All posts in “制作”

Top 3 New Artist Videos (03/25/15) 〜ミュージックビデオも制作

Hey! We’re back for this week’s Top 3 Countdown. Welcome!

First off, a hat tip to my friend in Osaka, Kevin Riley. Kevin was complaining about some of the songs a few weeks ago, saying they were, “Too mellow.” He wanted to, “Rock!” he says.

Damned hippies!

OK. So, this week due to popular demand (from Kevin) we’re going to rock with some more video productions from brand new artists that I think are way cool!

First up today is a band from France. It seems to be a guy and a girl. Their band name is The Limiñanas. That’s all I know about them and all I can find out about them from English language press. Kevin Riley speaks French, maybe he could do some research for us! Seriously, I can’t find really information about this band, really.

Anyway, I did find one thing… This is from a review in the Guardian:

“French pop in its purest form hasn’t really got its groove back since the 60s, but, wisely, it’s this very era that this Perpignan duo mine, marrying fuzzed-out psychedelia and agreeably rambling rock with the pop sweetness of that decade’s chansons. The ghost of Gainsbourg is felt most keenly in Votre côté yéyé m’emmerde, a softly spoken-word litany of icons and celebrities. Not hero worship, though, but an eye roll at the cute-ification of the past; its title translates to something like “your yé-yé view annoys me”, or, more literally, “enshittens me”. It is, in other words, a perfectly Gallic “bof” of a pop song.

Uh? What did he just say? Yeah. See? I can’t find out anything about this band. So check the video and you’ll know about as much as I do!

#3) The Limiñanas – Je Suis Une Go-Go Girl (

Next up is a two girl group from Oklahoma City, Oklahoma that formed in 2009. And their name is Sonic Youth. Er, no! That’s not their name. But if you like Sonic Youth, you are going to dig this! The band consists of Kelli Mayo and Peyton Bighorse, who both can play several instruments. They make songs alternating instruments, in a childlike yet heavy and mature style with very and poetic lyrics and melodic arrangements. Is the rudimentary musicianship part of the act? I can’t tell because some of it really rocks! They play a bunch of different styles from riot grrrl to, get this:  piano-based indie punk/pop.

#2) Skating Polly – Alabama Movies (

OK. Here we are at #1. Now this is HOT! I love this! This trio is from Texas and they are called “Purple!” (OK, Kevin Riley, you will dig this BIG TIME TOO!) In thes video they are playing at a party and I cen definitely imagine rocking out to this band! MY GOD! They have a hot blonde drummer and she is the singer too! When was the last time you saw that happen? Never, right? Her name is Hannah Brewer and she also writes the lyrics. And she growls when she sings! Hot! Hot! Hot! Click this video and watch right now! You can thank me later!

#1) Purple “Wallflower”  (

Well that’s all the videos for this week.

If you want to be in a music video, and you are in Tokyo, we are shooting a video for a hot new girl’s band on Friday, April 3 in Shimokitazawa. Here’s information on that: Want to Be in a Star in a Rock Video? You Can! The New Su凸ko D凹koi Video! ( 凸ko-d凹koi-video/) (Su凸ko D凹koi – すっとこどっこいの音楽ビデオもその日に撮影します!「ブス」のpvに出演しましょう!全員集合!

See you back here in a week from now with more cool new music!



Check out the Top 3 New Artist Videos (03/17/15) 〜ミュージックビデオも制作〜ミュージックビデオも制作/

Top 3 for the week of March 12, 2015 here: This Week’s Top 3 New Artist Videos #2 & the Sex Pistols’ Glen Matlock! 〜ミュージックビデオも制作 (

Top 3 for the week of March 5, 2015 here: This Week’s Top 3 New Artist Videos & Shonen Knife!〜ミュージックビデオも制作 (


At Robot55 we make video productions for businesses and services and products, but we also pride ourselves on making videos for art and music. Our starting price is ¥80,000 and we are sure we can work out something that fits your budget. Oh, and we love making band videos too!
Contact us!


