Have you ever wanted to appear in a music video? Of course you have! Everyone wants to be a star! Have you ever want to appear in a cool rock band’s video? Sure, you have! Now is your big chance! On Friday, April 3rd, 2015 in Shimokitazawa (about 15 minutes from Shibuya), the gang from Robot55 will do the video production and shoot the promo video for the hot new rock band sensation in Japan: Su Ko D Koi! (Here is their Facebook page. If you can, please come and “Like” it: http://on.fb.me/19e1HCn)
We’re going to make the promotional video for the song, “Busu!”
What’s “Busu”? “Busu,” means “ugly” and it’s a new song and smash sensation by Su Ko D Koi.
Su Ko D Koi write their name like this: Su凸ko D凹koi – すっとこどっこい!But, because I can’t read it, nor say it, I write it like “Su Ko D Koi.”
Anyway, like I said, on April 3rd, 2015 at Shimokitazawa you can get your chance to appear in their video. It could be history in the making!
The girl’s will hold a love concert that night at Shimokitazawa Mosaic (here’s a map: http://www.studio-museum.com/mosaic/access/index.html). Su Ko D Koi is performing a “One-Man Live Show.” The doors open at 18:30 and the show starts at 19:00. Pre-sales tickets are ¥2000 + ¥500 drink and Same Day tickets sell for ¥2500 +500 drink at the door.

Jacket the the first Su Ko D Koi that features the hits “Momanaide” and “Busu.”
That’s cool and if you want to be in their video, you can! We aired “Busu” at the radio show and the fan reaction was massive. Twitter went crazy! These girls are going to be big and you can be in their video! The other good thing is before these girl’s get really famous, not only can you can be in their video – the venue is tiny! It only holds 180 people!
So this is your big chance! Come and grab stardom! Come and be in the video!
Here’s information in Japanese too!
※e+でのチケット販売が1/13から開始されます。こちらにはチケット事前購入特典(4/3のライブ会場受付にて受け取れます)がございますので是非こちらからのご購入、もしくはライブハウスの店頭販売、Su凸ko D凹koiライブ物販にてのチケット購入でも特典がつくのでおすすめしています。
7/23にSu凸ko D凹koiの1stミニアルバムの全国発売が決まりました。
At Robot55 we make video productions for businesses, services and products. But we also pride ourselves on making videos for art and music. Our starting price is ¥70,000 and we are sure we can work out something that fits your budget. Contact us! contact@robot55.jp
制作, 動画, ビデオ制作、video production tokyo, ロボット・ゴー・ゴー, ROBOT55, 動画制作, 動画制作 東京, 格安ビデオ制作 サブカル, ビデオ, commercial video, english language video, english video production, ビデオ編集, プロモーションビデオ, 制作, 動画, ビデオ制作、 ビジネスビデオ制作