facebook.com/thesleazeaholics/videos/909490899120696/)
If you can’t see that, you can sample their tunes on CD Baby here: (http://www.cdbaby.com/cd/allenclark)
Well, that’s it for today! See you next week!!!!! – Mike (in Tokyo) Rogers
LAST WEEK: Top 3 Videos for Dec. 27, 2015! John No Arms, Sunflower Bean, St. Tropez, The Neatbeats! robot55.jp/blog/top-3-videos-for-dec-18-2015-john-no-arms-sunflower-bean-st-tropez-the-neatbeats/
Top 3 Videos for Dec. 18, 2015! Clara Belle and the Creeps, Ringo Deathstarr, Punk Lung, The 50 Kaitenz! robot55.jp/blog/top-3-videos-for-dec-18-2015-clara-belle-the-creeps-ringo-deathstarr-punk-lung-the-50-kaitenz/
Top 3 Videos for Dec. 12, 2015! Messer Chups, Lazyeye, Ringo Deathstarr and Su Ko D Koi! robot55.jp/blog/top-3-videos-for-dec-12-2015-messer-chups-lazyeye-ringo-deathstarr-and-su-ko-d-koi/
Top 3 Videos for Dec. 5, 2015! Pretty Vicious, Beck Black, No Girlfriends, Japan’s Own Su Ko D Koi robot55.jp/blog/top-3-videos-for-dec-5-2015-pretty-vicious-beck-black-no-girlfriends-japans-own-su-ko-d-koi/
Top 3 Videos for Nov. 27, 2015! Wimps, Ringo Deathstarr, The Neatbeats, Italy’s Utveggi! robot55.jp/blog/top-3-videos-for-nov-27-2015-wimps-ringo-deathstarr-the-neatbeats-italys-utveggi/
Top 3 Videos for Nov. 20, 2015! Sin Shakers, Two Tens, Moonlandingz, Japan’s Own The Neatbeats robot55.jp/blog/top-3-videos-for-nov-20-2015-sin-shakers-two-tens-moonlandingz-japans-own-the-neatbeats/
Top 3 Videos for Nov. 13, 2015! Mac Sabbath, Acid Baby Jesus, Doll Skin, Su Ko D Koi from Japan! robot55.jp/blog/top-3-videos-for-nov-13-2015-mac-sabbath-acid-baby-jesus-doll-skin-su-ko-d-koi-from-japan/
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