格安, ビデオ制作, ビデオ編集, レストラン, 動画, ロボット・ゴー・ゴー,  格安ビデオ制作、ROBOT55,  ビジネスビデオ制作,  東京, 撮影, 格安, ロボット・ゴー・ゴー, ビデオ, 紹介動画, 動画制作,







そんな僕、ROBOT55は何を隠そう大の芸者遊び好き! Continue Reading…

ROBOT55 格安動画講座 – 上手な動画撮影のコツ 其の五 – バズる動画の傾向と対策





そんな訳で本日は若干嗜好を変えまして「バズる動画の傾向と対策」と称し、一般的にどんな動画が広まりやすいのかを短く簡潔にまとめてみました! Continue Reading…

ROBOT55格安動画講座 – 上手な動画撮影のコツ 其の四 – 上手な構成台本の書き方



今日はちょっとしたポイントを押さえた構成台本を用意するだけで観る人を飽きさせず、大事な事が伝わる動画が作れるようになるというところをお教えします。よ! Continue Reading…

ROBOT55格安動画講座 – 上手な動画撮影のコツ 其の参




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でもこういった撮影はそれなりに財布にも厳しいんだろうな〜って普通に思いますよね? Continue Reading…

Johnny Sokko and His Giant Robot – Giant Robo (ジャイアントロボ) For You Japanese Fans!

(Image at top is the first – totally ripped off design – of the robot for Robot55.)

May I brag? I’ve had so many people tell me that they love the Robot character we use for Robot55. Thanks. I made him myself…robot55sUh, no… That’s not true. Ayumi, our president made him. Besides being a sort-of genius engineer and designer, she’s a mad scientist!

Since I can remember, Japan has always had a lot of robots (be they real, giant or otherwise) as well as monsters and ghosts. When I was a kid growing up in Minnesota, we always thought it was strange. I remember asking my  mom (who was Japanese) why the Japanese had so many weird monsters and robots everywhere. It’s bizarre when you stop to think about it; Japan had lots of robots, etc. since way back when. Now, in 2015, Japan has robot restaurants and all sorts of funky aluminum creatures… And, as for monsters, I guess Fukushima Dai-Ichi could fit that bill.

How little did we realize when we were little kids, that this 60’s Japanese Kitsch was extremely cool…. How little did we realize that those toy cars made out of aluminum beer cans that came from Japan in the sixties would be worth thousands of dollars to collectors today. How could we realize, as little kids, how dumb we were? The robots, monsters and toy cars from Japan were waaaaaay cool. Us dumb dorky kids were the ones who weren’t cool.

I looked up some cool videos of the seminal Japanese robot character: Giant Robot. That cartoon was known as “Johnny Sokko and His Giant Robot” in the USA.  I turned on this Youtube video link and watched. “Ah!” I thought, “I remember this TV show! His finger is a rocket!”

A minute later, my wife peered out of the dining room, when she heard the theme song of Giant Robo and exclaimed, “I loved this TV show! When it ended, I cried and cried!” (She started to cry right there too! She’s so sweet)

Watching my wife relive a moment of her childhood brought tears to my eyes! She reminded me of my mother; and, her emotions remind me, once again, just how romanticist and delicate the Japanese can be.

I love Japan and the Japanese people! 

Here’s a trailer for Giant Robot…

… Maybe this is just one more clue into why the Japanese have a fascination with robots and giant radioactive creatures from space and the bottom of the ocean….

Giant Robo first appeared in Weekly Shonan Sunday in 1967. The Giant Robo manga (comics) first appeared in a weekly comic book called Weekly Shōnen Sunday on May 1967. Written by Mitsuteru Yokoyama, Giant Robo tells the story of Daisaku Kusama, the titular Robo and an evil secret society known only as “Big Fire.” In October of the same year, a live-action adaptation premiered on TV Asahi.

Making a homemade video – 上手な動画撮影のコツ 其の壱

お店やネットビジネスをされている方々にとってビデオを制作してYouTubeやFacebook、TwitterといったSNSを使って拡散するのは非常に効果的です。初めて行く場所や2軒目を探す時に食事する場所やカフェ、バーをネットで探した経験のある方も多くいらっしゃると思いますが、沢山良さそうで似たようなお店がリストアップされてしまったら、そこにビデオがあるかないかで初めて扉を開く勇気がもらえるかどうか、全然違いますよね。 Continue Reading…