We’re back to Cool & Strange Music for August 9, 2016!
At #3 is a regular on both the Cool & Strange Music Countdown and the Top 3 Indies Music Countdown, from Russia, Messer Chups!
This is an early Messer Chups track that was made in 2002 and was released on the album, ‘Black Black Magic.’ Messer Chups are currently touring the USA! Wow! Here’s their FB page: https://www.facebook.com/messerchups/
#3) Messer Chups – Agent tremolo https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eHip5SkXDLw
Next up is a classic oldie featuring Louis Armstrong. Louis Armstrong was nicknamed Satchmo or Pops, and he was an American trumpeter, composer, singer and occasional actor who was one of the most influential figures in jazz. I remember my mom and dad liked him a lot and I also remember seeing him on TV quite often as a little boy. His career spanned five decades, from the 1920s to the 1960s, and different eras in jazz.
Today’s video is pretty funny (and nostalgic). This is Louis Armstrong singing one of his novelty hits called Cheesecake. This is from the TV show called, “Hollywood Palace” which ran from 1964 ~ 1970. Hollywood Palace featured many famous stars as weekly hosts of the show. In today’s episode, Bing Crosby hosts and makes a hilarious guest appearance in Louis Armstrong’s performance. I hope you get a laugh.
#2) Louis Armstrong – Cheesecake https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fqrhdYQ_wMg
At number 1 this week is something really reaching back into obscurity but this is way cool. It’s Andre Williams & His Orchestra. I first found out about Andy from the “Las Vegas Grind” compilation series and I have played this track many times on the FM radio in Japan.
Today’s video, though, is special because it features stripper Shereé. Now, Shereé, isn’t just any stripper. She was the stripper for Andre Williams & His Orchestra! I guess this is truly one of the earliest music videos? This song is a gas! The stripper is just an extra cool bonus!
#1) Andre Williams & His Orchestra Girl: Shereé – Sweet Little Pussycat https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HZ5jIujdydU
Jessica Jernigan wrote a fab review about the Las Vega Grind series at AllMusic:
“The label responsible for the Las Vegas Grind series is Strip. “Strip” is also the best possible name for the genre these compilations celebrate. In an age where exotic dancing is invariably accompanied by Top 40 hits, it is difficult to imagine house bands for strip clubs. On the other hand, it is equally difficult to imagine this collection of bands playing anywhere else. Las Vegas Grind is the reprobate little sister of lounge music and the unwed mother of all ’60s garage bands. It distinguishes itself from these venerable styles in that it has none of lounge music’s artsy cocktail pretension, nor does it possess the snotty suburban wrath that is the mark of garage bands. It is like both genres, though, in that there is not a drop of irony anywhere to be found on the whole disc. To say that it lacks irony is not to say that it lacks jocularity. While most numbers — “The Strip,” “The Whip,” and “Drums A-Go-Go,” to name but three — are sincerely risqué, several more dubious tracks — “A La Carte,” “Pimples & Braces,” and “Hooty Sapperticker,” for example — approach the level of novelty tune. These musical gags seem to provide the same slightly sweaty, slightly nervous acquittal as Benny Hill, French sex comedies and Playboy cartoons. Never mind the naked ladies, it’s all just bawdy fun. With naked ladies or without, Las Vegas Grind is bawdy fun, indeed.”

Las Vegas Grind
Well that’s it! Thanks for tuning in this time. See you next week for more Cool & Strange music! – Mike (in Tokyo) Rogers
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Past issues of:
Cool & Strange Music for July 25, 2016! Nicki Minaj & John Waters, Messer Chups, Oney Cartoons! robot55.jp/blog/cool-strange-music-for-july-25-2016-nicki-minaj-john-waters-messer-chups-oney-cartoons/
Cool & Strange Music for June 28, 2016! LL Cool J vs. Dexy’s Midnight Runners, Messer Chups, Julie Brown! robot55.jp/blog/cool-strange-music-for-june-28-2016-ll-cool-j-vs-dexys-midnight-runners-messer-chups-julie-brown/
Cool & Strange Music for June 7, 2016! The Top 4 Horror Movie Trailers!
Cool & Strange Music for May 28, 2016! Beatles vs. Monkees, Black Sabbath, James Brown vs. Led Zeppelin! robot55.jp/blog/cool-strange-music-for-may-28-2016-beatles-vs-monkees-black-sabbath-james-brown-vs-led-zeppelin/
Cool & Strange Music for April 12, 2016! Stan Freberg, The Privates (Japan), Messer Chups!robot55.jp/blog/cool-strange-music-for-april-12-2016-stan-freberg-bowies-in-space-messer-chups-flight-of-the-conchords/
Cool & Strange Music for April 5, 2016! Messer Chups, New Piccadillys, Residents, Sloth Baby and the Land Pirates, robot55.jp/blog/cool-strange-music-for-april-5-2016-messer-chups-new-piccadillys-residents-sloth-baby-and-the-land-pirates/
Cool and Strange Music Countdown – Mar. 28, 2015 – Coldcut and Hexstatic, Tom Lehrer, Sweden Heaven and Hell! robot55.jp/blog/cool-and-strange-music-countdown-mar-28-2015-coldcut-and-hexstatic-tom-lehrer-sweden-heaven-and-hell/
Cool and Strange Music Countdown – Mar. 21, 2015 – Mr. Diagonal, Hexstatic, Messer Chups, Messer Fur Frau Muller! robot55.jp/blog/cool-and-strange-music-countdown-feb-21-2015-mr-diagonal-hexstatic-messer-chups-messer-fur-frau-muller/
Cool and Strange Music Countdown – Feb. 13, 2015 – Star Wars Mah Na Mah Na, Dj Trotsky, Messer Chups! robot55.jp/blog/cool-and-strange-music-countdown-feb-13-2015-star-wars-mah-na-mah-na-dj-trotsky-messer-chups/
Cool and Strange Music Countdown – Feb. 13, 2015 – Mojo Nixon & Skid Roper, Hexstatic, Great David Bowie & John Lennon Imitator! robot55.jp/blog/cool-and-strange-music-countdown-feb-13-2015-mojo-nixon-skid-roper-hexstatic-great-david-bowie-john-lennon-imitator/