ROBOT55 (ロボット・ゴー・ゴー)会社モットー “Let’s have fun!” ROBOT55合同会社の創始者、西川あゆみ、マイク・ロジャース、西川 顕の3人はテレビを含む動画制作及びインターネット業界おいて非 ある時、 お金儲けを否定するつもりはありません。 単に金儲けをしたいのなら人を騙したり、 ROBOT55のゴールは2つ:「社会幇助」&「楽しく仕事」 私たちROBOT55は皆様がビジネス、 もし貴方が人生を楽しみ、 まずはメールを、そして話し合いましょう! ROBOT55合同会社経営理念: 「とにかく素晴らしい動画を制作します。結果、 Ayumi, Ken and Mike, who founded Robot 55 LLC., are experienced professionals in video and internet production. Between the three of us, we have over 85 years of experience. It dawns upon us that there is a fundamental problem with the way many new start-up companies think: They say the goal is to go public, raise lots of money as fast as possible, then take the money and run. Making money is good, of course. But it shouldn’t be the primary goal of your life or your company. The primary goal of life is happiness; the primary goal of the company should be something like: To make people happy; To make society a better place” or, To make life easier. A primary goal of, “making money” isn’t good because we can all make money cheating or taking advantage of people. This new company “Robot 55” has two primary goals: “To help society” and, “To have fun.” Robot 55 wants you to have fun with your business and your life. We are interested in making quality productions with quality and enthusiastic and fun people. We want to help society by hiring professionals as well as hiring the handicapped to do jobs that they can do from their own homes, thanks to the internet, and contribute to society. If you want to have fun and believe in the good things in life and your business, then let’s work together. We will also greatly discount video productions for charities and services that help people and make our world a better place to live. Send us e-mail and let’s discuss. Our Mission Statement is: “We will create wonderful videos here — at a profit if we can, at a loss if we must, but always wonderful videos.”
ROBOT55 Company Motto: “Let’s Have Fun!”
About ROBOT55
This is what we are.