It’s time once again for the original and world famous Gaijin Gourmet!
The votes are in folks, there is a winner for the best and cheapest while being extremely delicious soba restaurant in Shibuya and Shinjuku and that winner is Shinshu Soba.
Now, I know I announced the best Soba Chain in Tokyo as being Yude Taro. Please refer to: Gaijin Gourmet – Best Soba Chain in Tokyo?Yude Taro and ¥220 Draft Beer?! and I stand by that recommendation. But, if you are within 1 minute of Shibuya station or within 3 minutes of Shinjuku station then I must make an exception and recommend Shinshu Soba as the best, and most delicious for the price.
Shinshu Soba’s shortcoming? Even though it is a chain-restaurant, there are only two restaurants in the entire chain! Yude Taro is almost everywhere inside of the Yamanote Train Line loop around Tokyo!
Today, let’s look at what is undoubtedly my, and my close friend’s, very favorite soba shop in Shibuya; Shinshu Soba!
Incredibly, the best soba in Shibuya is also the closest to the station (how did that happen?) Shinshu Soba is about 1 minute walk from Shibuya. It’s 10 seconds from the Mark City Building… Walking directly from JR Shibuya station, when you see the escalator to go up into Mark City, keep walking straight (The pachinko places are to your right). turn right at the second small street. There is Shinshu soba on your left. Can’t miss it.
Shinshu Soba caught my eye because the first time I went there, the place was packed with women. Why is this important in Japan? Because if an establishment (especially a basically stand-up eating place that caters to businessmen, is packed with women, that can only mean one thing: The food is great and the prices fantastic and the place is clean!)
Fast service, delicious food, great prices and a spotlessly clean kitchen. What more could you want? Oh, and the Shibuya restaurant does have seating for about 10 people… But if you want to sit down, do not go there during the lunch or dinner rush. There’s a line of people to get in at those times. Another sign of a great place to eat at excellent prices.

The traditional soba dishes and a much larger selection of tastes that even women and children like!
The prices at Shinshuu Soba and Yude Taro are comparable. But! Shinshu Soba does beat out Yude Taro for the Mori Soba (pictured on the right above). That’s a plate of delicious healthy cold soba noodles for $2.00 (USD) and, of course, in Japan, no tipping! Can’t beat it anywhere!
If you want to eat healthy soba noodles and you are near Shibuya or Shinjuku station, the you can’t beat Shinshuu Soba. Anywhere else in Tokyo? Yude Taro is hard to beat.
Shinshu Soba Shibuya: Shibuya Ku, Dogenzaka 2-6-4
Open weekdays from 7:30~23:15 Sunday and holidays 9:00~22:00 Open 365 days a year!
Shinshu Soba Shinjuku: Shinjuku Ku, Shinjuku 3-35-5
Open weekdays from 7:30~23:30 Sunday and holidays 7:30~23:00
Tell them the Gaijin Gourmet sent you!
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