It’s time once again for the Top 3 Indies Artist Video Countdown. The Top 3 best Indies and Alternative Music artists for the week of Feb. 5, 2017! And it’s Ladies Nite, folks! 4 of my fave ladies bands for the week!
First up are the Baby Shakes who no strangers to our countdown or my radio show (WTF? Every Sunday 8 am ~ 10 am InterFM 897). They are are coming to Japan next month! Check it out!

Baby Shakes 2017 Japan Tour
#3) Baby Shakes “I’ll Be Alright”
At #2 are a Rock n Roll Punk female trio from Los Angeles named Bleached. Here’s their FB page:
#2) Bleached “Dead in Your Head”
At #1 is Daphne Guinness. Rodney on the Roq has been playing her a lot. She has a story to tell! “Wait a sec!” I hear you say! That’s right! Daphne is a blood relation to THAT Guinness! Here’s what Wikipedia has to say, “The Honourable Daphne Diana Joan Susanna Guinness (born 9 November 1967) is a British and Irish fashion designer, art collector, model, film producer and actor. She is an heir by direct descent of the 18th century Irish brewer Arthur Guinness.” What!? That means that, because I’ve drank so much Guinness in my life, am hungover now, that Daphne and I are blood related relatives! (Because I have so much Guinness left-over in my blood stream from last night!) Daphne and I are related, in a sideways sort of fashion! Buuuuurp!
Thanks to Kona Cindy for turning us onto Daphne (I already knew the Guinness part).
#1) Evening In Space: Daphne Guinness / David LaChapelle / Tony Visconti
TODAY’S SPOTLIGHT ARTIST! Is a Tokyo-based female rock trio band named su凸ko d凹koi (すっとこどっこい)… OK. Too difficult for English speakers (me too!) so just say, “Su Ko D Koi!” Their newest CD just came out and it is sold out all over Japan! Well done, ladies. Also they headlined at our New Year’s party on Jan. 23 and were fab!
Besides that, I posted today’s video because it was made by my friend, Ken and me. The video just passed 90,000 views! (Actually, there are two URLs of the same video so the grand total of views is almost 130,000!) Wow! Thanks so much everybody! Please go like their FB page:
TODAY’S SPOTLIGHT ARTIST! Su Ko D Koi (Su凸ko D凹koi (すっとこどっこい) “Busu” (Ugly) 「ブス」
That’s all for today! See you next week when we return to the Top 3 Indies Artist Videos Countdown. See ya! – Mike in Tokyo Rogers
About Mike in Tokyo Rogers: Mike has been a professional music/TV/radio/anime-related program producer in Japan since the eighties. He began in the music business in 1977 as lead vocalist with the legendary Los Angeles Punk Band, “The Rotters” (Sit on My Face Stevie Nix.). As a university student, he was assistant to the legendary Rodney Bingenheimer (Rodney on the ROQ – KROQ Los Angeles from 1980 ~ 1981.) Mike was the first and only foreigner in Japanese history to become the General Manager of a major Japanese broadcasting station (TV Tokyo owned InterFM). Has produced a few smash hit programs and several of Japan’s highest rated and most famous radio programs. A recent hit program was “The TV Show” (Set Program with “Ninja Slayer”) which, between April – Oct. 2015, garnered over 10 million viewers. He is currently producing and hosting “WTF?” the hugely popular Sunday live show on InterFM 89.7 as well as Rakuten Superrr Radio’s Power Morning everyday Mon. ~ Fri. 6 am ~ 10 am. As well as Rakuten Superrr Radio’s Power Evening Mon. ~ Fri. 5 pm ~ 8 pm. And his life’s dream is his just completed full-length motion picture, “Ghostroads – A Japanese Rock and Roll Ghost Story”which will be released by a major Japanese motion picture company and in theaters all across Japan in Autumn 2017. (See trailer here:
Top 3 Indies Artist Videos for Jan 29, 2017!
Top 3 Indies Artist Videos for Jan 22, 2017! Daphne Guinness, Kylie Hughes, Peter118, Plasticzooms (Japan)
Top 3 Indies Artist Videos for Jan 8, 2017! Su凸ko D凹koi, Sex Organs, Tearaways, Cabbage!凸ko-d凹koi-sex-organs-tearaways-cabbage/
Top 3 Indies Artist Videos for Jan 1, 2017! Rews, The Tearaways, Future Babes, Su Ko D Koi (Japan)
Top 3 Indies Artist Videos for Dec. 18, 2016! Louise Distras, The Spitfires, Warbly Jets, Stephanies (Japan)!
Top 3 Indies Artist Videos for Dec. 11, 2016! Ginger Wildheart & Ryan Hamilton, The Stompin’ Riff Raffs (Japan), Pale Honey, Family Friends!
Top 3 Indies Artist Videos for Nov. 27, 2016! Flyying Colours! The Regrettes, The Future Babes, Twinkle Twinkles (Japan)!
Top 3 Indies Artist Videos for Nov. 19, 2016! Garage Rockin’ Craze (Japan)! Spitfires! Orwells! Maddy Jane!
Top 3 Indies Artist Videos for Nov. 12, 2016! Suzy Blu, Candy Ditches (Japan), RPMs, Seth Bogart!
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