Hullo, my dear human species! I is ROBOT55!
Last weekend, I joined what is considered to be one of the three great Shinto festivals of Tokyo, along with the Fukagawa Matsuri and Sanno Matsuri, or some might even say one of the three great Shinto festivals of Japan, along with Gion Matsuri in Kyoto and Tenjin Matsuri in Osaka, the Kanda Matsuri!

神田明神(創建伝天平2年)/ Kanda Shrine, founded in 730 AD

関ヶ原の合戦の戦勝祈祷から始まったとされるこの祭の熱気は400年以上経った21世紀 の今日も健在しております!
Started as a prayer for victory in the battle of Sekigahara, the decisive battle that changed the course of Japan’s destiny in 1600, Kanda Matsuri’s energy is still as present as ever after 400 years!

出陣寸前の神田鍛冶町弐丁目の神輿と山車 / Kanda Kaji-cyo 2-cyome’s Mikochi & float marching

Matsuri is fun for both young and old, girls & boys – kind of rare for what is essentially a religious ceremony!

Besides miyairi, the ritual to return the demi-god from mikoshi, the small mobile shrine, to the main Kanda shrine, the most spectacle part of Kanda matsuri is when centuries-old mikoshis march through the street of Akiabara, the world-famous post-modern electric/electronic town as well as the otaku-pop-culture’s major breeding ground – nothing sums up the both ends of Japan’s cultural spectrum better.

Matsuri is held everywhere in Japan between late spring and late Autumn. As it is fundamentally a Shinto ceremony to thank Gods for harvest, Autumn being the most popular time. Kanda matsuri is a major tourist-attraction for both local and international tourists. However, it’s even more fun to participate and carry the little mobile shrine yourself. People are usually very friendly and often provide you with free booze! Can be the experience of a lifetime!

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